Categories > TV > 7th Heaven > Taste

Non Ex's And Oh's

by DetectiveDaughter 2 reviews

Stuff happens!

Category: 7th Heaven - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-03-14 - Updated: 2008-03-15 - 1292 words

I didn't get reviews but I did get a HOT rating...

Chapter 2

Ruthie sat up slowly and replayed the events of the afternoon in her head. She didn’t know or understand what could have possibly come over her. Martin had uttered that one phrase. The one she’d waited years to hear. Now, here she was in his bed in his fathers house naked. Not more than thirty minutes before she had been wrapped in his arms in middle of what she assumed to be a less than heavenly display of love and passion.

Ruthie’s hands rose to her head in an attempt to ease her dizziness. She was feeling lightheaded with a heavy heart. The guilt she felt was no doubt because of her broken promise of abstinence and the fact that she had cheated on her boyfriend. Her wonderful, loving, and kind boyfriend.

A hand fell around her waist and she was pulled back under the sheets fully. A faked giggle was followed by a low grunt and kiss from Martin. Ruthie had no idea what came next. It wasn’t as if she did this every day. She opted to kiss him back and snuggle against his deliciously toned chest with a sigh.

Martin turned and kissed her forehead and eyelids before making a short path to the tip of her nose to add another kiss to Ruthie’s growing collection. He didn’t think there was an inch of her body his lips hadn’t claimed and that was enough to warrant a proud smile from his handsome face. His eyes trailed over her bare frame slowly and he savored the feel of her underneath him. As he let his mouth guide him lower he realized his amazement. She was so alive.

“My god, You’re beautiful.” He whispered into her stomach. It was flat and tan and perfect. Martin couldn’t help but have a small taste of her sweet flesh. As his tongue drew near to her most secret places he groaned in pure satisfaction. “I want to taste you.” He managed as his head dipped between her thighs.

Ruthie gasped as the new sensation. “Martin…” She called softly.

“Hmm…” His only reply as his mouth was currently exploring the last of his unclaimed territory. He inhaled sharply and with his hands on her upper thighs pulled lower on the bed. “You’re so sweet.” His hands tightened and her back arched slightly off the bed.

While Martin saw this moment as satisfying and untainted, Ruthie thought it as one more notch on her naughty post and mentally reprimanded herself for wanting him to continue. She shook silently as he lifted his head and looked up at him through her lashes.

“No…” Ruthie pleaded as his body moved along hers upward. Soon his throbbing manhood was nestled back against her softness and she quieted.

“You want me to stop?” Martin teased with a laugh.

“No. Please don’t stop!” She moaned urgently as his muscles moved and flexed against her waiting shape. She could hardly control the things escaping her mouth and again scolded herself.

“I wasn’t going to.” He growled low into her neck as he entered her.

Ruthie gasped and wrapped her legs about his waist in a real attempt to pull him closer. As he thrust himself in and out, in slow rhythmic movements, she began to feel more and more connected with him. She knew once this was over she would hold strongly an absence in her heart. The way he fit inside her was addictive and the things that happened to her during this new act she was performing were earth shattering. How would she ever leave his side?

Martin shuttered above her and leaned down for an intense kiss as the events were fully underway. Their bodies combined motions were electrifying to the soul in a way that neither had experienced. Ruthie could barely utter a sound as her last wave of pleasure crashed over her. The room was spinning again at the realization that it was caused by his careful spill of affection and ecstasy.

“Oh God…” She whimpered as she writhed beneath him.

“Mmm… Ruthie…” He bit his lip.

As he rolled away from her the void was made apparent and she brought the covers up around her shoulders and turned away from him.
“I should really be going.” She said plainly.

“You don’t have to go.” He tried and leaned closer placing a kiss on her neck. “You can stay a while. Its not like anyone is home.”

“Maybe not here.” She whispered.

“At your house too.” He countered. “I know they’re out of town for the weekend.” Ruthie turned over to face him. “Didn’t they go to New York to visit Matt and Mary?”

“How would you know that? Did you plan ahead or something?”

“Whoa… Don’t go making accusations.” Martin sat up quickly. “This is far from what I had planned. This wasn’t even on the list of things I thought would happen three years from now.” Ruthie glared at him.

“I don’t have to go because I’m worried someone is home anyway Martin.” She informed him. “So, to even begin arguing about this would be so far beyond pointless.” She rolled her eyes for effect.

“Then why do you have to go so soon?” He looked at her warily thinking of pulling her into his arms. Ruthie blinked a few times before throwing her legs over the side of the bed and beginning a search for her clothing. “Ruthie?”

“That really isn’t for you to worry about.” She said quickly as she pulled on her pink lace underwear.

“And why not?”


“Because why?” Martin questioned impatiently while watching Ruthie tug her bra into place after fastening it.

“You aren’t my boyfriend.”

“But I thought…” He started a look of astonishment on his face.

“You thought what?” Ruthie turned and smiled at him. “That all this meant we were together? That everything was fixed?”

Martin looked on bewildered while she pulled on her camisole. “Well… Yeah. Actually I did.” He thought to reason. “I guess I had it in my head that you didn’t just go around sleeping with guys you hated and didn’t forgive.”

“I never said I didn’t forgive you.” She said carefully. “I do. But that doesn’t mean all is well.” She shook her head at him curls falling into her eyes. “You can’t expect me to just let everything go because we had a good time.”

“I can’t…” Martin narrowed his eyes at her. “A good time?!”

Ruthie slipped into her skirt and headed for the door. “Yes. A good time.” Turning toward him where he lay on the bed Ruthie bit her lip and sighed. “I have to meet Dean for dinner.”

“Dean?” He questioned scooting off the bed and reaching for his boxers.

“Yeah… My boyfriend Dean.” He looked up from where his hands were adjusting the fabric at his waist.

Martin couldn’t believe the way she’d said it. The way it dripped with venom from her tongue and out into the air to be carried to his ears. Dean. Her boyfriend Dean. Not Ex-Boyfriend.

Ruthie unlocked the door and stepped out leaving a dumbstruck Martin behind. She had officially decided that the last thing she would do was make it easy for him to walk back into her life.

Martin couldn’t just have her because he wanted her. He would have to work for the privilege of having Ruthie. Not just her body but her heart as well.

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