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“Sola Itami Naberrie by Sevens”

by Polgarawolf 0 reviews

TITLE: “Sola Itami Naberrie by Sevens” PAIRING: She’s technically married to Darred Janren, though that has a lot less to do with love than with, say, envy and covetousness . . . RATING: Uh...

Category: Star Wars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Amidala,Anakin,Obi-Wan - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-03-02 - Updated: 2008-03-02 - 2715 words - Complete

“Sola Itami Naberrie by Sevens”

/LJ version (7 Sins & 7 Virtues)/

01.) Greed: It’s not power-lust that drives her so much as it is simple greed, due to a much less simple combination of wrath (at being overlooked in favor of Padmé for so long) and aggrieved rage (at the loss of her first two children – tragedies Padmé caused, in her insistence on being Queen and hero) and plain old jealousy (at being denied a better place in her husband’s, her mother’s, her family’s heart) for what she’s never had.

02.) Gluttony: She gluts herself on stolen energy from her father, on the pain and suffering and worry and anguish of the people around her, as the war drags on and more and more Nabooians die in Separatists attacks and acts of terrorism, and on the headily intoxicating sense of absolute evil and Darkness that radiates off of her Master, reveling in each act of gluttony as a starving woman might rejoice over a free and filling meal.

03.) Wrath: Her Master’s wrath is often terrifying to behold, but she loves to see him rage, so long as she is not an object of his anger, for his fury makes him young and virile again, and, when his mask drops and he turns to her, she is the one who reaps the benefits, reveling in the hardness of his body and his touch and rejoicing over her repeated ravishments.

04.) Sloth: Sloth is not a fault her Master would ever tolerate, but she must admit that she longs to be able to linger late in bed and simply do nothing at all whatsoever productive on some days, and is glad that he does not seem to know or care how much she lazes about in the mornings when she’s at home, so long as she still manages to perform the tasks he sets her to do and to please him with her progress in and dedication to the Sith arts.

05.) Envy: She quickly discovers that envy and anger are the two must useful emotions to seek out, when searching for weak links that can be bent and molded into proper tools, proper traitors, and it never fails to amaze her how many slighted (and/or would-be) lovers and handmaidens or handmaids who feel as if they’ve been overlooked or passed over or rated lower than they should have been and who’re angry and/or jealous enough of others to be easily turned against their so called love or their mistress and their vows.

06.) Lust: Padmé’s lust for Obi-Wan makes her weak and vulnerable and easily used, not to mention easily led about by her nose, and she finds it incredibly poetically just that her little sister – who idly, easily collected and then broke hearts casually for years, too careless of the affections of others to ever really care if she were leading potential suitors on when she had no intention of actually ever giving up her career and settling down, and too busy with her ambitions to take the time to truly reciprocate anyone’s love for her – is essentially being undone by desire.

07.) Pride: Her pride is formidable, but she considers it wholly justified, for she is, after all, Sola Naberrie, and her Master has named her Darth Ku-Noh, and she is the one who, along with her Master, is going to be responsible for the destruction and death of Padmé Amidala and, with her, of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic both, so she fully expects to be rewarded generously for her part in the death of this epoch and the establishment of a new era, and frankly considers the throne of Naboo being given over to her for her lifetime as a mere drop in the bucket of the riches she will reap, when the day has come and all masks will be dropped.

01.) Humility: Humility has never been a strong point of hers, for she knows she’s bright and she knows she’s beautiful and she knows, too, that she has a gift of strength in the Force greater than that of anyone in her family except Da’mâth Naberrie, and so it isn’t until Da’mâth Jobal has rejected her as a suitable heir and instead chosen her little sister that she even beings to understand the concept of not being first, not being the best – and it is an idea she swiftly finds she does not care for at all!

02.) Kindness: Her mother is known for her kindness and her sister for an even greater tender-hearted empathy, but she considers it a far better virtue to be pragmatic and so be kind and magnanimous when she can afford it and cooly, rationally logical in all other situations.

03.) Abstinence: Abstinence is not at all a virtue she believes worth the having, but she nonetheless refrains from lying down with any men (though she does not restrain herself with women, so long as she knows her hymen will remain intact), though she finds it extremely difficult, because she wants Darred Janren to know he has claimed her maidenhood, when she seduces him at the rites of summer, and to feel indebted to and linked to her, because of that.

