Categories > Original > Fantasy > Chronic Earth: The Tale Of Seasons
Chapter 3: A Gift To Kindle
0 reviewsAfter the heroes take their test for the day, they head back to the house. On the way home, they decide to have a race, using their powers to win. Afterwards, something amazing happens to Kindles f...
The test was set up, and the timer was ticking. It really was just a personalized test. In each testing room, it consisted of a timer set up on the wall, a patch of grass in one corner, a patch of dirt in the other, and near the back, was a pond, filled with freshwater three feet deep. In each training room, there was also separate items, to go along with the specific person. For instance, Kindle had a patch of dead grass, and Autumn had a Tree in her room. It really was just a personalized testing room.
The platform had contained, built up walls consisted of glass, and glass roofs along with it. The glass ceiling could move out of the way, just in case a Season or an Element needed to use the sky, for part of their training, and most of them did require the sky. For instance, Summer could focus the Sun more directly with it open, and Winter could produce clouds of snow easily. These rooms had been most definitely set up with precision, and were then perfected by Tyme. The results showed, that this training platform, really worked out great.
“So, how.. Long... Is each.. Test?” Spring said as she exited her training room, completely exhausted.
“It says here, that they are approximately fifteen minutes long,” Winter said while reading it off of the “Practice Lengths” poster.
“Well, it.. Sure.. Is.. Exhausting!” huffed Spring as she sat down on the bench next to Summer.
“Now what do we do? Just head back to your place Kindle and just sit there?” said Spring as she pointed at Kindle. “There’s nothing else.. To do!”
Kindle just shrugged, and looked down the corridor, and then back at Winter. Winter smiled, and began speaking.
“Actually, I was kind of thinking.. Do you want to look at the other doors to see what kind of other elements there are out there? Are you guys interested?”
“Yea! I’d like to see what they are too,” replied Kindle.
After they had all made up their minds, they got up from there benches, and walked toward the undiscovered names on the doors. Nearing a door, Winter runs toward it and reads out loud.
“Chaos. Hmm.. Says here that she can cause anything disastrous, and make disaster take shapes. That’s pretty odd..”
Kindle ran up to the next door, and read.. “Metal, the maker of raw metal materials. Able to melt into liquid metal, and move around.”
“Weird.. But, this one says my name under it.,” declared Winter still looking at the door with Chaos on it.
“Yea, so does this one. Under that is says ‘Seasonal Partner’,” read Kindle.
“Same thing going on with this element down here Winter. This one is called Ice. It says he’s able to freeze any given item, so that nothing can get out, or in after he is done.”
“I thought elements were supposed to help us Seasons! Not destroy it!” said Autumn as she just found out her three elements; Flame, Wind, and Darkness. “At least you’re nice Kindle.. My other elements sound rude and mean!”
“At one point Autumn.. Actually, I was mean and rude too.. I think I changed when I met Winter all those years ago.. I think all the seasons have to convert their Elements to a good state of nature, so that we can help, instead of destroy, right Winter?”
“Yea.. That sounds about right,” he said as he was dozing off.
“I would have to say, maybe.. Let’s not worry about this too much right now,” said Spring. “ We have to at least meet an element before supposing these unproven opinions..”
“I feel the same way,” added Autumn.
“Alright. I guess we should wait.. We’ll just head back home. I’ll make us some lunch if you all want,” recommended Kindle.
“Oh yea! Sounds great!” said Summer. Now that he has tasted Kindles food, he cannot get enough of it. It’s always on his mind. His craving for Kindles wonderfully prepared food, like a sandwich. She would probably over perfect it, and he would be in over his head. Enough with this, back onto the story..
All the seasons then joined hands in the hallway, including Kindle. The order of them holding hands, was; Summer, Autumn, Spring, Kindle, and Winter. This meant that Kindle and Winter were holding hands for the first time today. For both of them it felt wonderful. Neither of them pointed it out, but were both secretly thinking about it. If Summer had a say in this, he would probably say, “Awesome.” Even though it was a big group of people joining hands, Kindle and Winter took it as just them.
