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“Rosé Ganesa, Fourth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala”

by Polgarawolf 0 reviews

TITLE: “Rosé Ganesa, Fourth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala” PAIRING: Rosé Ganesa and Essé Seltrin, a fellow handmaiden from the previous training class. RATING: Uhm, prob...

Category: Star Wars - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Amidala,Anakin,Obi-Wan,Qui-Gon - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2008-03-02 - Updated: 2008-03-02 - 1792 words - Complete

“Rosé Ganesa, Fourth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala”

01.) Ambition: She has always known that she’s different from almost all other people (though she’s generally quite good at hiding it, so long as she remembers to keep her inner passions all carefully banked, hidden away behind a look of constant unfocused sleepiness that has fooled almost everyone in her life into assuming that she is a dreamer who’s simply extremely prone to daydreaming); yet, she’s never considered herself to be vicious or a freak (all of her kills have been motivated by a desire for self-preservation and for the accumulation of power, after all, and all of them – save the first – have been well planned out and meticulously, coldly executed, for necessity’s sake, not out of any sense of vindictiveness or sine unnatural joy in the killing or the pain being inflicted in the process of killing), but rather a pragmatist, and she has plenty of intelligence and even ambitious drive, despite what some certain people seem to think: she just doesn’t see the need to work her ass off for anything when it’s so much easier (and infinitely more satisfying!) to get other people to do most of the actual hard work for her, instead, is all.

02.) Trade: Her first significant (i.e., human) kills were at the age of three, and were perhaps a bit over the top, all things considered, but the house fire that claimed her mother and father and elder sister and baby brother never was explained (and so was ruled accidental, though in fact she actually accidentally set it, trying to light her older sister’s pet voorpak on fire, for having dared to bite her hand thrice in a row, hard enough to make her bleed), and, anyway, when she was five, she was subsequently taken in by the Kerenna family – a family considered the highest of local nobility (with money and influence enough to qualify as petty nobility, perhaps, elsewhere on Naboo), in the city of Vis, reduced by the attrition of time and ever-dwindling numbers to an elderly couple whose only child, a daughter, took the name of her much more nobly born husband when she wed, and who have therefore fostered a steady stream of children in their rambling manor home in the country outside the city, in an attempt to find one “worthy” of carrying on the family name – so she’s always considered it to have been a good trade, especially since the only person who ever would have suspected anything (her father’s younger half sister, Jissae) needed the insurance money yielded by the fire to pay for the expensive bills she’d amassed, between her husband getting himself rather untimely killed kin a freak storm that capsized his fishing boat and her going into labor too early (upon hearing of his death) and the child being born far too early and so sickly that it was a miracle the girl lived at all, and so never said anything of her suspicions, her silence allowing Rosé to fabricate and otherwise gather up enough “evidence” to implicate Jissae as the one truly responsible for the fire, if need be, should she ever change her mind and decide to speak out.

03.) Like: She looks surprisingly like their new Queen (aside from her slightly more tanned skin and arched eyebrows and slightly upturned nose and perpetually half-lidded, heavy-eyed expression), and everyone knows it and says so, from her generally quite oblivious to just about everything foster family to the trained pets she keeps as friends (eager little sycophants, all), so she figures she might as well make use of it while she can and see what she can get out of it, before the Queen’s reign is up and someone else could be elected.

04.) Want: She doesn’t actually want to be a handmaiden, /per se/, but she figures that such an in into the royal court can be parlayed into a good match – good enough that she’ll never have to work a day again in her life – and then she can retire from the position, hopefully before things can get crazy enough that she’ll ever actually have to risk her neck for anyone other than herself.

05.) Mutual: It wouldn’t be taking things too far to say that Sabé Dahn (the girl who looks so much like the Queen that they might be easily mistaken for twins) hates her at first sight, and the feeling is mutual enough that she smiles her sweetest smile when Captain Panaka overrules the decoy’s stringent but nebulous complaints and protests in order to formally accept Rosé into the third school of handmaiden trainees.

