Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

A story for the broken girl

by ocean_soul 2 reviews

You can read if you want im not so good at summarys (thats why i'm failing English)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-10 - Updated: 2008-04-10 - 364 words

Chapter 1
The icy air lingered on her breath as she trudged street upon empty street. Her face was hidden behind a black mop of hair which was sticking to her face as tears poured out of her eyes. Her trudge was slowly turned into a fast paced walk as hooded characters drenched in tracksuits, glanced evil looks in her direction. In response the broken girl covered her eyes even more and flicked her black hood over her head.
All she could think about was how he promised that it would never get that far.
“I’ll quit.”
The ghostly voice echoed in her head and made her frozen heart flutter. She knew that people would come looking for her, they’d ask her questions and she would turn to stone…once again. She had no idea where to go, no idea who to tell.
The girls heart filled with remorse, how one could measly person cause so much damage, she had proved to the world that she had some sort of soul, now it was just left shattered on the ground. She felt another painful jab at her shattered soul when memories came pouring back into her mind.
She blocked these images and carried on walking, she didn’t think about what had just happened and what she had just done. She had ran, ran away from the heartbreak that lay on that floor.
No-one could ever forget what she had just laid her eyes on, but somehow she had too. It would eat away at her mind, until all that was left was some beautiful corpse. She felt certain that this dire fate would somehow happen to her as the world slowly crumpled around her.
All of a sudden she was jerked back into reality as some stranger bashed into her side.
“Sorry love,” was the reply.
But she could not hear him, as she realized where her feet had just carried her. She was face to face with a door which she had not seen in three years, a door which held only grief in the poor girl’s heart. One last tear fell down her cheek as her shaking hand knocked 1, 2, 3
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