Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I am not afraid to keep on living: Projekt Revolution 2

Stay Young

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews

I need to go to a 'We the Kings' anonymus meeting. Seriously, anywhoz, enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-04 - Updated: 2008-03-04 - 386 words - Complete

Lexus' POV

Lyn-Z and I were all waiting around for Gee to come and pick us up and Jimmy had his arm around me. We were standing and talking about the show.

"Alright, that was Gee," Lyn-Z said, hanging-up her cellphone.

I turned to Jimmy and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. He kissed my head and I looked up and leaned into a kiss on the lips. He then hugged me again and rubbed my head.

"See you later, babe," Jimmy said.

"Bye honey!!" I said, walking away with Lyn-Z.

We both met Gerard at his car, his brother Mikey was in the car as well and we all went to Sally's Beauty Salon to get some crazy hair dye.

"Do you have any Urban Decay make-up??" Lyn-Z asked the clerk.

"Are you serious??" I asked.

Lyn-Z smiled.

"What?? You didn't just think you were getting your hair colored did you?? Nope, I'm treating you to some rad new make-up. To spice up your new do," Lyn-Z said, russling her fingers through my hair messing it up.

I giggled.

"You rock Lyn!!" I exclaimed.

"Lexus, you still a Vegan??" Gerard asked me.

"Yep!!" I said, with excitement.

"Alright, I'll ask the pizza place to put tofu instead of cheese," Gerard said, and returned to his cell phone.

"Thank-You!!" I said.

Once we got some make-up and hair dye, we left to go to the pizza place and then back to Lyn-Z's apartment.


We got the pizza and Lyn-Z was hard at work on my hair. I was eating my tofu and vegetable pizza and was watching some tv. The channel was 'Fuse' and I was watching 'Steven's Untitled Rock Show'. It's a pretty cool show, but I'd rather watch music videos. Audrina really got me into this channel.

"Did I tell you I got a letter from Audrina??" I asked.

"What??" Lyn-Z asked me, almost dropping the bottle of dye on my pizza.

Ohh crap, I think I've said too much.

"Uhh, yea, it was burried with my stuff. It's pretty crazy. Mostly inside jokes, but yea. Do you want to read it??" I asked.

Lyn-Z's eyes were wide open and her mouth was dropped.

A/N: I just decided to put a twist at the end. Dedicated to Liz!! xoxo.
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