06.) Time: They are technically supposed to get a full month’s worth of testing and training at the Naberrie Lake House Retreat on Varykino and another full month of practical observation and hands-on instruction at the Palace before they become active for full handmaiden duty, but everything is happening so quickly, now, with the Trade Federation’s menace looming ever dark and ever more closely, that there simply isn’t enough time for their class to have anything more than the most perfunctory of testing and training, or so the explanation runs, as they’re told to expect to be at the Naberrie villa for no more than three weeks before being recalled to the Palace for perhaps a week of observation before being expected to assume active duty.

07.) Nightmare: She has a nightmare, her first night at the villa, about a battle involving droid’s built to carry and shoot weapons like soldiers and two men wielding bars of blazing blue light like swords, cutting their way through rank upon rank of droid fighters, to make their way to the Queen, and she knows that something bad is coming, and that they aren’t going to be at Varykino for even as short a time as their instructors seem to think they will.

08.) News: They don’t tell them about the latest news, when they’re secluded in the training area that’s been set up on Varykino, but they’re only there for a week and her dream about the droid soldiers and the two Jedi dancing their way through their ranks never really leaves her thoughts, and so she’s not surprised at all, when they return to the Palace, to discover how rapidly the already bad situation with the Trade Federation has deteriorated.

09.) Control: There are two handmaidens in the first class who are plotting something, she can tell, and normally she’d be tempted to seem to throw in with them and then gradually take over, making herself their leader, but she has a feeling things are rapidly going to spin out of control, with the Trade Federation, and she doesn’t want to get caught in the crossfire, if whatever they’re scheming goes sideways just when the Trade Federation decides to make its move.

10.) Suicidal: She isn’t at all surprised when the Queen takes her favorite from among her handful of primary handmaidens and flees the planet, with the two Jedi she dreamed about helping her make good her escape (and not just because she’d run like the wind to get away from this place, too, if she were Amidala), but she can’t help but feel a little mystified by the sudden certainty that the Queen is going to head for Coruscant as soon as she can, to speak before the Senate, and then end up turning right back around, while the Senate dithers and argues and does nothing of any use to anybody (except of course the Trade Federation), and attempt to storm the planet with whatever pitifully few allies she can gather up, like the suicidal little moron she is.

11.) Match: There’s a girl in the previous class of handmaiden trainees who makes her pulse race with excitement, for in her cold blue eyes she can see a barrier upon passions much like her own, and she cannot help but tremble a little, with excitement, when Essé agrees that they make a good match.

12.) Pain: Essé is a bit more into pain than she really likes – she likes to be in control over others and to hurt those who try to defy her, yes, but not necessarily to torture and certainly not to kill indiscriminately, unless it is for a very specific purpose or her passions demand it, and generally she confines herself to hurting people emotionally and mentally, physically hurting only dumb beasts who won’t be missed as a murdered sentient being most likely would be – but they are a good match, both in bed and out, for they understand each other quite well, and, as long as Essé doesn’t actually try to make Rosé into some kind of masochist, she doesn’t mind pretending she enjoys the pain games Essé likes to experience in bed or the extremely messy interrogation techniques Essé uses on the prisoners more than she actually does . . . especially not since Essé generally does manage to make her own suffering and her behavior during the infliction of pain on others so gorram /hot/.

13.) Freak: Lietté and Roché freak her out, just a little, the way their eyes are so cold when they look at others, but they don’t have anything on that Sith, and, after he puts them firmly in their place, she stops worrying about them quite so much.

14.) Bother: She honestly didn’t mean to kill Essé permanently (though her increasing excesses had been starting to bother Rosé more than a little, striking her more and more the hallmarks of someone spiraling out of control), but the noises Essé had been making were just so incredibly arousing that she got a little bit carried away and pressed a little too hard and squeezed just a little bit too long, and so now she has no choice but to admit what she’s done and hope Lietté and Roché are glad enough to be rid of Essé that they won’t react too terribly badly to finding out what she’s done.

15.) Last: Her last coherent thought, when she wakes to see Dané glaring down at her with so much concentrated hatred that she almost feels singed by the heat of the other girl’s anger, is that she should have invested in some kind of poison tooth or something to save herself from ever having to worry about suffering on her way to death, but it’s too late for such things, now, and, soon, there’s not enough of her left to consciously regret anything.
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