Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Be Here. Ready To Take That Bullet.

I'll Be Here. Ready To Take That Bullet.

by StandardToaster 3 reviews

Haven't yet thought of a summary. But all I can say is: FERARD!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-03-06 - Updated: 2008-03-07 - 1392 words - Complete

So! First chapter of my first fic.! Well, my first fic. on ficwad. So yeah, I'm not sure where this story is going to I kind of set a few warnings on it that might apply. So, just to warn you, it will be on-the-spot most of the time. I guess you can decide whether it's good or not! =) PLEASE REVIEW! Thanks babes!


Whatever happens on stage tonight I know that it doesn't mean a thing to him. It doesn't. I know it doesn't. It can't. But I want it to so damn bad.
As we play on stage I try to drown out the sight of Frankie from the corner of my eye. I try to tell myself he isn't there. It's painful when all of the passion I use on stage is for him. Sure I want every single person in the audience to know how much I love them and all their support, and I truly want to send a message to them, but sometimes I cry through the sweat. The tears just fall when I sing about him. When I sing about dying. What if I die before I tell him how much I love him? What happens when I watch him from... wherever I go, and he really loves me like I love him? No. No. He doesn't love me. I should get that out of my head. But he really does deserve to know eventually. Eventually. Maybe when the band's had a good run and we're all ready to settle down, I'll tell him how I really feel. Or maybe I'll tell him on my deathbed, if he comes to my side that is. It's pointless to think about it so deeply, I should just forget it. Sometimes I think I'll never forget this love, this burning lust and care I have for him.
I watch him as he stares down at his guitar. Sweat has started to form on his forehead now, he puts his heart and soul into playing that damn guitar. Play Frankie. Play your heart out. Even if it's not for me, like how I sing for you. Live it up Frank. You deserve it.


Tonight is going to be awesome. After the show we get to hang out backstage, sign some autographs, then kick it in the bus. Just the band. I've been getting a lot of phone calls from my mom lately, she's been checking on me constantly since the breakup. I have to admit, it wasn't as hard to get over as I thought. Afterall, she had cheated on me. That dirty skank. But even in all this thought I can still find a little bit of me that still cares for her. Even if it's just as a friend. But I don't miss her. I have the band. The whole damn world. I'm a fucking rockstar for God's sake. Gerard's been shooting me glances like he usually does. I think he wants to put on a little boy on boy show for the fangirls again. Sometimes it's my idea, but usually Gerard suggests it. I don't mind. I kind of like the fact that I get to kiss my best friend. Wait. What? I shouldn't want to kiss my best friend. That's disgusting. I mean, I have nothing against the fact that he's a boy, that's fine. But what really is bugging me is the fact that he's... Gerard. I couldn't think like that about Gerard. Anyone but Gerard.
My whole body is still aching from last nights show. That was incredibly fun. The fans followed along with Gerard's odd suggestions as usual and I watched, laughing in my own head. We ended with "I Don't Love You" and personally, I think that's the most fun song from our latest album to end with. Everything went smoothly yesterday, except those five damn phone calls from my mom. Gosh.
Gerard's coming over to me now. I guess I have to brace myself(he's a bit rough on stage). I almost missed that note. Shit. My pulse is quickening. Gerard really builds up the tension when he slinks over to me. He's behind me now. What's he doing? A feel his hand slip across my shoulder and onto my chest, he pulls me close to him. It's hard to play like this. Shit. Shit. I feel his tongue slither up my neck and onto my jaw. Just like that and he's done. Thankfully that was rather simple. I stumble forward with a small shove as he walks back to the microphone stand. Damn Gerard. But you gotta love that guy.



Tonight was fun on stage. I got to lick my Frank and we put on a rather good show. Maybe I was just imagining it, but I could have sworn Frank was nervous when I was on him. Whatever, I'm sure it was my imagnation. We're in the bus now. Nothing really happened back stage, and I took way more pictures than expected tonight, but you gotta love your fans.
Frank's in his bunk, I can hear him playing his guitar, he's trying to be quiet. Ray's sitting at the table, well, sleeping. It's kind of funny to see a guy flopping around in his own drool with his head layed down on the table. Maybe he's having a dream about water? Oh well. Bob's attempting to play Go Fish with an uninterested Mikey and I'm watching TV by myself. As lonely and boring as it sounds on the bus, it's kind of nice. Even though we only spend a few hours on stage it wears us out more than playing any sport. I think about drifting off when I hear someone sit down next to me. I turn, it's Frank.
"Hey Frankie." I say, putting on a goofy smile.
"Geeeeeeee." He says and glomps over on my shoulder.
"I'm taking it you're tired Frank?" Is all I can seem to say.
He rubs his head up and down on my shoulder like a little kid, his mouth hanging open. This is obviously a yes. I grab his head in both my hands,
"Go to bed Frank." I say with a tired expression on my face.
"Oookay." He says leaning in my hands. What am I? His fucking mother?
As soon as I let go of his head he falls back into me.
"Frank." I say annoyed. He's like this when he's really tired. Very childish.
"Carry me!" He says in a little squeal.
I really have no choice but to carry Frankie into his bunk now. He told me to, how can I resist?
I flop him down in his bunk on top of his blankets and don't bother to close the curtains. If he was just going to make me carry him back in here then why would he have come out and flopped on my? As soon as I start walking away I hear his voice behind me,
"Gerard." He says, his eyes already closed. I immediatly turn around. Is he sleep talking?
"Tuck me in." He insists. I don't want to seem whipped or anything, but I obey.
I sit on the edge of his bed looking at him with a soft smile, his eyes are barely open but his smile is huge. He looks cozy. There's a marroon blanket half-way underneath him, I take it and fluff it over him. It's kind of hard to tuck someone in in such a small space, but I manage, it's for Frank. My hand rubs his arm like some kind of fatherly figure.
"Kisses!" He says and he turns on his side. He shuts his eyes tightly and pouts, his index finger poking his cheek, telling me where to kiss.
I lean in close and just stare at him for a second. He's so beautiful. He deserves the world on a string. I'm sorry for loving you so much Frank, it's only going to come crashing down eventually. My lips rest softly on his cheek for a moment as a try to be as gentle as I can. I lift my lips and run my hand across his forehead and brush up his bangs,
"Night night Princess."
"Night Gee."


Touching moment. =D REVIEW!!

Haha. Really, you should review. =)
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