Categories > Original > Drama > Solo Otra Vez


by sCreaMsErenE 0 reviews

the gang runs around and thats all i can really say?

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-04-17 - Updated: 2008-04-17 - 2036 words


It’s been two more days and Teagen rarely talked, or at least she did in front of Gabe; like she would only say ‘mmm’ for yes or no or ‘mmm-mm-mmm’ to the tune’ I don’t know?’.

“Teagen,” I said “are you okay?”


“don’t be an idiot, you know what I mean”


Gabriel’s Pov

I’m sick of Teagen ignoring me and just ‘mmm-ing’. We were pulled over at a gas station, and this was my chance. I opened the back doors and pulled her out behind me. She was backwards when I pulled her wrist so she stumbled but I caught her. Score one!

“Teagen, I’m tired of you!”

“Okay.” She said turning but I pinned her (gently) to the van.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Trying to talk to you-“ she tried to wriggle out of my grip as I continued “With out you interrupting me!”

“Do you want me to scream ‘rape’?” she kicked the van behind her yelling kind of softly “Ana get my rape whistle!” I tried not to laugh and keep my face serious cause Ana and Ninia’s faces were pressed against the door’s windows, smiling- or at least that’s what it looked like. I gave them a stern look and they ducked down.

“As I was saying” I continued once again, while she looked back “Why are you doing this to me? …Don’t you get it? …I need you.” She opened her mouth slightly surprised “No. I WANT you.”

Teagen’s Pov

“No. I WANT you.” Gabriel said pausing searching my eyes for some kind of signal saying’ I herd you loud and clear dude!’ It was like, what, five, ten seconds of that ‘soul searching’ and he leaned in abruptly, but gently. I could feel his lips grazing the surface of mine… his hands weren’t on my shoulders pinning me anymore, they had moved down just above my waist holding me close. He pulled back opening his eyes. I blinked a few times to make sure it wasn’t some twisted nightmare on crack, or a dream gone awry. Nope sure as heck it was the real deal. At that moment of pausing, he smiled and I copied. And he leaned in again.

~*~*~Some Time or Minutes Later~*~*~

We were back on the road again, Me and Gabriel finally didn’t have to sit in the back floor area; Gabe was sitting on the seat with his arms spread over the head rest spot and I was laying down with my head on his lap. I don’t know what really happened from the gas statin stop, but everything just seemed better then it have evr been this summer. We were all laughing and joking and talking. Anastasia and Aiden were singing to mucis on the radio along, (which was barley audible because they ewre laughing along with us.) Petr and Ninia were telling each otherin full detail (not) about all their tree encounters… or pudding… either one. Any who, Gabe was trying to balance marbles or something round and hard on my nose, Which of course was very unsuccesfull; so far I had five hit my eyes, twelve bounce off my forehead, and three or four go somewhere I couldn’t see.

“Gabe,” I said interrupting his tweny-seventh
Attempt “all this time made me realize…”


“I was this close” I said holding up my themb and index finger a small space apart infront of his face “ to having Pete Wentz’s number”

He suddenly corrected his sloutching posture “What?!”

“I’m only kidding!”

“Oh. Oh yea, I knew that!”

“Of course!” I said rolling my eyes.

“Hey,” he said menacingly but with a smile, and running his fingers up and down my side quickly “do you need some sort of ‘ajustment’?”

“No!” I said quickly shaking my head.

Everyone was happy and stuff. It was nice; I don’t think we’ve ever been this happy together at a time. It was nice. Peter spoke up

“Dudes, this van kind of well it reaks!” I need fresh air to soooth my lungs!”

“Uh- huh. Well, agree, but we’re like five miles away from a hotel.”

“Ugh. Fine.”

~*~*~Like Five Miles Later~*~*~

We pulled up to a hotel. Everyone was tired and it was about 10:30. Aidne got us checked in and got a room for us. The hotel was pretty nice, but since it was in the middle of nowhere, we got a whole pool to ourselves (there wasn’t anyone else on our floor). Gabe sniffed his Arm pitts when everyone had bustled into the room.

“I smell… so I’m going to take a shower. Please no peaking- Aiden, that means you.”

“One time! Sheesh!” he said throwing his arms in the air.

He left to the bathroom and we were all talking loudly again, but I sewar there was a crash but I was probably imagining it. It was about ten minutes later when I thought he’d be done but no. I knocked on the doorquietly since everyone was sleeping.

“Gabe?” pause, no answer. “Gabe?” I asked into the silence a little louder as I knocked harder too.” Still no answer. I opened the door to see steam billowing out of the top of the shower; I slid the door to the shower open closing my eyes tight, but when there was no answer I opened them. What I saw struck me like a tidle wave taller than anything I’ve ever seen: Gabe was lying on the shower floor, towel still on his waist (he must have done it quick after starting it), blood oozing from his head, probably where the stitches were a week ago. I couldn’t help but let out an ear splitting scream.

