Categories > Original > Fantasy

The Stars of Lucius

by kiramorningstar 0 reviews

Lucius is troubled by dreams about the fate of Kamyrr'ah, a fantastic city of incredible wealth and prosperity.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2008-04-17 - Updated: 2008-04-20 - 7070 words

  • Lucius Dreams

    by kiramorningstar 0 reviews

    Lucius is troubled by dreams about the fate of Kamyrr'ah, a fantastic city of incredible wealth and prosperity.

    Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Published: 2008-04-17 - Updated: 2008-04-20 - 3141 words

  • Of Stars and Dreams of Kings

    by kiramorningstar 0 reviews

    Lucius goes to the palace, hoping to interpret the king's dream, and meets an interesting man.

    Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Published: 2008-04-20 - Updated: 2008-04-20 - 3929 words

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