Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Hey Moon Please Forget To Fall Down

Hey Moon Please Forget To Fall Down

by FallsOuttaPlace 0 reviews

Ummm....its kinda like my Sum 41 ff but its a lot different there in really the only thing thats the same

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-04-07 - Updated: 2008-04-07 - 707 words

Title-Panic At The Disco- Northern Downpour-Pretty. Odd.

Ryan grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. He hoped into Spencer's car. "Morning" "Hey" He bit his lip. "Can I drive this time?" "Sure." Spencer got out of the car and switched seats with Ryan. When they got to the school Ryan pulled into a open parking spot. "Ryan move." "Why?" "Just move the fucking car!" "Spenc why?" "Beacause...." before he could finish there was a tap on the window. Spencer sunk deep into his seat. Ryan rolled down the window. "Your in my spot" "It was open, why should i have to move?" "Just move it Faggot!" "No" "ryan just move the fucking car before he fucking kills us" "No I'm not moving" "So thats your name, Ryan? Well then Ryan, Move!" "Just do it Ryan!" Ryan rolled the window up and threw the key in the hole and drove into a different spot. "Smart move Ryan." Ryan rolled his eyes. Spencer quickly got out of the car. "Who was that." "Brendon Boyd Urine, the most popular guys in the school." "What kinda middle name is Boyd?!" They both laughed. Ryan went to his locker with a smile. He suddently felt a cold breath down his neck. He turned around. It was Brendon. "Look at that, our lockers are next to eachother!" "Lets get one thing straight Brendon, I don't like you, you don't like me. I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone. Deal?" "Whatever" Everything Ryan was saying was a lie. He like Brendon, he just had to get through his core. Ryan walked into the Langue Arts class. Brendon quickly followed. Ryan's stomach sank. After 6th period Ryan ran into Spencer and Jon. "Dude! That Brendon guy is in like all of my classes and then the teachers put us next to eachother! Not to mention his lockers next to mine." "First his parking spot now this!" "Ry, that really sucks. This school years gonna suck for all of us." "Thanks Jon." They all quickly ran into the computer lab. Ryan, Jon, and Spencer logged into AIM. Seeing how they had free roam on the internet.

YourFormerLove: Hioo
XTeenagersX: Hey
SinWriter: Still stuck in the mcr daze aren't you ry?
XTeenagersX:Shut up Jon
YourFormerLove: lol
Ryan got an new instant message. 'XPureRomanceX wants to chat'

XTeenagersX: Anyone know this XPureRomanceX?
SinWriter:Idk chat with them see what happens!
XTeenagersX: what if its some creep?! with him......its not like he can tell if your lying or not!
YourFormerLove: Jon's right.....just talk with him if anything.....
SinWriter:Give the chat over to Spenc!
Ryan opened the chat.

XPureRomanceX: Hey
XTeenagersX: Hi how did you get my s/n?
XPureRomanceX: Seach
XPureRomaneX: So......can you help me with something?
XTeenagersX: Sure
XPureRomanceX: Okay well....there's this guy......and...I was acting like an ass around him......and I wanna make it up to him
Ryan's eyes widened. It's Brendon. Isn't it?
XTeenagersX: Do you like him?
XPureRomanceX: Yea
XTeenagersX: Then just try and talk to him....he might talk to you, too
XPureRomanceX: Hey he's in my class after this..I'll talk to him there Thanks well I've gotta go talk to him! Thanks
XTeenagersX: Mhm
"So Ryan who was it?" "Brendon" Ryan ran down the stairs more exstatic than ever. He ran into the music class and sat down at the at the piano. Brendon was always there. "Hey Ryan." Ryan looked up trying to hide his smile. "Hey." Brendon grabbed Ryan's hands. "I'm sorry for acting like an complete ass-hole." "Thats fine." "Would you go out with me?" "Yes!" Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon. "Okay, tonight? 7:00?" "Sure!"

The doorbell rang and Ryan flew down the stairs. Brendon stood there. Ryan pulled him inside. "You ready to go?" "Yeah." They ran outside an hoped into the car. "God, you look beautiful." Ryan's face flushed red. "You too. So where are we going?" "Someone's party." Ryan's gut sank. All of Brendon's friends hated Ryan. "Okay." "Baby, are you okay?" "Kinda" "Whats wrong, don't worry everyone's gonna leave you alone I promise you!" Ryan smiled. He trusted Brendon with this.
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