Categories > Games > Suikoden 2 > Bear Regrets


by Desolira 0 reviews

Soon this place would stop being North Window and become the place it needed to be.

Category: Suikoden 2 - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Viktor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-03-11 - Updated: 2008-03-11 - 171 words

I don’t own The Bear. He’s too wild.

It was strange.

Coming back.

He remembered this place as a home. The only real home he’d ever had.
It was bittersweet knowing that he’d be staying here again for the next however long.

The first place he’d visited was the small cemetery out at the back.

Funny, he thought, that the only flowers that grew there were daisies.
He’d picked some and left them down gently at the headstones. He’d known them all.
Soon new graves would be dug there.
Soon new people would grieve there.

Soon this place would stop being North Window and become the place it needed to be.

Like how he’d stopped being the young foolish Viktor that no one remembered, besides himself and Barbara, and had become the person he had to be to carry on.

Like how that boy would have to stop being a kid, step up to the title of “leader” and become a man.
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