Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > My new life

My new life

by ninjasam 0 reviews

This is a story about a new girl movng to waldorf and starts to fall in love with BillyMartin.. what will happen? I havent finhished it and yes i kno it is crappp

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-03-07 - Updated: 2008-03-07 - 139 words - Complete

It was my first day at Waldorf High. It is differant than an Australian school. Here you have six periods a day but in Australia you only have five. Weird. The princpal took me around to my first period class of the day. I had maths. My teachers name was Mr. Smith. How oringanal.There were only two seats left. There was one at the table in the middle full of blonde, make-up crazed girls and there was also a seat at the group at the back. That group was full of guys that looked cool. I went over to their table and asked if i could sit there. They looked at me like i was from another planet and said yeh sure. I was used to sitting with guys beacuse i dislike most females. They are so bitchy.
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