Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > The Lifestyles of the Bat Country

The Lifestyles of the Bat Country

by A7X-Gal 1 review

A story about two girls, Katie and Joey, and their lives with Good Charlotte and Avenged Sevenfold.

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-03-03 - Updated: 2008-03-03 - 529 words

I sighed in frustration. It was starting to get uncomfortable in here now and it was beginning to majorly piss me off. My knuckles came in contact with the cold metal as a banged my fist against the locker door. Glancing at me watch, I worked out that I had been here for around an hour now. I had officially missed 3rd period, which, to be fair, I really didn’t mind missing another boring lesson of maths that I really didn’t understand. When I realised that no-one could here my continuous banging of my fists against the locker door, me, being the stupid person that I am, decided to hit the door with my head. It wasn’t exactly successful and also left me with a HUGE headache.

“Hello?! Anyone out there kind enough to let me out? Please?!”

I sighed again, and lay my aching head against the door and closed my eyes. I couldn’t have been asleep for very long, until I awoke to whispering outside. I lay my head against the door, trying in vain to hear where the whispering was coming from, just as the locker door opened, causing me to fall flat on my face on the floor.

“Aww, Fuck!” My eyes where killing me, caused by the bright light, in contrast to the darkness that I had been accustomed to for the last hour or two. More whispering… Damn! What is it with people whispering? Can’t they talk properly or something? I looked up at the five guys that had let me out of my torture chamber. Okay Okay… It was only a locker… but honestly, you should try sitting in there cramped up for two hours, I would have rather had my eyes poked a couple of times…

So anyway, back to my “knights in shining armour”. All five guys looked down at me strangely, as I began giggling at the comment I had made about them, yep, I couldn’t really class them as the stereotypical knights. To be fair, they were far from it.

“Erm… What’s so funny?” One of the dudes asked me.

I fake coughed and stood up brushing myself off. I shook my head still giggling.

“Nope, nothings funny” Damn… that would have sound more convincing if I wasn’t still battling against my giggles. They looked at me strangely, once again. What is it with these guys and looking at me strangely? As I snapped myself out of my thoughts, I took the opportunity of yet another silence to survey my “rescuers”. Cue another set of giggles, escaping from my mouth. As I was looking them over, the guy who spoke first, who I am guessing is the bossy one who thinks he is leader, decided to speak AGAIN!

“Erm… ok… so yeah… I'm Brian… and why the fuck was you in a locker?” He stared at me expecting an answer. So I gave him his answer. A simple and half hearted shrug. Haha. Score one to Katie! He didn’t expect that.

Oh yeah… and if you are wondering who the hell Katie is. Well that, my friends, is moi!
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