Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Sasori's Test

Battle with a Sannin

by Shank 0 reviews

Why is Orochimaru here for Sasori?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Orochimaru - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2008-03-28 - Updated: 2008-03-29 - 1249 words - Complete

Sasori could only look in awe at this evil person in front of him. When he began walking forward Sasori backed off as this person with hateful eyes seemed to look into the depths of his mind. Sasori showed no expression though but he was very intimidated. Sasori could tell just by the look of him that he was definitely one of the strongest ninjas he had ever seen and couldn’t work out why he was here talking to him now. “What do you want?”
“Sasori of the Red Sands, I have been sent to ask if you are interested in leaving your village and joining us?”
“You know my name but you address me without telling me yours.”
“You are correct how rude of me, I am Orochimaru.” Sasori was shocked, he had heard of this guy-he was a renegade ninja and one of the legendary sannin of Konoha. But what was he doing here now? Who had he allied himself with? In Sasori’s confusion, he didn’t answer and was trying to get a grip on the situation as he didn’t know how to act. He found himself looking for an exit as his reaction to the situation he was in. Orochimaru kept talking when Sasori didn’t answer, “You practice by yourself everyday and you do not test it in battle, besides you must be sick of killing your own ninjas by now aren’t you?” Sasori had tried so hard to keep that secret. This guy had been watching him for sometime then. Even still though, he was right; Sasori grew tired of having no competition to really get better as a ninja.
Sasori began suspecting this was a way for Orochimaru to distract him before killing and and he began thinking of a place if that came about. Luckily he did as Orochimaru suddenly charged at him. Orochimaru was coming quite fast and although Sasori had thought ahead in case of a situation like this, he still wasn’t confident he could beat someone of this stature. Whether that was the case or not, he was not going to be beaten easily and would give this legendary ninja a run for his money.
What he did have to his advantage was that it was his hideout and he had puppets and traps hidden everywhere, he bought one of his attached puppets down to come at Orochimaru from behind. His opponent turned to see that he had no time to defend himself and the puppet successfully struck its sword straight through his body. Sasori rejoiced and couldn’t believe it, he had beaten Orochimaru. Sasori watched as he stopped and clutched his wound the sword had given him and staggered. The smile soon left Sasori’s face as he didn’t drop dead like he was supposed to. Orochimaru’s body became really wide and wider again. It looked like he was going to explode and Sasori even readied himself for one, but he wasn’t ready for what he saw next. A pair of arms sprouted out of his mouth and oulled open the lips bringing out an entirely new Orochimaru, unscathed and ready to fight again.
Orochimaru stood there for a second and smiled, he charged again, but much quicker this time. As if he had been hiding his true speed, Orochimaru was suddenly right behind Sasori who was in a very bad situation. Luckily Sasori had planned for this worst case scenario as well and a good back up plan if he was caught off guard with no chance of getting out of it. Around his waist, he had a thick rope which was connected to a hidden puppet he had in the cave. He made the puppet yank the rope pulling him to a safe distance from his opponent. He got out of the way just in time as Orochimaru had swung a bright blue blade that seemed very strong and sharp. As he picked himself up he realised he had outsmarted him in that bout, but he knew he had to think of something. At best he could only attack with his puppets and weapons concealed within them and he hadn’t fixed the new puppets up for fighting as he understood very well the weaknesses a puppet user encounters in a shinobi battle. He had also used up his last resort in an emergency which meant he wouldn’t be able to use it again. He almost had nothing he could do now and Orochimaru smiled. “Your skills are quite useful.”
“You are still asking me to join you after you tried to kill me.”
“I was sent here to ask if you wanted to join, I attacked you because you were expecting me to, and I wanted to see what you were like, and I suppose a little for fun.” Sasori thought to himself that it was a sick way of having fun, but he could see himself doing the same thing. “You don’t know how strong you could honestly be given the opportunity and we are prepared to give it to you.” It definitely was intriguing. He felt no ties to the village and this guy had told him that he would get stronger, a lot stronger. What Sasori had gained most from this whole deal with Orochimaru wasn’t intentional, but the most influential, a taste for real battle, with his life on the line. The thing that he got most, which wasn’t even on purpose, is a taste for real battle. He had just had a small fight with Orochimaru, a ninja of a much greater skill whom he stood no chance against but still fought. If this entire organisation was this strong and recognising him, they must have believed he was potential, and he could continue learning and fighting others like this as it had awoken something within him which he now craved.
“What is the name of this organisation?”
“You do not find out until you are accepted, but I must say-if you do want to come join us, you need to prove yourself one last time. We currently have an Uchiha from Konoha that gave us the heads of his entire clan and although we believe you will fit in just fine, we need a significant assassination.” Orochimaru smiled again and backed up into the side of the cave, he disappeared as if melting into the rock. The presence left Sasori who was standing there wondering what the hell had happened. He needed to think about someone he could kill and he thought he might be better, after a rest for the night. Sasori emptied the entrails and insides in Hiruko’s body and would leave it to dry out over night. Some herbs and oils he bought with him to the cave would keep it from rotting and smelling overnight and he would return tomorrow to begin making it into one of his greatest puppets in his collection. As he left his training sanctuary he looked out over Sunakagure. The sand blew through the buildings carved from earth and numerous memories flashed through Sasori’s head, but that’s all it was, just memories. He found at that point that he felt no ties, nothing for the place he had grown up in and if it meant betraying it and his grandparents for his own strength, then it was worth it, it was definitely worth it.
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