Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You


by Y2marmar 1 review

After the events of the previous night, Axl and Slash have a row and Slash storms out to Izzy and Steven. Izzy tells Slash his true feelings for Axl

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-06-04 - Updated: 2008-06-04 - 2238 words

Slash opened his eyes and then clamped them shut again. That light was far too bright for someone with a hangover as bad as his. His head hurt like hell and he had no idea where he was. Oh yeah....some motel in....somewhere. They had a gig tonight. He lay in bed with his eyes shut, trying to remember what had happened the day before and why his ass hurt so much. He remembered getting wasted with Izzy. But then Izzy left with Adler. Then what? Oh yeah. He smiled to himself. He'd had sex. With a hot red head. Nice. She'd been real kinky. She'd fucked him in the ass. That must be why it hurt so much.
As he lay there, recalling this, he felt a warm mouth wrap around his cock. He wondered was it the red head? Or maybe he'd hooked up with someone else after her. He hoped it was the red head. He reached down to stroke the head of whoever was doing it. She had long silky hair. He moaned aloud as she sucked on his cock. As he fondled her hair and enjoyed the sensation of his cock being sucked, a thought occurred to him. He remembered Axl's strange obsession with him. He remembered the red head fucking him in the ass. Girls don't have dicks though. That could only mean...
Slash sat bolt upright, nearly choking Axl on his cock.
"What the fuck?" Axl spluttered, climbing up to his feet.
"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Slash roared, jumping out of the bed.
"I was trying to give you a blowjob," Axl replied indignantly.
"What the fuck gave you the idea that I wanted a blowjob?"
"Well after last night..." Axl stopped and smiled slyly, "You don't remember do you?"
"Remember what?" Slash asked warily, praying that his memories of the previous night were a blurry dream.
"We had sex," Axl announced proudly, "You asked, begged me in fact, to fuck you,"
"You're lying," Slash accused, suddenly realizing that he was standing before Axl, stark naked. He reached for his trousers and began pulling them on as Axl spoke.
"Nope," Axl sat back down on the edge of the bed, thoroughly enjoying himself, "I fucked you twice. You fucked me once. Then gave me a blow job,"
Ok, so that last part was a lie, but who cared? Slash's face was priceless.
"How could you do that?" Slash demanded, "I was out of it. I couldn't control myself and you took advantage of that. What you did was as bad as rape,"
"Rape?" Axl scoffed, "Dude, you threw yourself at me,"
"I didn't know what I was doing," Slash insisted, "You shouldn't have taken advantage of me,"
"Face the facts man, you're a faggot,"
"I told you I wasn't interested in you sexually," Slash said, "I asked you to stop seducing me but you couldn't. You couldn't resist just sticking your dick in, could you? Fucking pervert,"
Slash bit his lip, wishing he hadn't said that. But there was no taking it back now. Axl let a roar and flew at him, knocking him to the floor with a punch. The two began fighting, throwing punches. Luckily, Duff chose that moment to stroll through the door. He quickly pulled Axl off Slash. Slash stood up and wiped some blood from his nose. He checked his watch. 2:30 pm.
"I need to go," he said, "I can't be here,"

Slash wandered the town aimlessly for an hour before he found himself outside Izzy's bedroom. He knocked on the door and lit a cigarette. He heard some shuffling and a sleepy Steven opened the door.
"Hey man," he mumbled, "What's up?"
"Not much," Slash lied, inhaling deeply. His pride wouldn't allow him to admit what happened.
Steven blinked sleepily.
"What...uh...why are you here?"
Slash hesitated. Why was he here? He shrugged.
"Oh, you know...." he began, "Just bored,"
Steven sighed. Slash had always been an awful liar. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him, shivering. He wasn't actually wearing any clothes.
"What's the deal man?" he asked, "I know you inside out, dude. What's up?"
"I had sex with Axl," Slash blurted out, "I didn't mean to but I was drunk and it just sorta...happened, you know?"
"Aren't you guys...."
"No," Slash answered hurriedly, "It was just a stupid game that Axl invented to doesn't matter. It got outta hand and now I don't know what's what,"
Steven raised an eyebrow.
"Woah," he said finally, "What was it like?"
"What?" Slash asked indignantly, "I can't remember, I was wasted. I just remember the vaguest of details,"
"Well what's the big deal?" Steven asked, "I mean it was just sex, right?"
"I don't know," Slash said thoughtfully, "Axl is getting very close and touchy. I don't know whether he wants me or wants to bug me. Whenever I ask, he gives a stupid grin and tells me he's in love,"
Steven opened his mouth to respond when Izzy opened the door, wearing only his boxers.
"Why are you out here? Naked?" he asked, squinting his eyes in the bright light. Why did it have to be so fucking bright? "Just chatting," Steven turned and smiled at Izzy, "Slash has a little problem,"
Slash rolled his eyes. Great, now he'd have to tell Izzy and the whole fucking band would know he was a faggot.
"Well..." Izzy trailed off, distracted by the sheer beauty of Steven's naked body. It never ceased to amaze him.
"You wanna...uh....come inside? You'll get arrested for public indecency. Again," he added wryly.
Steven grinned lopsidedly and made his way back inside. He sat down on the floor and picked up a bong.
"So,'d you end up fucking Axl anyway?" he asked.
"Man, I've been asking myself the very same thing," he groaned, falling down beside Steven, "Gimme some of that pot,"
Izzy stood over them with his arms folded.
"So, what? You had sex with Axl? I thought you guys were together now,"
"Nah," Steven craned his neck to look up, "It's all fake. Axl wants someone else. Makin' them jealous with Slash,"
Izzy raised an eyebrow. So that was his game. Izzy was ashamed to admit that it was working. He was insanely jealous. But also confused. He loved Steven madly. He didn't want to leave him. He loved Steven's innocence. The way he believed the world to be one big giant bake sale. He loved the way Steven saw the good in everybody and in everything. And he loved the way Steven clearly needed him. But he couldn't stop thinking about Axl. He couldn't get him out of his head. Every move Axl made, fascinated Izzy. The way he gyrated his body onstage, the way he sprawled on the floor to read magazines...
"Dude?" Slash snapped his fingers, "Did you hear me?"
"Sorry," Izzy blinked, trying to quell his arousal, "I was in a world of my own,"
"Again," Steven muttered, "Can I have whatever you're on?"
"I was asking you if this means I'm a faggot?" Slash said, "I was wasted, I had no idea what I was doing. He knew that and took advantage. He says I begged him,"
"Well from what I heard, you were clearly enjoying it," Izzy said.
"" Slash stuttered.
"Every single moan, thrust and groan," Izzy replied quietly. It had been hell.
"I didn't hear anything," Steven piped up.
"Well you wouldn't, Mister Snore," Izzy snapped, "Put on some fucking clothes,"
Steven blushed, he'd forgotten he was still naked. He got up and began pulling on a pair of jeans. Izzy threw himself down beside Slash and took a pull from the bong. Izzy watched Steven from where he was sitting and felt guilty for being short with him. It wasn't his fault that Izzy was finding it hard to stay faithful. He got up and gave Steven a tight hug.
"What's that for?" Steven asked, when Izzy let go.
"Just...don't ever change on me, ok?" Izzy asked, "You're perfect, just as you are,"
Steven raised an eyebrow and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.
"Seriously man," he said, sitting back down beside Slash, "What are you taking? I want it,"
"You know, just a little...." Izzy trailed off, watching Steven move around the room.
He actually was wasted, he knew that. He was drinking and using a hell of a lot. His run ins with Axl was causing it. He wanted Axl badly. He wanted his body, his ass, his cock. But he didn't want to betray Steven. So he drank and shot himself up with heroin to stop himself from cheating.
"Izzy," Steven snapped a finger in front of Izzy's face.
"Wh...huh?" Izzy blinked, being dragged away from his thoughts once more.
"I was asking if you wanted anything?" Steven said, "I'm going to get some smokes,"
" No I'm fine,"
Shooting his boyfriend a concerned look, Steven headed out the door.