As they reached the top of the Hill, Winter had thought of an idea while walking up.
“Race you to the house! First one there, will get a special treat from me. The catch is, that we all have to use our powers at least once,” explained Winter.
“Ok. Sounds like a plan then.. Are you all ready?” said Kindle.
Everyone nodded in approval, and stared down the hill, waiting for the countdown. “Good. Then.. Here… We… GO!” With that last word, every one of them immediately started sprinting down the hill like they never have before. All of them laughing having a good time, just when someone remembered that all of them had to use there powers in order to win. The first one to use them was Kindle. She swung up her paddle, took a small Fire Starter out, and started whacking at the grass, burning it as she made her own shorter path to the house. Without all that grass in the way, it was easier to run. Winter then started up his next. He raised his hands, and started to producing snow. He produced enough, to stretch all the way down the hill, to his house. Threw it out on the ground, and turned it into Ice with his breath. He was then sliding down the hill, faster than anyone there was running. Autumn then focused on a tree far away, and brought all of the leaves towards her. She gathered them up into a huge pile in the air, and jumped on them. She then used her Wind powers, to control where the leaves went, and how fast they went. Spring was in last still She was always last in everything she participated in. Well, not today. She closed her eyes for two seconds, and focused really hard on the ground in front of everyone. Immediately, small trees started to pop up, twenty of them to be exact, and in no time, they grew really fast, into trees that were fifty years old. Everyone was going too fast to slow down, that they all hit the trees hard. Autumn, Winter, and Kindle were knocked over, and not able to get up. Spring then squeezed through one of the trees, and began giggling to herself while sprinting down the hill even faster than before. While she was sprinting, she started producing red roses, with exceptionally big thorns on them. After every rose she made, she would throw it behind her, hoping to slow them down if they ever caught her. While everyone else was still stunned from the trees, Summer was not. He saw the trees rise up, and did not run into them. Afterwards, he started thinking about how to knock them down.. He looked up into the sky, and flung his hands out reaching towards the sun. The sun began to get bigger, and bigger.. Closer and closer. So close, that the trees had began to burn down, and fall over. He readjusted the sun, and set off, running down one of the fallen trees trunks. Autumn, Winter, and Kindle finally rose from the hard hit, and began devising a quick plan. Went across the trees, and saw Summer getting closer to Spring, just about to pass her. Winter ran toward two giant boulders, and completely froze them, making them double their size. Threw them up into the sky, and when the moment was right, Autumn sucked in tons of air, and let it go. The air blew out at 75MPH Wind Rate, hitting the two boulders into the sky, aimed towards the gate to Kindles front yard. Kindle had already started down the hill, at full speed, almost reaching Spring who was behind Summer now.. Summer was about twenty feet away from the gate.. All of a sudden.. He looked up, slowed himself down, and backed up, causing Spring to bump into him, which caused them to collapse onto the grass. The two huge Ice-boulders hit the ground with two loud thuds. They were now blocking the gate entrance to the yard. Kindle was right behind the two, as they scrambled to their feet, trying to look for another way around the gate. Kindle already had five Fire Starters ready for them, threw them into the air, and when they hit the ground, it caused a huge fire circle, which surrounded Spring and Summer in between both of the escape routes. They were trapped. No one had won the race though.. All you could hear in the background, was the sounds of Autumn and Winter cracking up, because Springs reaction looked hilarious. She looked as if someone had just beaten her up. She was twitching, panicking, and running around in circles. It was so funny, that Summer started laughing, soon following Kindle. Spring finally realized it was just a joke, and very softly, she chuckled at the fact that they got her good.
Soon after they had cleaned up the mess with the boulders, and fire, they had all joined inside Kindles home, waiting for Winter to give them the promised special surprise.
“Ok, since nobody really won the race, I’ll just give everyone a piece..” he said, while he cut up a strange looking fruit.
“Aww! You’re so kind Winter! Thank you,” said Autumn as she received her piece of the blue fruit.
“Thanks Winter!” said Spring and Summer after they received their pieces.
“Thank you, new and improved Winter. You sure are the best!” said Kindle, as Winter happily handed her a piece.