04.) Chastity: Chastity is a concept she finds antiquated, unhealthy, and inhumane when it’s something enforced rather than chosen freely just for a little while, and so, after she turns thirteen, she swiftly works her way through the ranks of the beautiful and the pretty and even the merely handsome (so long as they are gifted in other ways) girls at school, to pass the time until Darred is old enough to finally claim.

05.) Patience: Patience is not something that she enjoys making herself have, though she does know how to wait for something she wants, if she desires it badly enough and waiting for it will get it to her quicker than any other way she might be able to go about seizing it.

06.) Liberality: Liberality is a concept she joyfully embraces, for she, like her people, is a liberal at heart, and she, moreover, is a romantic and sensual and pleasure-loving being, so liberality is a way of life and of being as natural to her as breathing.

07.) Diligence: Everything has always come to easily to her, at school, that she doesn’t really believe in a need for much diligence in her life, but, to capture Darred Janren and make him hers forever, she can be just as patience and crafty and diligent in her schemes and manipulations as is necessary.

/Capital Vices & Capital Virtues/

01.) Extravagance/Lust: The Sith encourage extravagance in nearly all things (except the weak, tenderer emotions), as immense power can be got from strong emotions, and she is such a hot-blooded and lusty creature that she finds she has no trouble whatsoever in accepting the reasoning behind the power inherent in such excessiveness.

02.) Gluttony: Gluttony has never been something she’s really been all that interested in, but she finds she has to eat roughly five times what she normally would, otherwise, just to keep the energy stores of her body replenished, from the all the calories and power she burns off working with the Dark Side and training her body to endure various hardships.

03.) Avarice/Greed: Avarice in the sense of lust for money doesn’t appeal to her nearly as much as greed for the sake of power and of the love/fear of others does, but she’ll gladly take riches and prestige and position over any ridiculous, soppy notion of “true love” any day of the week!

04.) Sadness/Sloth (Apathy/Melancholy): It wasn’t mere sadness but a melancholy of the soul and an apathy of the spirit that gripped her, after the loss of each of her first two children, and, while some would have doubtlessly labelled her inability to care about anyone or anything or to rouse her enough to do much of anything pure sloth, in truth it was much more of a crippling depression than any mere act of laziness, on her path.

05.) Wrath/Anger: She can be unreasonably wrathful, when her anger is allowed time and space enough to build up a proper head of steam, and she has to be very careful, to keep from having her temper explode on her during any of her dealings with her thrice-cursed saintly little sister.

06.) Envy: The envy that grips her heart and soul is not any mere petty jealousy of looks or accomplishment but rather a poisonous discontent and resentful longing for all of the adulation and pride of position and power that her sister has claimed by stealing such things away from Sola, who (as eldest and loveliest and cleverest!) deserves them all far better than Padmé!

07.) Pride/Vanity: She is utterly convinced that it is not vanity speaking but rather a perfectly reasonable pride in herself and her accomplishments and abilities and talents, when she tells Darth Sidious that she is the one who is worthy of being his only true apprentice, and his gleeful laugh and continued acceptance of her as his secret apprentice is all the confirmation she needs, to keep her certain of this.

01.) Chastity: She wanted no second-rate replacement children, to try to make up for the loss of the two perfect babies stolen from her, and so for a while enforced an unspoken rule of chastity between her and her husband . . . until one day it occurred to her that having children – something that Padmé could never do, wed to her career as she was – would be a better way of hurting her sister than refraining from trying to have any more.

02.) Temperance: Temperance in any thing – be it drink, food, emotion, or otherwise – is so completely alien to her nature that she finds the Sith and their extravagances a perfect natural fit.

03.) Charity: Charity is for the weak and for those who wish to look better to others, and she can be bothered with neither, anymore.

04.) Diligence: Diligence in the pursuit of a rich reward is one thing, but why work hard when one can be clever and get what one wants in other, easier ways?

05.) Patience/Forgiveness: Forgiveness is, in her (not so very humble at all) opinion, as overrated as patience, and, unless pretending to or temporarily holding to the sense of either holds a way for her to achieve a goal she might otherwise have to work much more diligently to achieve, then she personally has no use for either one.

