Categories > TV > Doctor Who

Wrath of a Lonely God

by Great_Writer_Sarah 0 reviews

Ten/Rose. They have come into his sanctuary and crossed the line. Written for 10_shakespeare at LJ.

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-04-05 - Updated: 2008-04-06 - 537 words - Complete

The alarm goes off five minutes after the doors closed and they had already gone to their respective areas in the TARDIS - Rose in her bedroom, the Doctor to tinker in the library. There is a bright blinking light on the console, accompanied by a quick procession of sharp shrill whistle-like notes. It only takes half a second for the Doctor to realize what was happening - /intruder, ship under attack, danger/.

He leaps through the hallways, taking great strides to make his way towards the now-rollicking console room. He can smell the burnt sizzle of laser fire and quickly extinguishes a handful of sparks coming from the controls using the flaps of his coat. Glasses are impatiently shoved farther up the bridge of the nose as he starts flipping switches and turning knobs. One limber leg stretches a great deal to reach a far away lever, and handles it with the Doctor's typical acrobatic flair.

Then he hears a distinct sound above all the buzzing and fizzing of the console and the dull ringing of the cloister bells: a feminine scream. /Rose/, and soon the Doctor is rocketing out of the shaking console room and through the hallways, which are vibrating with the energy of distant explosions. His fists are clenched and his eyes are hard-set; there is no doubt that whatever was plaguing his companion will find hell to pay at his hands.

'Hell to pay'. Curious. He had already faced down a demon in his pit and walked away unharmed. Demons and goblins, devils and monsters: been there, done that. It's this one certain thing which has the Doctor shaken up more than usual. A faceless, reckless thing that invades computer systems in the blink of an eye while entering through the 'back door' - and dear Rassilon, has the hallways always been this damn long and twisty?

There is another scream, and it is reassuring, for it means Rose is still alive or at least enough to resist the unknown enemy. It would be a lot easier if the aggravated Time Lord did not have to go dicking about in his own corridors, but that thing has taken over the mainframe, and there's not much he can do. No, he won't do anything, not until he knows that his companion, his Rose Tyler, is out of danger. And if that sounds just a bit possessive, it is. So many before her have been lost forever: Sara Kingdom, Adric, Sam Jones, Reinette, countless others just as significant. This one is different, he vows. This one I won't lose. My Rose.

And he knows this possessive feelings are wrong and that Rose deserves a life of her own, but as he paces angrily through the halls, he can't help but think that she feels the same way. This thought mingles with the rage in his hearts and propels him through the doorway into Rose's quarters - his eyes a-lit with fire, sonic screwdriver out, ready to go, ready to save the center of his universe.

"Take your hands off my companion or I might do something you'll sorely regret."

It will be, for the hijacking alien fresh out of uni, a very uncomfortable lesson.
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