All of them had received a piece that fit right into their palm, of Frozen Ice-fruit. Ice-fruit is a fruit that is shaped like a three-dimensional rhombus, with blue peeling on the outside. On the inside, were small seeds that were separated by a small film, kind of similar to the pomegranate that we know of. It had its very own unique flavor though.. Something that tasted like a lush juicy strawberry, mixed with a lime, but less tangy. Light blue in coloring though..
“Wow! This is delicious! What exactly is it though..?” Summer said while taking another bite.
“I actually invented those fruits. Quite a while ago too.. It was this one time, when I was visiting Tyme, he said that he wanted to teach me how to invent my own fruit. He said it would take a while, and it did, but after a while I perfected it. I and he then planted one, and the results was me getting these,” said Winter as he was holding up his piece of Ice-fruit. “I now understand what he said to me all those years ago about this fruit. He said, ‘Take care of this fruit. When you get older, you will realize that the time is right to plant it in a region you might as well all yours.’ He had also told me that the natural planting grounds to this fruit, had to do with something about the name of it. ‘Ice-fruit.’ I now realized that I have an element named ‘Ice.’ So wherever he or she is, when I find them.. That is where it shall be planted.”
“Wow. That’s pretty neat! Hopefully we can find Ice soon, so you can plant that fruit, huh?” said Autumn while finishing up her piece.
“Yea, I really do wish it would be soon..” replied Winter, as he looked down to stare at the Ice-fruit.
“..Not to change the subject or anything.. But Spring, can I see you outside?” asked Kindle, as she started walking towards the door. “I’ve been thinking about something, and you’re the only one who can help me out here. What do you say?”
Spring then swallowed her last bite of Ice-fruit and replied, “ Of course!”
“Great,” said Kindle back, as she skipped away outside. Spring then followed. Everyone else, confused about what was about to happen, all reluctantly got up as well, and headed outside with the girls.
“Now.. What I was thinking, is if you could be so kind as to make me a new front yard. Mine’s so dull, I hate it.. Really I do,” said Kindle as she stared at her yard bluntly. Her grass had been fading away, turning into weeds, and dead grass.
“Sure! I’d love to, I mean it’s what I do!” replied Spring with a smile on.
“Thank you so much!” Kindle said.
“Oh no, just think of this as me and the other seasons repaying you for letting us stay here, and eat your wonderful food. C’mon Summer.. Autumn.. Let’s redesign!” Spring yelled out, as she marched out onto the dead lawn.
Autumn and Summer did the same, and met her out on the lawn as well. First, Spring began waving her hands over the grass, to revive it and to make it a lush green color again. Autumn started out, by blowing all the dead leaves out of her lawn that had been collected from the dead trees. Summer set the temperature to 85°F and began flattening out the ground by stomping on it. Spring then headed to the middle of the yard, pulled out the four dead trees, and replanted healthier ones exactly where the old withered ones were standing. She sped up their life, making them big and shady with tons of bright green leaves. Spring then headed over to the fence, and sprinkled green dust on her feet. She started walking on the inside of the gate, producing flowers wherever she walked. When she neared the house, she sprinkled a different kind of dust, and this time, big red rose bushes had appeared. Four on each side of the porch, and then she continued to plant flowers along the inside of the fence. After she had finished, they all gathered around one of the trees. Autumn blew off all the leaves, and gathered them in a pile along with the older leaves.
“Come on Winter! You’re turn! Snow on that tree!” yelled Autumn.
Winter then joined them, and produced some high quality snow for the tree to hibernate in, for a while. Spring started to melt the snow with her rain, and then Summer focused the rays on the tree. The leaves started to appear again, but this time, so did flowers. He sped it up very quickly, and the flowers were pollinated, producing wonderful cherries. They did the same with all the trees, until they all had exceptional cherries hanging off each branch. Birds started to gather around one of the trees, and fed on the cherries, as the Seasons just stood there, smiling towards Kindle. Kindle was starting to cry, but in a happy way. She then sat down on her porch, and gazed upon her new front yard, all thanks to her best friends in the world.
