Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets

Solitude - V

by frankxgerard 0 reviews

It was too risky to leave an obvious trail such as blood back to the only secure place he had.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-04-05 - Updated: 2008-04-05 - 476 words

Gerard’s feet would have ached if they could have. He couldn’t walk; he left his human clothing back on the other side of Manhattan; he was stark naked. He’d had to shift again after a few hours; it got too warm for the first animal he’d taken the form of.
A field mouse. Thinner fur than a leopard.
He scurried among rubble, snagging food from inattentive humans. They wouldn’t be alive to need it for much longer if he could actually get away with it.
Gerard picked through an old department store, throwing together an adequate outfit and stepping out into full daylight, clothed appropriately.
He’d left behind so much. He had to be careful not to cut himself again. Not by accident. It was too risky to leave an obvious trail such as blood back to the only secure place he had.
He gathered a few object from the store, but all the first aid was gone. It had taken him two years to compile six Band-Aids and two rolls of gauze. The appliance section was almost untouched; the power had been inactive for almost the whole millennium.
He left the store in a hurry for the same reason he left the hotel. Humans would come, and he could hardly stand being around them. Not when he’d been around to see millions of men die in huge explosions of flame and poisonous gas, choking violently until their insides collapsed, suffocating on their own fluids and falling to the ground dead, blank eyes and death erections toward the sky.
There had been thousands of them, bodies decomposing everywhere because no one could clean them up. They kept on rotting, even after the sirens were gone and the air was clear, scarring minds for years as the bones were passed by the weak amount of survivors wherever they went. Gerard had buried countless numbers, walking the streets with a shovel when no one would dare go on the roads with the bodies piled and hanging from windows. He was almost glad they didn’t; they would have gone insane sooner than if they hadn’t tried in the first place.
Gerard pulled the pack over his shoulders and sniffed.
It was hot out. The sky was clear, but the birds were all gone. They’d all been shot and eaten. At least, Gerard hadn’t seen a bird for the whole 1000 years, and he’d wandered practically everywhere since then.
He couldn’t remember any songs, so he couldn’t even busy himself with his own thoughts. He remembered music being a huge interest in his life, but he still couldn’t remember much of anything, other than snippets he heard while rummaging through old crap in abandoned stores and houses.
It was almost disturbing to him, but only almost.
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