Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > personality clash

personality clash

by wrst_nite_mare 1 review

so this is my first story, so bare that in mind whilst reading it, but its about a girl who has just moved house and gets her first experience of the way's

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-02-23 - Updated: 2008-02-23 - 369 words

Emily was riding around her new surroundings on her motorbike whilst trying to calm after the arguement she had just had with her mum.

"We've only been in this dump of a town for five minutes and already me and mum are argueing!" she thought angrily to herself.

After an hours ride and getting lost countless times; Emily finally found her way home. Her family were still moving boxes into the house.

"Finally you're back! Me and your mother have been going out of our minds with worry!" Her father yelled.
"Sorry! I just went for a look around, then i got lost" She replied innocently.
"Okay, well i suggest you go up to your room and start unpacking your things" Her father called as she made her way up to her room.

When Emily got to her room; she began to unpack many of her favourie possessions and carefully placed them in their own, unique spots. She placed her favourite photo frame with pictures of her best friends from her old school in good old Great Britain carefully in her window. As she did so she peered out and saw her mum and dad talking to some random people. Suddenly there was a loud knock at her bedroom door.

"What!?" She yelled in her usual stroppy way.

She heard the door squeak open. She turned around, and to her surprise there were two boys stood in the doorway. the first was looking in rather sheepishly, and the second had his nose in a book looking the way she felt; like he did'nt want to be there.

"Ummm.....Hi?" the first broke the silence.
"Hey." She replied.
"Uhhh....I'm Mikey, this is my brother Gerard. Your mum sent us up here." He answered more confidently.
"I'm Emily. I hate it when my mum does that!" She raised her voice slightly.
"Oooooohhhhhhhh, the little girly has an attitude!" Gerard contributed sarcastically.
"GERARD!" Mikey glared.
"Get stuffed! I'm not a 'little girly.' And what is your problem?" Emily added angrily.
"Sorry! We're not all as perfect as you! My problem is I had to come here!" He yelled.
"Yeah well I don't want to be here either!" Emily screamed back.
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