Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We can settle this affair.

In the hall and then at the kitchen.

by darkviolet 6 reviews

The village called, they want their bitch back.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Erotica - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-04-18 - Updated: 2008-04-18 - 1516 words

"What do you want?"

Gerard looked at us darkly, "What are you doing?"

"Non of your fucking business," I hissed.

He shifted his eyes from me to Frankie, from my arms around his neck and to his hands on my back, "Can I talk to you, Iero?"

Frank shrugged, letting go of me, "Go to class before dick gets you again"

"No I'll wait with you. Mrs. Iero must know it's my fault," I insisted.

Frank rolled his eyes, "Viola stop, it's not your fault and trust me, you don't wanna be here when my mom storms in".

I contemplated the situation, I really didn't want to be there when she arrives, hell would break lose and then some. I nodded and started walking down the hall.

"What the fuck?," Gerard called out to me.

"What?!," I whined with annoyance, "What'd you want now?"

"French is in the opposite direction," he smirked, motioning to the opposite direction.

"Don't fucking boss me around," I snapped. Everything just burst out of me and I lashed at him as usual, "You have no right, you motherfucking stalker.

He blinked, "But French is that way"

"So fucking what?! What if I don't want to go to fucking French! What if I know a short cut? What if I dropped French and signed up for Japanese! How do you know I'm taking French anyway, you son of a bitch?!"

Frank stepped back, looking a little worried when Gerard took a few steps towards me, "First, Mikey's in your class and second we don't have Japanese here and third don't fucking talk to me like that, you whore!"

"Then don't stalk me," I pushed him against the lockers, "Every where I turn I see your ugly mug!"

"I can't help it," he reached out to grab something to stabilize him against my wrath, "I'm fucking drawn to fucking prostitutes"

"Well your mother is in New York," I pushed him again, losing control by the second.

"Yeah pimping yours," he yelled.

"Um guys?," Frank chipped in a small voice.

"Fucking stay out of this!," Gerard glared at him.

"Don't tell him to stay out of this," I waved my arms around violently, "You're not the boss of him, he can fucking be in the middle of this if it's his fucking soul's desire"

"I'll boss whoever the fuck I want to!"


"Dudes," Frank stood between us, facing Gerard, "Knock it off"

"Stay out of this, Frankie," I placed my hand on his shoulder and walked around him so I could yell directly at Gerard.

"Go to your class," he crossed his arms on his chest, trying his best not to give up control.

"What if I don't fucking want to?," I smirked.

"Viola, go to your class,"


"Just fucking go!"


He clenched his jaw, "Go"


Frank looked desperately from my angry face to his burning features, "Please Viola, we need to talk"

I bit back my frustration, Frank got me. I can't yell at him and I can't refuse cause he asked so nicely to leave them alone. One last flip of my middle finger to Gerard and I shuffled my way to french in the right direction, leaving the guy and the prick whispering loudly.

I was really bothered by Frank's situation and part of it was really out of selfish motives, Frank really made school fun, and now without him, who'll spit spit balls at the teachers and skip with me to smoke behind the school. I still had Mikey but it was different with him, Mikey was fun in his own way. The halls seemed really empty knowing Frank won't be there. I should really make some new friends, it was comfortable being just Frank, Mikey and me without having to risk humiliation and meet new people, particularly cause they all looked lame but what if Mikey left too? I had to have a safety net or something.
The shock and bitter resentment for the principle kept me quite throughout the day, no one spoke to me either. Mikey was doing some kinda shit and Gerard was pouting and glaring everytime I crossed his sight and I fell asleep with the thought that even if I just fade, no one would notice. Perhaps wonder where I went and what trouble I got into now but they won't be sorry or sad, maybe they'll even feel relief cause I was such a hassle for everyone.

It felt like I blinked and it was morning already and what a grumpy morning it was! Everyone were in bad mood, Mikey grumbled uncontrollably about how tired he was, I bitched about how I'm gonna miss Frank and fade when he's gone without anyone's noticing, Gerard was so irritated, he was close to having a nervous breakdown and I'm sure that if it wasn't a big no no in the parental guidebook my dad would've told us all to fuck off and leave him the fuck alone.

I sulked alone at the table, dad already left to work, dropping off Mikey who had some project to finish off. I rested my head on my arms and closed one eye while the other watched Gerard roam the kitchen. He made himself breakfast. That is when he didn't cast evil looks in my direction.
All the scents made my mouth water, "Make me breakfast too"

"Make your own," grumbling he put everything back in the fridge.

"Oh come on," my stomach joined in the whining, "I made you coffee"

"Um no," he cocked his eyebrow, "You made yourself coffee and offered me to finish what you didn't drink"

I rolled my eyes, "You're so petty, bottom line is that you drank coffee I made"

"Why don't you get off your fucking ass, make 4 steps and make your own breakfast," he said coldly.

"Oh the village called," I smirked, "They want their bitch back"

"You want help packing?"

"Ha ha, you're soo funny. I can't contain myself"

He bowed a little, taking a giant bite off his sandwich. I heaved myself off the chair and stretched, arching my back. I walked around the counter and glared at him while opening the fridge to search for food. There was a lot of food but none that I could prepare or wasn't lazy enough to bother. I mean come on! making a toast or pouring juice?! Why should I bother when I have shit ready within reach, the only problem was that he won't share, a minor setback if you ask me.

"Come on, Gerard. Don't be so selfish," I batted my eyelashes slightly, lowering my eyes the moment he made contact.
Unfortunately he didn't fall for that this time, he actually moved the plate a little bit to the further side.
"Just a tinsy winsy bite, Gerard," I pouted playfully, using his name as a bait.

"You won't like it," he dismissed me, chewing the blissful heaven in his plate.

"I'm sure I will,"

"Doubt it," he smiled a little.

"Oh come on! It's my food! My money! My house! I demand you give me a bite!," I cried out, on second thought, preparing my own would've been less difficult, "Unless it's like a rat poison, then I'll be happy to let you finish"

"God," he sighed, "Don't you have some slut's business to attend to or something?"

Well desperate times calls for desperate means..Or something like that...
I grabbed one half of the sandwich of the plate and took a huge bite, giving him enough time to groan and tear it out of my hand.
It took maybe 4 seconds for the fire to spread in my mouth and burn every inch of the delicate area. I opened it widely and fanned frantically on instinct as though I was trying to put it out, it spread quickly down my stomach as I swallowed unintentionally, jumping up and down, letting desperate squeals escape my vocal chords.

"Told you won't like it," he laughed.

"Ooooh hottt," I wiped away the sudden tears blocking my view, still jumping around the kitchen, "Hooott. Sooo Hooot"

He handed me his glass of juice which I drank eagerly despite the bitter taste it left, "Fuck you"

"I told you so,"

I felt my mouth with the tongue, everything seemed numb and still burning, "I can't feel anything. You damaged me. I'll sue," I wagged my index finger at him with a severe expression on my face.

He grabbed my finger and pulled me down on his lap, quickly slipping his tongue in my burning mouth. It felt so nice, I relaxed against him and pulled his face deeper into mine allowing his hands to rest against my waist.
Soon the burning sensation of the hot chilly turned into a hot sensation of a different kind as his tongue explored my neck, extracting little moans from me.
His breathe became more shallow with each moan he manage to extract from me, he pulled back, running his hand through his hair, his face flushed with familiar excitement, "What's your first class?"

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