Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Boy, The Girl And The Wolf

The Boy, The Girl And The Wolf

by shenzie9000 0 reviews

Jesse is an ten year old boy who`s best friend is Sahara Castro.The two ten year olds share many adventures with a dazleing white winged wolf named azlan.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-02-12 - Updated: 2006-02-12 - 149 words

Jesse Ransome is a 10-year old boy from windsor conneticut.He was in Ms.Weinberg`s fifth grade class.Jesse was always distracked from his work because he was always stareing at Sahara, a beautifl young vixen around his age.Sahra has the biggest crush on him!He denins his strong love for her but deep down he loves her!He even sometimes acts like he hates her guts! * "Can anyone tell me what six times 3 is?" The boy gazes at her in wonder.If he reveals his secret will she love him back?(In his head)"I love you Sahara Castro!!" "I love you to!!"Sadly he faers that this moment shall never happen.He looks up at her and finds she is looking at him to.He blushes, quickly he puts his nose in his book.Sahara giggles and calls herself an idiot.(End-Chapter Of The Boy)
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