Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Erika's Open Book

Chapter 2.

by sailingaway_x 3 reviews

Read and find out!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-02 - Updated: 2008-04-03 - 1168 words

Once back home, Erika opened her big red door and entered the front room. Sat on her usual chair was her grandma. Her grandma and Erika looked a lot a like. Except she had long grey hair. She appeared to be sleeping and was snoring quietly, with her old round glasses on top of her head.

Erika grabbed her cross necklace that was on the mantelpiece, creeping around her, trying not to wake her up. Once she was out of the front room she ran two steps at a time up to her room. Her room was the smallest in the house. All the bigger rooms were taken up by her mum’s paintings and as a result she ended up with the smallest. Not only was it tiny but the wallpaper was so old it started to peel. She had the same room since she was born and it has not changed much since. It still had an animal childish border and horrid pink walls. Erika did the best she could to make it a little more grown up. Gerard bought her a few band posters which she covered the pinkness up with, a few punk rockers was better than nothing she guessed. The best (and the only) good thing in her room was a little drawing he drew on the side near her bed post. It was a little stick girl and a stick boy holding hands, underneath he put their names. She remembers this day well, because both her grandma and her mum were out so she could sneak him over. He slept in her room all night that day and they talked about everything and anything. She then laughed out loud at the hassle of trying to get him out with them noticing. Erika started to hold her cross tightly as if it was trying to get away. Her dad gave her this before he passed away. It was a real silver cross on a chain of rosary black beads. It was probably the most expensive thing she owned. She started to pray, wishing for better things to come and for the day to end quicker, so she soon would be with Gerard. Kissing the cross she hid it under her pillow. Erika was very religious and took her beliefs really seriously. She believed in Angels and Heaven and Hell. She would never drink or take drugs, she wanted to have peace within herself, she would panic and freak if she broke those values. Erika became very religious after her dad died, she believed she saw an angel that night in the hospital, a faint light that no one else could see. That was minutes before he passed away. Ever since she has prayed every day before she went to sleep, wishing that her dad was safe and happy.

Erika hated the house she lived in, she hated coming home from school, even with people picking on her because it meant she could spend time with the only person she felt liked her for who she was and was actually there for her, through thick and thin. Her house phone began to ring, that loud echoing, she ran to avoid waking up her grandma.


“ Can I come round?”

“Gerard!” her face instantly lit up,

“Yes ha ha”

“I think so, come through the back wayl”

She put the phone done and turned to the massive gold mirror that was hanging down her cold hallway. She tried to fiddle with her hair, to make it at least a little more presentable but being short she couldn’t do much with it anyway. She started to think why she was suddenly caring what she looked like. Frowning at her own reflection she skipped (ever so quietly) down to the back door. Gerard was already their and was hiding his bike in her shed. After lifting her gaze from the small silver keyhole she unbolted the door and opened it nice and wide, which instantly resulted in her nearly being blown away her hair sticking up like a telephone wire. Gerard started giggling like a school girl whilst taking his headphones out of this ear. She grabbed his hand and they crept slowly up to her tiny room. She switched on her small lightshade but it did not really make any difference, it was starting to get dark and the sunset was emerging, they were both sat on her kids bed in the dim light.

They started talking, when Gerard mentioned her mum.

“Is your mum back yet?”

“Nope, she was meant to be back a few days ago, she doing well with selling the paintings I

Gerard put his large hand on top of hers. Erika suddenly felt strange, she did not know what it was, but Gerard’s warm hand on top of hers caused it.

“It must be hard sometimes? Will she be back before your 15th birthday? Or is she coming back in a few days anyway?”

“Not sure.” Erika started to stare violently at her bed spread, she did not want to get upset in front of him.

Gerard lifted his other hand and put it on her cheek, resting it there. He wiped a tear running down her cold face. Erika looked up and gave him a watery smile. He started playing with her hair affectionately.

“You have shorter hair than me” he started laughing. Erika burst into
a fit of giggles.

How was it that he could make her feel instantly better, with such a lame joke?

“Do your parent’s know your here?”

“Nope” He started to chuckle

“They think I went to bed early”

“Want to stay the night again? Keep me company?” She smiled at him, giving him those puppy eyes
he could not resist.

“Ok, but if I get caught, I will never speak to you ever ever again” He was pretending to act serious but couldn’t keep his face like that for too long and started to laugh.

“Il get some sheets and stuff for you”

Erika started to walk to the airing cupboard. She knew it was not very proper from him to stay but she justified her religious views but saying nothing never happens so what harm can be done? Grabbing lots of pink sheets since they were the only ones clean she started to pace back to her room. Looking through the edge of her room, he did not close the door properly she could see him getting undressed, leaving him in just his black boxers. Her heart started to quicken and so loud she thought that surely he could hear it too. Again she had that same feeling when he touched her hand. Her palms were getting hot and sweaty, wiping them on her jeans she entered the room.

Good enough to carry on? (: I hope so, kinda has my own experiences and feelings mixed in this story. Although shame it does not involved Gerard himself :P

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