Categories > Original > Fantasy


by Mikey_Mikes 1 review

A boy who finds out who he really is by a crash from his past.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2008-04-07 - Updated: 2008-04-07 - 1529 words

When I woke up that morning on the planet earth I knew something was going to happen today. Just not that it was going to change my life.

Hi, my name is Caldazar. I am 14 years old I have not yet found my real family of which I was to really find last year at lest that’s what the detective said. But they also said that they were really close to finding them 4 years ago but they weren’t so I don’t really listen to them all that much any more. But when I woke up that morning I wasn’t expecting any thing, but then it happened I was sitting on my bed thinking about what was going to happen to me. So when I was getting dressed I released that I wasn’t feeling all that good so I went down in to the eating area. And asked my mom if I was feeling a little warm but when she went to touch my for head she pulled it back so fast that I could not even notice it was gone. She looked at me puzzled so I asked what was wrong she said I was as if a giant block of ice but colder so she took me to the doctor. He said that I should stay at home but when I went to leave I froze the door shut and they had to get some help. That’s when it hit me I was some kind of mutant so the next day I stayed home I didn’t talk to any one until they showed me where they found me it looked like a small missile. They said that they found me in it so that’s when I found out that I came from a planet called Gar I was mad for a wile but then I decided that better make use of my time. That’s when my idea popped up in my head that I should see if it could take me back home I did ever thing that I could think of to get it working but nothing happened. So when I went to go eat dinner I noticed everyone was acting weird. So I took a chance and asked, they said that there was some thing else in the space ship that they had not told me, so I asked what it was they said that they think it was a message from my real family. But they couldn’t open it because they didn’t know how to use it so they gave it to me and instantly on touch it came on.

It was a message but not from my family I think it was more of a family friend because they said that my family was killed. They were a part of a rebellion group but they let me live only if I was never to know of my family’s death. So they took me in and sent me to my family’s favorite planet earth they thought it would be better for me to get away from all of that. They also mentioned that it would be normal for me to receive powers along water, snow, and ice but if it was fire then there was something wrong with me. Then they said some thing that blew me away they called me Caldazar that’s when reality hit me that this whole thing was a mistake a dream I am just a normal kid not from some kind of planet that no one knew about! So I left went up to my room waiting to wake up to the nice smell of eggs and bacon from the kitchen but it never came then there was a knock on my door. It was my dad the one just a few hours ago I was playing ball with but he didn’t seem like he was my dad he seemed more like a old man that I knew nothing about.

He seemed worried but didn’t say any thing he just sat down next to me. He then asked one question I never thought he would ask me me asked me if I wanted to go play some ball with him I just looked at him dumbfounded like he just asked me to jump off a bridge. He understood so he asked me, “What did they said on the thing?” all I could say was “What?” he said that they could not understand the video so I told him everything that was on it. He then got up and went to the door but right be for he left he said some of the most powerful words any one could have said to me at that moment “We will always be there for you, and I’ am sorry for your family”. With that he left me alone again in the dark with nothing but my thoughts I woke up the next morning with only one thought how was my family found out about was the same family that sent me here the same one that betrayed my family. A couple of weeks passed when there was a big explosion in a town that was near us and word of it came like wind that there was a spaceship found where the explosion came from and it looked as if it would fit two. The first thought that came to my mind was that the came to finish the job but nothing happened for the next few days until I was coming home from school one day. I noticed that there was distinctive smell that was never there so I ran to my house the door was torn was thrown off its hinges.

Then I realized that all the houses where like that so when I got I side I saw that my mom and dad were on the floor wrapped in vines and by then I knew how to control my powers so I froze the vine with out hurting them. They then said that a man and women had come there looking for a kid named Caldazar. That’s when I noticed that there were two vary large shadows up stairs moving around like looking for something I then did one of the most stupidest things that I could have ever done. I yelled, “Who’s up there!” as if startled they stopped moving and then they started moving toward the stirs and then thinking fast I pushed the only family I knew out the door and then said to them “Look for a hiding place away from here”. They then took me in their arms and said the reason why I wanted to protect them “We love you son.” Then as if hitting the ground a sudden rush air left me I then realized that the people that were now down stairs and had vines wrapped around me and they were pulling me toward them so I reached back to grab the vine. Once I had a grip on it I sent a fezing wave up the vine and broke free I then turned around and yelled for my mom & dad to get out. With that said I looked at who I was dealing with they weren’t the same people on the video but similar they weren’t much older then me maybe a year or two. Then I started the questions “Who are y’all?” they, then said something that made me want to just start shouting at them but I didn’t, said “the ones that killed your family and the people that forced the information out of the people that sent you here we’re there children.”

With that they left me breathless and that’s when they started to come at me with out realizing what was going on I just let all the anger flow though me. Then let it all out with a wave of ice that froze them in their tracks once I woke up from my anger I noticed what I did. Something I never knew I could do startled at what I did and then I went up to them and broke the ice off their heads to let them talk. Then I walked out side to look for my family they were in the shed waiting for me. So I brought inside to the people that I wanted to kill but instead tolled them to tell us everything. Once they finished I got up and asked my dad what he liked best wind or earth he replied earth so I took his hand and took the other boys hand and said that this might be a little cold. With that I transferred the earth energy source in the boy and put it in my dad. Then the same with my mom but wind went to her, they took awhile to get used to it but once they did I unfroze the rest of the boy and girl and then walked away and……………….

took my first look at Gar with my new family.
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