Kindle, was not a disliked person anymore. Her work finally paid off, and she received something wonderful in return. Things were looking good for everyone at Kindles’ house. Especially Winter, and his readjusted attitude, which had altered Kindles feelings for him.
Those feelings were now bigger than ever before.
The seasons are now getting better with their responsibility, and so are their relationships throughout their friendship with each other.
The platform had contained, built up walls consisted of glass, and glass roofs along with it. The glass ceiling could move out of the way, just in case a Season or an Element needed to use the sky, for part of their training, and most of them did require the sky. For instance, Summer could focus the Sun more directly with it open, and Winter could produce clouds of snow easily. These rooms had been most definitely set up with precision, and were then perfected by Tyme. The results showed, that this training platform, really worked out great.
“So, how.. Long... Is each.. Test?” Spring said as she exited her training room, completely exhausted.
“It says here, that they are approximately fifteen minutes long,” Winter said while reading it off of the “Practice Lengths” poster.
“Well, it.. Sure.. Is.. Exhausting!” huffed Spring as she sat down on the bench next to Summer.
“Now what do we do? Just head back to your place Kindle and just sit there?” said Spring as she pointed at Kindle. “There’s nothing else.. To do!”
Kindle just shrugged, and looked down the corridor, and then back at Winter. Winter smiled, and began speaking.
“Actually, I was kind of thinking.. Do you want to look at the other doors to see what kind of other elements there are out there? Are you guys interested?”
“Yea! I’d like to see what they are too,” replied Kindle.
After they had all made up their minds, they got up from there benches, and walked toward the undiscovered names on the doors. Nearing a door, Winter runs toward it and reads out loud.
“Chaos. Hmm.. Says here that she can cause anything disastrous, and make disaster take shapes. That’s pretty odd..”
Kindle ran up to the next door, and read.. “Metal, the maker of raw metal materials. Able to melt into liquid metal, and move around.”
“Weird.. But, this one says my name under it.,” declared Winter still looking at the door with Chaos on it.
“Yea, so does this one. Under that is says ‘Seasonal Partner’,” read Kindle.
“Same thing going on with this element down here Winter. This one is called Ice. It says he’s able to freeze any given item, so that nothing can get out, or in after he is done.”
“I thought elements were supposed to help us Seasons! Not destroy it!” said Autumn as she just found out her three elements; Flame, Wind, and Darkness. “At least you’re nice Kindle.. My other elements sound rude and mean!”
“At one point Autumn.. Actually, I was mean and rude too.. I think I changed when I met Winter all those years ago.. I think all the seasons have to convert their Elements to a good state of nature, so that we can help, instead of destroy, right Winter?”
“Yea.. That sounds about right,” he said as he was dozing off.
“I would have to say, maybe.. Let’s not worry about this too much right now,” said Spring. “ We have to at least meet an element before supposing these unproven opinions..”
“I feel the same way,” added Autumn.
“Alright. I guess we should wait.. We’ll just head back home. I’ll make us some lunch if you all want,” recommended Kindle.
“Oh yea! Sounds great!” said Summer. Now that he has tasted Kindles food, he cannot get enough of it. It’s always on his mind. His craving for Kindles wonderfully prepared food, like a sandwich. She would probably over perfect it, and he would be in over his head. Enough with this, back onto the story..
All the seasons then joined hands in the hallway, including Kindle. The order of them holding hands, was; Summer, Autumn, Spring, Kindle, and Winter. This meant that Kindle and Winter were holding hands for the first time today. For both of them it felt wonderful. Neither of them pointed it out, but were both secretly thinking about it. If Summer had a say in this, he would probably say, “Awesome.” Even though it was a big group of people joining hands, Kindle and Winter took it as just them.
As they reached the top of the Hill, Winter had thought of an idea while walking up.
“Race you to the house! First one there, will get a special treat from me. The catch is, that we all have to use our powers at least once,” explained Winter.
“Ok. Sounds like a plan then.. Are you all ready?” said Kindle.
