Categories > Original > Poetry

Still Glowing

by holding_heaven 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-03-19 - Updated: 2008-03-20 - 160 words

the present
only gets us from
what was
what will be.
Nothing more.
That's why making the best
of the moment
is so vital.
Life is too short For
and the ever present
reminder of
ever encouraging
bedroom eyes.
Burnt into the back
of your thoughts like the
of a cigarette when a
bum takes a drag; reaffirming itself a
little deeper every time.
Life should be lived drenched in the
emotion of true love's
Last Kiss.
Like a candle burnt on both ends,
Still glowing.
I am that candle
Somehow the wick seems
the same length
of time
it takes me to convince you to Kiss me
Like the time it take you to figure out that's
the last thing that should be on my
Like a candle burnt on both ends.
I'm one more chance from
and one more try away from
Like a candle burnt on both ends;
finally snuffed.
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