Aiden’s Pov

I woke up with a start and raced over to the bathroom. Teagen was standing there gazing over Gabe’s body, covered in blood. She was whimpereing and shaking slightly. I yelled for evey one else to come and help me. I scooped Teagen up and dragged her over to one of the beds. Everything happened so fast: Anastasia stayed with teagen, Peter helped me try to get Gabe out and soak up the blood with a towel while Ninia called the manager and an ambulance. He was still unconscious. Crap. Why does this always happen to us… lately? They fixed him up with in twenty minutes and told us to let him stay and rest for a few days. The girls fell asleep with in a half hour, ten minutes later peter, then me about an hour later.

Gabe was still out of it till that afternoon. We were all relaived, yet everything still seemed fuzzy and fast to me. At that evening Gabe wanted to get up and move. I said no. Peter called the hotel doctor again and he examined Gabriel and said he was fine just try to not over exurte himself, like running. When the Dr. left he told us what he remembered.

“Uh… First I got in and felt something slip under my foot. It was hard and yellow- hey that was probably the bar of soap. I hate soap now… Oh yea, then I felt a blow to my dead and everything faded black.” He took a breath, paused and finished “I’m over heating!” he cried out that evening after we ate our sandwhiches.

“What are we supposed to do?” asked Peter.

“Come with me…” he said struggling up, then sneekinly headed down the hallway. He was headed to the pool.

Anastasia and Ninia instantly ran towards it but paused before jumping in, looked at Gabriel and Peter who were taking off their tee- shirts and pants, jumping in with only their boxers. I thought about it for a few seconds and joined them at the same time as Anastasia and Ninia, in their shirts and hiking shorts. I swirled around and saw Teagen watching us apprehensively.

“Get in already!” I said waving my hand at her. She bit her lip but decided to come any ways.

Anastasia’s Pov

We were all in the pool swimming back and forth splashing everyone- wait… we don’t have towels do we? I spoke this out loud and Gabe, wanting to move around, volunteered.

Two minutes later after Gabe left, A preppy- ish kid came in with two of his friends. They were tall thin, Hollister brand and American Eagle every which way they turned, and looked about sixteen or seventeen. He had brown hair, but his two friends were blond. They eyed us all up and down and gave us a ‘yea, we’re better- and we know it’ looks. They ripped off their tee shirts and trousers revealing their stupid Abercrombie swimming trunks and jumped in. We all turned around and continued, acting like this little intrusion never happened. They were so annoying: they kept letting out little spurts of laughter shooting us wired looks, like ‘we always get what we want’ and ‘ewe, what the heck is that’ (that meaning us).

Suddenly they all swarmed up and we went silent.

“What?” Peter said rudely

“Hey now, there’s no need for that. We can all share this pool. We just want to chill” said the ‘leader or the pack’.

I raised my eyebrow as the girls crossed their arms, and the guys put their hands on their waist.

The brunet swam over to Teagen and the other two floated into the rest of our group.

“Hey” he said cooley “I’m Mark, how bout you?”

“I don’t care” she said shrugging him off.

Well played I thought.

“Well that’s Jamie and Trent” he said cocking his head towards his minions, and plopping a seat on the pool’s seat by hers. What a buffoon.

She didn’t make any type of recognition. He pulled her bye the arm and on to his lap. Ewe.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t- “ she said trying to squirm away.

“Why, not baby? You know, you gals are not that bad looking for an emo”

Ooh, he went there. We were watching intenstly.

She shot him a death-threat look “Excuse me?”

“Yea, the guys agree with me on your gang too.”

That was it; she had it. “I’m not your baby” she said wrenching herself away, punching him in the chin, and screaming ‘rape!” just as Gabriel burst in; the Mark boy looked up at once rubbing the red spot Teagen left on his chin.

“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he said throwing himself into the pool and pulling Teagen behind him. “What, you think you’re hott crap don’t you?”

“Well I- uh-“

“Save it!” he said thrusting him against the tile wall of the pool. “Don’t you ever come over and try your crap on us again! And who are you to use labels huh?” He kneed him in the stomach. “Do I make myself clear?”

They all stood there dumb-struck and shocked; Mark had a small drop of blood wondering down away from the corner of his lips. We climbed out of the pool. Teagen did a cute little wave thing as she walked out and me, and I think Peter too, stuck our tongues out at them as we left and they retorted “We’ll be back. We will… mind you…” then the door swung shut.

Gabe pulled teagen into a hug in front of our room “did they hurt you?”

“No, they smelled like chlorine and fish- sticks?” she let out a small shiver “I- I just don’t like them. I… I want to leave soon”

“We will. But first lets just lay low-“

“And when did you get so violent?” Ninia asked

“When people pick on my home fries”

“Ahh. That explains everything” I said jokingly.

“Well then, can we all just go to bed now or something?”

We all were quiet from then on but got ready for bed; it was Peter’s and Ninia’s turn to sleep on the floor.
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