Everyone nodded in approval, and stared down the hill, waiting for the countdown. “Good. Then.. Here… We… GO!” With that last word, every one of them immediately started sprinting down the hill like they never have before. All of them laughing having a good time, just when someone remembered that all of them had to use there powers in order to win. The first one to use them was Kindle. She swung up her paddle, took a small Fire Starter out, and started whacking at the grass, burning it as she made her own shorter path to the house. Without all that grass in the way, it was easier to run. Winter then started up his next. He raised his hands, and started to producing snow. He produced enough, to stretch all the way down the hill, to his house. Threw it out on the ground, and turned it into Ice with his breath. He was then sliding down the hill, faster than anyone there was running. Autumn then focused on a tree far away, and brought all of the leaves towards her. She gathered them up into a huge pile in the air, and jumped on them. She then used her Wind powers, to control where the leaves went, and how fast they went. Spring was in last still She was always last in everything she participated in. Well, not today. She closed her eyes for two seconds, and focused really hard on the ground in front of everyone. Immediately, small trees started to pop up, twenty of them to be exact, and in no time, they grew really fast, into trees that were fifty years old. Everyone was going too fast to slow down, that they all hit the trees hard. Autumn, Winter, and Kindle were knocked over, and not able to get up. Spring then squeezed through one of the trees, and began giggling to herself while sprinting down the hill even faster than before. While she was sprinting, she started producing red roses, with exceptionally big thorns on them. After every rose she made, she would throw it behind her, hoping to slow them down if they ever caught her. While everyone else was still stunned from the trees, Summer was not. He saw the trees rise up, and did not run into them. Afterwards, he started thinking about how to knock them down.. He looked up into the sky, and flung his hands out reaching towards the sun. The sun began to get bigger, and bigger.. Closer and closer. So close, that the trees had began to burn down, and fall over. He readjusted the sun, and set off, running down one of the fallen trees trunks. Autumn, Winter, and Kindle finally rose from the hard hit, and began devising a quick plan. Went across the trees, and saw Summer getting closer to Spring, just about to pass her. Winter ran toward two giant boulders, and completely froze them, making them double their size. Threw them up into the sky, and when the moment was right, Autumn sucked in tons of air, and let it go. The air blew out at 75MPH Wind Rate, hitting the two boulders into the sky, aimed towards the gate to Kindles front yard. Kindle had already started down the hill, at full speed, almost reaching Spring who was behind Summer now.. Summer was about twenty feet away from the gate.. All of a sudden.. He looked up, slowed himself down, and backed up, causing Spring to bump into him, which caused them to collapse onto the grass. The two huge Ice-boulders hit the ground with two loud thuds. They were now blocking the gate entrance to the yard. Kindle was right behind the two, as they scrambled to their feet, trying to look for another way around the gate. Kindle already had five Fire Starters ready for them, threw them into the air, and when they hit the ground, it caused a huge fire circle, which surrounded Spring and Summer in between both of the escape routes. They were trapped. No one had won the race though.. All you could hear in the background, was the sounds of Autumn and Winter cracking up, because Springs reaction looked hilarious. She looked as if someone had just beaten her up. She was twitching, panicking, and running around in circles. It was so funny, that Summer started laughing, soon following Kindle. Spring finally realized it was just a joke, and very softly, she chuckled at the fact that they got her good.
Soon after they had cleaned up the mess with the boulders, and fire, they had all joined inside Kindles home, waiting for Winter to give them the promised special surprise.
“Ok, since nobody really won the race, I’ll just give everyone a piece..” he said, while he cut up a strange looking fruit.
“Aww! You’re so kind Winter! Thank you,” said Autumn as she received her piece of the blue fruit.
“Thanks Winter!” said Spring and Summer after they received their pieces.
“Thank you, new and improved Winter. You sure are the best!” said Kindle, as Winter happily handed her a piece.
All of them had received a piece that fit right into their palm, of Frozen Ice-fruit. Ice-fruit is a fruit that is shaped like a three-dimensional rhombus, with blue peeling on the outside. On the inside, were small seeds that were separated by a small film, kind of similar to the pomegranate that we know of. It had its very own unique flavor though.. Something that tasted like a lush juicy strawberry, mixed with a lime, but less tangy. Light blue in coloring though..