06.) Kindness: Kindness is a tool like any other, to be used to manipulated others into giving a person what she wants.

07.) Humility: Humility has no place among the Sith, and, to be honest, she’s never entirely been able to bring herself to believe that anyone (with perhaps the possible exception of that wholly unnatural man, the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi) really does anything more than pretend to have it, in any case.

/Seven Deadly Sins (Cardinal Sins) & Seven Holy Virtues/

01.) Lust: With three exceptions, every time she’s conceived of a lust for a person, she’s acted on it, eventually, and she fully intends to add those three – Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Bail Organa – to her list of conquests, before all is said and done.

02.) Gluttony: She does not count it gluttony, to strip the energy and power and Force-sensitivity from her father (who is, after all, not really using it!) until the man’s very life is in danger, but merely sensible accrual of more power and more energy for herself.

03.) Greed: She finds it silly, how so many sentient races label certain actions as motivated by greed when she would merely say that they are proof that a person knows what he or she or it wants and isn’t afraid to go after it and get it by whatever means proves to be necessary.

04.) Sloth: The judgment in her husband’s eyes speaks to her of sloth and self-indulgence, some mornings when she does not rise when he does, but it is not laziness to stay in bed on days when her muscles hurt so badly from training that it would not be possible to be up and about without giving away the fact that she is in pain and so call attention to something that she has specifically been ordered to keep a secret!

05.) Wrath: She has an extremely hard time not laughing in her sister’s face, whenever Padmé pretends to wrath and postures and snarls and says nasty things about the Trade Federation and the Separatists, for she’s seen true fury, in the rages of her Master, and she knows what she is capable of, in the grips of anger, and her baby sister’s rather pathetic displays of displeasure and annoyance more properly resemble the petulant pouting of a babe, next to such violent displays, than they do true wrath.

06.) Envy: She tells herself it is not envy of Padmé but fury over having what is rightfully hers stolen from her by her baby sister that drives her, but the truth is that jealousy has a lot more to do with it than she likes to admit or even think about.

07.) Pride: Pride is always said to go before a fall, but frankly she believes that it’s better to have enough sense of self-worth to be prideful and to risk falling than it is to grub along in the dirt and be mousy and boring and petty and small, like some people she can think of . . .

01.) Valor: Valor she has in plenty – one cannot be a Sith without possessing enough of a backbone to be courageous in situations where most beings would turn tail and flee – but it’s a different kind of bravery than her sister’s ridiculous insistence on making herself and the whole of her family a target, by accepting first the throne and then a seat on the Galactic Senate, and so she accounts herself far more pragmatic than her damn-fool idealistic, stupidly romantic sister.

02.) Generosity: Unexpected (and undeserved) generosity can be a boon, in the wooing of allies and proper tools, and she does not stint, when she has a specific end in mind, though largess simple for the sake of giving is something she frankly finds to be unnatural in its alienness.

03.) Liberality: Liberality towards herself she expects as her rightful due, but she can no more bother to extend any to her view of others than she can be bothered to be generous to kind when it will not yield her something far greater than what little effort she might expend in such an act of magnanimity, and perhaps this is simply because other people and their wants and desires and frustrations and hopes just aren’t ever quite real to her.

04.) Diligence: Diligence is a waste of time, unless excessive care and conscientiousness in some given task is something that her Master clearly expects in the accomplishment of said task.

05.) Patience: Her sister’s patience with the obvious flaws in the political system and unwavering faith in democracy never fails to boggle her mind, for the Senate and bureaucracy are so obviously corrupt and utterly nonfunctional, to her, that it seems the very worst sort of willful blindness, to persist in such patience and to trust that the system will ever work enough to ever see to it that the right thing for the people is done.

06.) Kindness: She is almost as good at pretending kindness as she is at feigning interest in the boring little souls she recruits among her sister’s coterie and guards, to help her do her Master’s work, and she often muses on the fact that she is a far better actress than any of the stars on the silly holovid dramas that her mother so loves to watch.

07.) Humility: Humility, like peace, is a lie, and she is glad to not have to pretend to either one, when she is with her Master and able to finally relax her guard and simply be herself, without having to worry about giving herself away and tipping anyone off to who and what she really is.
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