Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

16 and trying ch. 2

by chaosinmotion96 0 reviews

so here goes chapter two. another short one sadly.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-03-02 - Updated: 2008-03-03 - 557 words

Kellen sat in the back of the taxi cab with the envelope on her lap. She bit her fingernails and stared at the hidden answers she's been searching for her entire life. With a brief look up at the driver, a middle aged woman with purple tinted hair. Then she carefully took out the envelope and read it.
"No way!!"
"What dear?"
"O sorry just thinking outloud"
'no, not possible'

Ray View

'blonde hair floating around her delicate fair skin, green eyes staring up lovingly at me "I love you Ray"......'
"WTF FRANK" he opened his eyes to find my midget bunkmate staring mischievously at him.
"You looked so peaceful, I felt left out" with that he puppy dogged his eyes and pouted his lips.
"Dude you're such a dweeb sometimes"
"Dweeb? dude, i haven't heard that since elementary school!" They laughed together and then Ray climbed out of his bunk and stretched.
"Anyway you have to get ready for the show we go on in two hours!! PHILLY!!WOOT WOOT!"
"Dude! did you drink the WHOLE pot of coffee this morning"
"No!.......(he looked at Ray slyly) Gerard had a cup" after the eye roll and laugh from Ray he ran out and off the bus.

Reg. View
'backstage passes, how did I manage?...what am I going to say?...what if he doesn't believe me?' a million thoughts bombarded Kellen's brain.

Rays View
"Ray...." Gerard called out to the guitarist.
"Yes Gerard?" Ray asked while putting his strap away.
"Your fro looks like it lost a pound, I'm concerned"
"ha-ha-ha Gee, very funny"
"Guys, it's time for the ol' meet and greet!"
The guys walked out to meet the crowd of youngsters that had gathered to meet them.

Reg. View

'There he is, wow he looks even better than the pictures'
"Hi, I'm Mikey!"
"Huh, o hey! I'm Kellen"
"Kelllen, sweet name, I've only ever known guys with it but hey, thats cool!"
"Would you like an autograph?"
"Umm actually I'm here to talk to him....she looked at Ray and then at the birth certificate she was holding.....I have something to give him"
"O, Ok then" he laughed lightly
"Sorry that was rude, umm under normal circumstances I would probabl y be kissing you...that was wierd haha.."
She moved down the line so that she was face to face with Ray.
"Hi, I'm Ray"
Sweet name! So did you like the show?"
"Here" she looked down at the certificate as she handed it to him. He gave her a quizical look before opening the folded paper.
"Is this.......your birth certificate?
"umm thanks but don't you need this for I don't know, anything?!"
"read it"
Ray's eyes scanned the paper, she knew instantly when he got to his name when his eyes rolled back into his head and he passed out, falling into a shocked Mikey.
"What the hell did you do?" Frank yelled at her.
Ray came too within seconds and he just looked up at her. By this time the guards had come and were grabbing ahold of Kellen.
"Let her go" Ray stood up and walked over to Kellen.
"We need to talk" He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the tour bus. The rest of the bacd trailing close behind.
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