Categories > Original > Humor

What to do

by Ookami 0 reviews

Four a garage...with nothing to do. Dear lord, help us.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-03-31 - Updated: 2008-03-31 - 987 words


What to do?

Four teenagers, two male and two female, sat in a garage in complete silence. They had been sitting there for about an hour doing absolutely nothing. None of them knew why they had nothing to do. All of them simply accepted it...except one.

"What to do? What to do? What to do? Wha-"

"KAIN!!! If you don't shut up, I'll give you something to do and it won't be pleasant," Felix growled from his seat on the couch. His crimson eyes threw Kain a glare that promised the threat would be fulfilled. Kain pouted a bit but kept quiet all the same.

Everyone shifted. Kain ran a hand through his spiked white hair, closing his light green eyes. Ookami slightly kicked Felix for scolding his friend, glaring at him with sharp brown eyes. Krystal pushed blue and black hair from her face for the twentieth time that day. Felix nudged Ookami back with his arm and all went still again. The teenagers sat in silence once more for a few minutes.

Kain looked around the room. "...So-."

"Seriously, Kain,"Krystal looked up from the oil stain she was concentrating on. "If you don't have anything to change the situation, then don't say anything at all."

Kain slumped in the bean bag. "But really now. It's Sunday evening, and we have a holiday at school tomorrow. There must be something we can do!" his irritation making itself known even through his English accent.

Felix leaned back on his side of the worn out sofa and put a hand to his head. "Then I suppose you have some sort of idea to speed things along?" he asked with less bite than earlier. Although he was as irritated as Kain, that was no reason to take it all out on him.

"Well, no but-."

"Then why are you talking?" Felix's anger flared up again.

"Quit it, Felix. It's not Kain's fault. Don't yell at him," Ookami chided him.

From the other side of the room, Kain muttered, "It's not as if I can't stand up for myself..."

"Well I don't hear you coming up with anything," Felix turned to face her.

"I can think of plenty of things to do, but I don't think you would want to involve Krystal or Kain, now would you?" Ookami said, gesturing at the others.

Krystal shook her head. "We wouldn't let you two run off, anyway. If we have to stay bored, then so do you."

Felix smirked."Well, you two could always get together and-."

"I certainly hope not!" and "Are you kidding me?" rang throughout the confined space.

Krystal glared at the two laughing on the couch. "That isn't funny."

Ookami calmed down enough to say, "But you two make a cute couple, whether you realize it or not."

"Yeah, sure. If you call me being paired with a pompous and infuriating brat 'cute,'" Kain looked away and coughed.

Krystal turned on him. "Excuse me! If anyone around here is pompous and infuriating, it's you."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to revise my statement." He cleared his throat. "You are the most difficult living being in the world, second to none."
"What!/?/ How am I difficult?"

"Well, apparently, you should never where a green jacket with green Converse. According to you,'green hasn't been worn that way since forever ago.'" Kain began to do a very good imitation of Krystal, which caused Ookami and Felix to laugh even harder."'Where have you been this whole time? You should wear black instead.' Black may work for you, dear, but it's not for everyone," he finished, slipping back into his own personality.

Krystal's face burned. "I'm so sorry that I don't want to be seen in public with someone with absolutely no fashion sense to speak of."

"No fashion sense?Need I remind you who won the title of 'Best Fashion' since freshman year?"

"Only because you flirt with everyone who cares enough to vote."

"It's called being friendly. Perhaps you should try it sometime."

"I do. Just not to big headed brats like you."

"You are in no position to call anyone a brat, little Miss 'I-own-everything-in-style-and-don't-you-forget-it!'"

Krystal drew abreath but Felix cut it off. "So when was the wedding? And why weren't we invited?"


Both teens continued to fume silently on opposite sides of the room. Felix glanced at Ookami. Ookami glanced at Felix. They sighed into the strained silence. The only thing that could be heard was the unseen cars passing by on the street outside. Felix started counting them.

'One...two. Three...four. Or was that the same one?'

"Hee hee hee..."

Felix looked over at Ookami. What could she possibly be laughing at this time? Everyone looked at one another.

Krystal began to approach her. "Um...Ookami? What are you laughing at?"

"We finally found something to do." She grinned at everyone around the garage.

Felix shook his head."Only you would find something to laugh about in dead silence."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Kain laughed. "It means that you're more random me, love. That's all."

"Is that good or bad?" Ookami asked Krystal.

Krystal shrugged and sat back down. "It depends on how you look at it, Ookami."

"Oh," she said, thoughtfully. She sat back into her original position on the couch.

Everyone went back to their own thoughts. It took some time for anyone to notice that someone was singing, a little bit longer to realize who it was and even longer to recognize the lyrics...

Kain blinked."Hold on, here. How come no one minds it when it's Ookami, but when I say it, Iget threats sent my way?"

"Because," Felix sighed, "she's singing with an enjoyable tune. You, however, simply whine it."

Kain glared. Krystal stifled a laugh. Felix rolled his eyes. Ookami continued singing.

"What to do? What to do?"
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