Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Freaky Romance

Freaky Romance

by gypsydancer349 2 reviews

Freaky Friday with a huge twist.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-04 - Updated: 2008-02-05 - 446 words

I can’t take it any anymore! It’s always the same thing every damn day: wake up, school (college as a dance major), work (selling dance supplies), homework, and bed. I never really have time for friends, and I never really get to have fun, or even relax. I’m so sick of my life, I don’t even want to go to sleep, this way I don’t have to start it over again.
Carrie looked up at the night sky and then saw a shooting star fly bye. She closed her eyes and thought
“I wish I had an exciting life, doing something I love everyday. Having fun, laughing and being with friends, finding a boyfriend every day. I wish I could be some one important, not just a girl who goes to school then a dance shop. I wish for love.”
Then she opened them, and went back inside, going to her dinning room table and starting her homework. While doing her homework she fell into a sleepless dream.

Here we go, another day on tour. Tonight we are going to be performing in our home state, which is always something I look forward too, but I still feel like something is missing. I guess after breaking up with your girlfriend that you’ve had for six years can put a damper on things, but I shouldn’t be this sad. I also miss being able to just have a break. I need time to just be normal. Maybe if I were, I wouldn’t have lost interest in my girlfriend. No scratch that, maybe if I weren’t famous I would have had time for her and wouldn’t have had to break up with her.
Gerard looked up at the night sky through the tour bus window. Then he saw a shooting star and closed his eyes and thought
“I wish I could be happy. I wish I could actually be in a real relationship and have it last. I guess I wish I could have a break, to be normal, to be able to walk into a coffee shop and not be noticed, just like in the olden days. I wish for love.”
He then re-opened his eyes turned to his band mates who were either texting on their sidekicks, eating, or playing video games. “Come on guys, lets gives these fans a show that they will never forget.” After the performance Gerard returned to his bunk and fell into a sleepless dream.

And this is where our story begins, when the two completely different people wake up in the morning to a completely different scene to their eyes.
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