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“Tillé Levesin, Eighth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala”

by Polgarawolf 0 reviews

Title: “Tillé Levesin, Eighth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala” Pairing: Tillé Levesin and Maitané Aldona, a fellow handmaiden from the same training class. Rating: Uhm, pr...

Category: Star Wars - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Amidala,Anakin,Obi-Wan,Qui-Gon - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008-03-02 - Updated: 2008-03-02 - 1576 words - Complete

“Tillé Levesin, Eighth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala”

01.) Green: She doesn’t particularly look like this new Queen – her eyes are green, after all (with blue flecks in them and not brown, meaning that they could never be mistaken for Amidala’s lovely dark brown eyes), and her hair is closer to black than brown and naturally straight as a board to boot, not to mention the fact that her nose turns up and there’s something about her facial features that makes them almost seem mannish, from some angles (possibly due to the squareness of her jaw and the solidly strong blockishness of her face from cheekbones to jaw), rather than softly feminine and heart-shaped, like Amidala’s lovely flower-like face – but the resemblance is close enough that no one would look at her twice, in a crowd of identically dressed handmaidens who’ve been made-up to look as much like one another and like their Queen (when she is free of her royal costumes and ceremonial face paint) as possible, and she likes the idea of being in the royal court, even if only as an apparent chosen companion and guardian for the Queen, and so she gathers up her courage and puts herself forward as a possible candidate by submitting an application for consideration for training as a handmaiden.

02.) Call: She’s so shocked and happy, to receive the comm call informing her that she’s been accepted as part of the third training class of potential handmaidens and should come to the Palace the following Atunda for orientation, for her training, if she still wishes to become a handmaiden for the Queen, that she actually manages to forget, at least for a while, that their world seems to be in imminent danger of rapidly falling apart.

03.) Clairvoyant: They are barely at the Lake House Retreat for a week’s worth of training before they’re abruptly yanked out and brought back to the Palace, and she doesn’t need to be clairvoyant to know that something bad is going to happen soon.

04.) Bluster: She admires Amidala for taking a stance against the Trade Federation, truly she does but there seems to be something other than the usual empty bluster and posturing to the Trade Federation’s threats, and she fears that the situation may be a lot more dire than the Queen (or anybody else) seems to realize.

05.) Control: She is and she isn’t surprised by the Trade Federation’s invasion – yes, because they seem unnaturally convinced that they /must /have control of Naboo and their plasma mining operations, at all costs; no, because it’s such an incredibly bold move and Neimoidians are generally such cowards and those battle droids of theirs are incredibly vulnerable to any kind of attack against their controlling computer – but she is a little surprised by the way that Amidala just left almost all of them behind, even if it was next to impossible – not to mention extremely dangerous – to get past the blockade and probably there wouldn’t’ve been enough room on just the one ship for all of them, anyway.

06.) Consolidate: Orders are to run, to go to ground, to wait for Amidala and work against the Trade Federation in secret, recruiting allies from among the people to sabotage any and all of the Trade Federation’s attempts to consolidate their power base on Naboo, until the Queen can return with help from the Senate, but the Trade Federation is already here in the Palace and Lietté and Roché are turning traitor and everything is happening so very fast, and she’s sure that probably ten or twelve from amongst the various schools of handmaidens got away, but Aimeé and Justé from the second class were cut down as they provided cover for the others to flee and Etté and Aideé from her class have been wounded, and she’s just frozen, unable to make herself try to run, rooted to the spot by Essé’s insanely malicious laughter as she viciously kicks the fallen Aideé, making the girl sob and scream in pain.

07.) Coward: Word is that the Queen’s ship made it past the blockade and that even the little Princess of Theed managed to get safely out of the Palace and go to ground, and she feels like such a coward that she bursts into helpless tears of shame and anger, quieting only when Maitané comes to hold her and rocks her comfortingly in her arms, cooing a soft little soothing lullaby to calm her down.

08.) Cell: After a day and a half in the complete darkness of her makeshift cell, she honestly feels like she’s about ready to lose her mind, and she’s pretty damn sure she’d be beating on the door, screaming for someone’s attention and to be let out, if not for Maitané.

09.) Rumor: Rumor has always had it that the handmaiden oaths are so closely based on the old oaths that used to be sworn by the acolyte-like chosen companions and guardians of the monarch when the monarchy was as much about glorifying and worshiping the Great Lady as it was about actually ruling that the Queen intended for her older handmaidens to be able to take bonded free-mates amongst themselves (to make up for the families they were giving up, in taking those oaths to become handmaidens) and that this is the reason why the potential handmaiden trainees were so often encouraged to double up and placed in suites meant for two, when they got to the Palace, but whatever the reason, she is unutterably grateful for her roommate Maitané’s presence, calming and centering her and giving her someone to cling to, when the darkness in their makeshift prison and the noises of pain and anger and suffering from outside (presumably in other such cells) become too much to bear.

10.) Broken: On the second day, Essé and Rosé come to try to frighten them, gloating over how many other prisoners they’ve already broken for their new Trade Federation masters, but it’s Lietté and Roché who actually come to interrogate them, late on the fourth day, and that makes it far worse than she’d been trying to prepare herself for it to be.

11.) Frenzy: Maitané is so much stronger than Tillé is that she seems to feel obligated to take the brunt of the pain being offered them, but that only angers Lietté so much that she goes into a frenzy of sorts, flechettes and branding irons and thumbscrews and a homemade rack all brought out for use, and, no matter how much she cries and begs and pleads for Lietté to leave Maitané alone and to hurt her, instead, it does no good, only making the fiend laugh maniacally and leer at her through the blood-smeared mask of her face, sensuously licking the flat blade of one of her knives clean, like a child licking the chocolate icing off of a cooking spatula, her expression of unbridled pleasure identical to that of a woman in the throes of orgasm.

12.) Try: Maitané breaks so completely that Tillé is almost positive that even the best Minders in the galaxy will never be able to pick up enough of the pieces to put her back together again, but Tillé tries to help, anyway, because she loves her, and she doesn’t know what else to do but try.

13.) Torture: Everyone seems to know that they “broke” under torture – the looks they get are either full of contempt, for not being stronger, or of distrust, for not changing sides willingly, or (occasionally) of pity, for what they’ve been through – and she knows nothing good will likely come of this changing sides business, but she’d been so frantic to get Maitané away from Lietté that she just hadn’t known what else to do, and it’s too late, now, to try to do the noble thing (the thing the Queen and their instructors all would’ve expected of them) and refuse to cooperate.

14.) Alive: When she sees the Sith, she knows they aren’t going to make it out of this alive, and she starts plotting ways to take down as many of these evil beings with them as they possibly can.

15.) Red: She’s not sure Maitané really understands what they’re doing – she skips about more like an excitable child than a woman who truly comprehends what they’re doing, singing about red hands and faces gone purple-blue from gas and lovely bombs going boom and bad people going squish; yet, sometimes she also seems to grimace as if on the brink of tears, as though pained in some way by what they’re doing – but she’s so sure that Maitané will be better off not suffering anymore and that Sabé and the Queen will never forgive her, for seeming to break and for cooperating with someone like Lietté, and, anyway, these traitors to Naboo they’re targeting who turned on their people willingly, without any kind of coercion at all, deserve to die, just as the cowardly sycophants the Trade Federation Viceroy brought with him, to see to his needs, so she figures they might as well go out in a blaze of glory and do Amidala the favor of taking as many of the bastards with them as they can.
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