Categories > Books > Hannibal > Hannibal Family Values

Values! The Musical

by screamingferret 1 review

Once More With Screaming...

Category: Hannibal - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2006-02-06 - Updated: 2006-02-06 - 1182 words

I think it's best not to ask...

Lecter and Starling belong to Thomas Harris, to whom I apologise most wholeheartedly ;)

Values!The Musical
Previous Nannies.

In which Hannibal and Clarice discuss Emma's prospects and the fates of her predecessors. Set during Chapter 1.


There have been nannies,
So many nannies...
And none of them cut the mustard
None of them sliced the bread.
Yes, all our previous nannies have fled.

(The children)

But none of them are dead!


Is this new one what we've been looking for?
She had a certain 'something'
As she stepped in through the door.
The horrors awaiting her
She's never known before


Oh where will it go wrong?
Oh will they drive her off?
Does she wear a silly wig
Like poor Miss Thingy Wotsit did?


Can she take a challenge?
She's survived a day already.
Will she set the record steady
Or will she head for the door?


When things get stranger
Will she put us all in danger?


Perhaps I'd better...
But no.
You'll forgive me, I'm sure.


So let's not be too hasty
Though she does look kind of tasty.


I hope she doesn't find the autopsy saw...


Oh why do our nannies leave us?
Why do our nannies run away?
Why don't they ever stay longer than a day...?
We're kind and friendly really
We never harmed them anyway
And children will be children after all...

The Freezer Is Already Full

In which the Doctor and Clarice meet Jade's Headmistress and discuss her progress at school. Based on Chapter 3.

(Madame Sallier)

Mrs Montero, you have bred a monster
A certifiable little psychopath
(Although she's really rather good at her English and her Math)
But her art is an utter disaster
Have you seen the pictures she has done?
And she locked her teacher in the cupboard...
And told her to swallow her tongue.


So Madame Headmistress, you are saying
That you'd rather not teach our daughter any more
Perhaps you'd like to rethink the line you are taking


I'd like to invite you for dinner
Seven PM Friday, is that fine?
After all, our table is a winner
I promise you an interesting time


I have a dress that will do nicely
I shall look forward to the night
But I sincerely hope the other teachers
Are going to be a little more polite.


He'll be inviting us all around for dinner
And it's sure to be a terrifying sight
Because... the freezer is already full!
Not one more steak or sausage can it hold
They're going to have to eat her all...
Yes, the freezer is... already... full!
They're going to have to eat... her... all...!

My Tiara Has Knobs On

In which the Doctor celebrates his daughter's birthday in style... From Chapter 4.

(Dr Lecter)

I'm wearing pink
My daughter has a taste
For bright pink frills and lace
It's a fashion disaster
I really should have stopped her
But then she'll cry and cry and cry and cry and cry...

I have a knobbly tiara
I know she reads 'fan fiction'
I think it's the addiction
Responsible for this show...
It's rather upsetting, you know
When I'm wearing pink
And my tiara has knobs on...
Knobs on!

Now the door to the attic has opened wide
In my pink and frilly tutu I am spied
My daughter is in stitches
An embarrassment of riches in the frame!
For I'm wearing pink!
And my darling has a camera!
A camera!
Fortune, say it isn't so
For my tiara has knobs on
And my neckline plunges low...

My star tipped wand was flung aside
And I lunged for that damning camera
(Then she dodged, damn her)
These wretched writers will get the fright of their lives
As soon as I get out of these stilettos
And wrest that film roll from my wife...

Story of Our Lives

In which the Lecters watch the premiere of The Silence of the Lambs in New York. Based on Chapter 5


The audience is spellbound
By the strange tale of you and I
Let's make out in the back row
Because I really want to hide
Oh God! My hair!
Was it really that disastrous?




And that accent I tried so desperately to shed...




How quickly you got inside my head!




Such liberties with the blackest truth!
How dare they script the meeting of our minds!


Will there be a sequel?
An honest ending to the story of our lives?
Or can we dance on the terrace forever
Dare they come and play with the fire?

Help, My Employer Eats People

In which the penny drops and Emma realises who she's working for. Based on part of Chapter 5.


Pizza! Oh blessed pizza!
They won't have it in the house
And Tycho is tired and as quiet as a mouse
So I'll sit here and turn on the TV
Honestly, how many channels do you need?
Oh where is BBC World Service?
Perhaps I'll just sit over here and read...

Wow, Dr Montero's on the TV
In the ad for Silence of the La...


Montero is Dr Lecter
I must have been blind not to see...
I'm working for a mad man
How typically me!
My employer eats people
I'm dead if he knows that I know
Oh help, my employer eats people
To whom do I go?


In which Emma is attacked when alone in Florence, and is rescued by Dr Lecter. Based on events in Chapter 6.


The world is darker now
I realise I'm not the same
I am still ruled by fear
But the monster's very near
And I am falling in his eyes
The world has changed so much
He is understanding and kind
As gentle as I've ever seen
I'm lost inside this new life
What has happened to me?
Right and wrong were once
So very black and white
But now wrong is right
And black is white
I cannot see the path ahead
It is dark and I fear to tread.

(Dr Lecter)

Child, you were never meant to know
You were never meant to see
But now there's only one way left to go
And that is onwards... with me.



Falling Off The Moral Fence

In which Emma reflects upon the decision she has made. From Chapter 7.


I've fallen off the moral fence
With nothing to say in my defence
Except that I'll see it through or die
I will not be the cause of children's tears
I will not give them to their fears
I promised to help them live their lie

He saved my life in Florence
I'll never forget what I owe
So although I'm terrified
I simply cannot go
Tied here by bonds of love and fear
There's nowhere I can hide
And while my future is unclear
I said I'd face it at their side.
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