“Wow! This is delicious! What exactly is it though..?” Summer said while taking another bite.
“I actually invented those fruits. Quite a while ago too.. It was this one time, when I was visiting Tyme, he said that he wanted to teach me how to invent my own fruit. He said it would take a while, and it did, but after a while I perfected it. I and he then planted one, and the results was me getting these,” said Winter as he was holding up his piece of Ice-fruit. “I now understand what he said to me all those years ago about this fruit. He said, ‘Take care of this fruit. When you get older, you will realize that the time is right to plant it in a region you might as well all yours.’ He had also told me that the natural planting grounds to this fruit, had to do with something about the name of it. ‘Ice-fruit.’ I now realized that I have an element named ‘Ice.’ So wherever he or she is, when I find them.. That is where it shall be planted.”
“Wow. That’s pretty neat! Hopefully we can find Ice soon, so you can plant that fruit, huh?” said Autumn while finishing up her piece.
“Yea, I really do wish it would be soon..” replied Winter, as he looked down to stare at the Ice-fruit.
“..Not to change the subject or anything.. But Spring, can I see you outside?” asked Kindle, as she started walking towards the door. “I’ve been thinking about something, and you’re the only one who can help me out here. What do you say?”
Spring then swallowed her last bite of Ice-fruit and replied, “ Of course!”
“Great,” said Kindle back, as she skipped away outside. Spring then followed. Everyone else, confused about what was about to happen, all reluctantly got up as well, and headed outside with the girls.
“Now.. What I was thinking, is if you could be so kind as to make me a new front yard. Mine’s so dull, I hate it.. Really I do,” said Kindle as she stared at her yard bluntly. Her grass had been fading away, turning into weeds, and dead grass.
“Sure! I’d love to, I mean it’s what I do!” replied Spring with a smile on.
“Thank you so much!” Kindle said.
“Oh no, just think of this as me and the other seasons repaying you for letting us stay here, and eat your wonderful food. C’mon Summer.. Autumn.. Let’s redesign!” Spring yelled out, as she marched out onto the dead lawn.
Autumn and Summer did the same, and met her out on the lawn as well. First, Spring began waving her hands over the grass, to revive it and to make it a lush green color again. Autumn started out, by blowing all the dead leaves out of her lawn that had been collected from the dead trees. Summer set the temperature to 85°F and began flattening out the ground by stomping on it. Spring then headed to the middle of the yard, pulled out the four dead trees, and replanted healthier ones exactly where the old withered ones were standing. She sped up their life, making them big and shady with tons of bright green leaves. Spring then headed over to the fence, and sprinkled green dust on her feet. She started walking on the inside of the gate, producing flowers wherever she walked. When she neared the house, she sprinkled a different kind of dust, and this time, big red rose bushes had appeared. Four on each side of the porch, and then she continued to plant flowers along the inside of the fence. After she had finished, they all gathered around one of the trees. Autumn blew off all the leaves, and gathered them in a pile along with the older leaves.
“Come on Winter! You’re turn! Snow on that tree!” yelled Autumn.
Winter then joined them, and produced some high quality snow for the tree to hibernate in, for a while. Spring started to melt the snow with her rain, and then Summer focused the rays on the tree. The leaves started to appear again, but this time, so did flowers. He sped it up very quickly, and the flowers were pollinated, producing wonderful cherries. They did the same with all the trees, until they all had exceptional cherries hanging off each branch. Birds started to gather around one of the trees, and fed on the cherries, as the Seasons just stood there, smiling towards Kindle. Kindle was starting to cry, but in a happy way. She then sat down on her porch, and gazed upon her new front yard, all thanks to her best friends in the world.
Kindle, was not a disliked person anymore. Her work finally paid off, and she received something wonderful in return. Things were looking good for everyone at Kindles’ house. Especially Winter, and his readjusted attitude, which had altered Kindles feelings for him.
Those feelings were now bigger than ever before.
The seasons are now getting better with their responsibility, and so are their relationships throughout their friendship with each other.
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