When Slash had left, Axl threw himself on the bed and opened Slash's Jack Daniels, drinking the end of it as fast as he could. It would serve Slash right to come back and find it gone.
"What the hell was that about?" Duff asked, sitting on the floor and lighting a cigarette. "He says I raped him," Axl said, swallowing the end of the whiskey, "We fucked last night. He was pissed, can barely remember it and says I raped him,"
"Shit," Duff blew out some smoke, "I thought you two were in love,"
Axl sighed deeply and turned his back to Duff, thinking once more about Izzy. He hadn't stopped thinking about Izzy. All night long, when he'd been fucking Slash, all he'd been able to think about was Izzy. Izzy's hair, eyes, face. The cute way he blew smoke through his lips when smoking. They way he laughed at something funny
"Dude?" Duff got up and sat beside him, "What's wrong?"
Axl sighed, wiping away a tear.
"Axl, Slash will get over this," Duff said, "He does stuff like this all the time."
"This isn't about him," Axl muttered. He sighed deeply.
"I love Izzy," Axl said. "I always have and I probably always will. But growing up, I was taught that sex was wrong and evil. Especially with a man. My dad was an ass. So I repressed my feelings for Izzy. I was terrified of him. Now he's with Steven. I've told him how I feel, but he doesn't wanna know,"
"Shit," Duff said, "How does he feel about you?"
"He was in love with me, through our teens, " Axl sighed, "But I was too scared to be with him. Now it's too late. He loves Steven. He told me he doesn't wanna know. I should have ignored those fears. I was to scared to let him in and now I've lost him.
"You need to tell him," Duff said quietly, "You need to tell him once and for all how you feel. You need to make one last shot. You need to let him know that you love him. But you need to be prepared for rejection. You don't wanna ruin your friendship,"
"I am prepared," Axl said, "If he doesn't wanna know, I'll repress the feelings i have for him. I'll be his friend. I'd sacrifice anything for him,"
"Tonight at the gig," Duff told him, "Take him aside later and tell him what you told me, okay? Everything. He needs to know just how much you love him,"
"Okay," Axl smiled at Duff, "I'll do it. I'll tell him,"

Izzy sat back on the floor and opened the bottle of vodka and downed the end of it in one gulp. He took out a syringe and began filling it up.
"Dude," Slash began, "I know I'm hardly one to talk, but do you think thats wise? You can barely focus as it is and we've a gig later,"
Izzy ignored him and shot the heroin into his arm. He lay down on the floor and waited for it to take effect.
"I love Steven," he said with his eyes closed, "I love him more than anything. I wanna spend my life with him. But Axl is fucking hot,"
Slash raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
"Axl wants me badly. And I want him," Izzy continued, "I wanna fuck him. It was hell hearing him with you last night. But I don't wanna hurt Steven. I love him, man,"
"Well then, why don't you...uh..." Slash trailed off, realising he had no real advice for Izzy.
"I don't wanna cheat on him. So I drink and take whatever I can get my hands on to stop myself from going in and fucking Axl. If I was sober I would. But if I'm..."
Izzy trailed off. Slash waited a moment.
"Izzy?" he asked, "You okay man?"
Izzy snored loudly. Great, Slash thought. They had a gig in four hours and Izzy was unconscious. He figured the best thing to do would be to let him sleep a while and then waken him. He'd bum some coffee from one of the other people here, he'd get some cigarettes of one of the band and it would be fine. It would have to be. They needed this gig. They needed the money.
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