Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Behind Closed Doors

Flights and Best Friends Part Two

by Medusa 0 reviews

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Patrick Langlois,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Published: 2008-04-21 - Updated: 2008-04-21 - 1191 words

We arrived back at the bus in one piece, much to the relief of Leonie and Amy.

“Guys” I called out

All six of them came rushing into the lounge area and found a seat somewhere.

“Okay, Amy this is Pierre, Chuck, Jeff, Seb and David…you already know my brother” I pointed to everyone in turn and watch Amy look at all of them, lingering on Seb for a while

“Hey” The all called

“Little Pat” David said from the floor “We’re going to get something to eat. Do you guys wanna come?”

I looked at Leonie and Amy

“Yeah, I’m starving…I refuse to eat plane food it’s so gross” Amy smiled

“As long as we can have a different table from the guys…” Leone smirked “They eat like pigs” She explained to Amy

“Hey” Chuck nudged Leonie as he past her

“You know it’s true” Leonie laughed as she exited the bus with the other guys

“Wow” Amy sighed “I never thought I’d be on tour with Simple Plan”

“Believe” I smiled “We’ll unpack when we come back, the guys will be falling over themselves to help you out” I said as we left the bus and closed the door

We arrived at the restaurant and immediately split up the guys and Amy – she didn’t believe us that the guys ate like pigs - at one table and me and Leonie at another far away from the guys.

“Poor Amy” Leonie sighed as she watch the guys eat

“We did warn her” I smiled, cutting my pancakes

“Look at her face” Leonie laughed as David stuffed a whole pancake into his mouth

“She looks traumatized” I laughed

Amy excused herself from the group and walk towards us, probably going to the bathroom.

“Help me” She said dropping into the seat next to me

“What’s up?” I smirked putting a bit of pancake in my mouth

“You got to get me out of there” Amy grabbed the front of my shirt
“Okay, calm down. Just bring your plate over” Leonie said placing her hand on Amy’s arm

“I’m not so hungry anymore” Amy grimaced as she looked back to see Jeff pouring syrup down his throat

“Pigs!” Leonie called

“Thanks” They called back waving they’re forks


After a horrifying breakfast Amy, Leone and I went back to the bus to unpack Amy’s things. The guys had disappeared somewhere to get out of helping.

“My god, I think I’m going to be scared for life after witnessing that” Amy winced, still going on about the guys eating habits

“I know what you mean, the first time I sat down with Jared’s band for dinner, its was like feeding time at the zoo” Leonie said folding a pair of jeans

“Can we change the subject, its making me feel sick” I moaned folding t-shirts

“Okay” Amy and Leonie said in unison

There was a brief silence as we all thought of something to say.

“Does Seb have a girlfriend?” Amy asked putting the clothes in the drawer under the bunk across from me

“Subtle Amy” I smirked

“I was only a question” She blushed

“No, Seb doesn’t have a girlfriend” Leonie giggled

“Are you going on another date with Frank?” Amy asked me, to get the embarrassment off of her

“We’ve not planned anything but I hope we do because I really like him” It was my turn to blush

“Awww….” Leonie smiled “Amy, how long are you here for?”

“A month. Why?” Amy asked stuffing the last of her clothes into the drawer

“How did you manage to get that time off work?” Leonie asked

“Oh, when I go back…I’m running an article in the magazine about tour life” Amy explained


“You sure you’ve brought enough clothes?” I asked

“I don’t plan on doing laundry unless it’s absolutely necessary” Amy smiled at her triumph with the drawer

“Hey, this is my shirt” I exclaimed holding up a fall out boy shirt I bought months ago and thought I’d lost


Lying in the grass, with my eyes closed basking in the mid morning sun. I was thinking about Amy when a shadow cast over me.

"Hey Pie, what’s up?" I asked shading my hand with my eyes and looking up at him

"Nothing much, just wanted to ask you something" He asked sitting down next to me on the grass

"Uh-huh" I said closing my eyes again

"Do you recognize Amy from somewhere?" He asked

"She does an article in MRR" I answered, looking at him briefly


"Yeah, she some times has her picture in it"

"Wow, she's hot" Pierre said

"She has a boyfriend apparently" I lied trying to stop Pierre from going after her

"Not for long" He smirked, getting up off the grass and heading towards the bus

I watched him walk round the end of one of the other buses before moving after him. He was not messing this up for me.

I walked fast round the bus and not seeing Pierre I hurried onto our bus. I reached our bus out of breath and worried about what Pierre had said to Amy.

"Hey Seb" Amelia smiled holding up a drink for me

"Thanks" I choked before downing most of the water

"What's up?" Amy asked, from the bunk area

"Has Pierre been here?" I asked, looking around at the mess that the girls had made

"Yeah, he saw the mess and walked back out" Leonie said holding up one of Amy's tops

"Chuck is going to freak out" I said looking around the room at all the clothes lying around

"It's alright we'll have it cleaned up before he even gets back" Amelia scoffed

"Seb? Do you think you could help me with this?" Amy asked me, pushing forward her empty suitcase

"Sure" I took it off her and walked off the bus with her

"Are you enjoying the tour?" Amy asked, breaking the small silence that had descended upon us

"Yeah, gets bit repetitive and I don't get to see enough of places but I'm enjoying meeting new people and hanging out with my best friends" I babbled looking at her

"I'm excited about seeing different city's, I've never really left Montreal before" She smiled as I opened the luggage hold

"I'd never left Montreal before we left on our first tour three years ago" I said as we finished putting her suitcase in the luggage hold

"I like your articles" I gushed shutting the door

"You read MRR? I wouldn't think you'd get access to a computer that much"

"I read it, mostly for your article but yeah I read it every time you've posted something new" I smiled, looking at her

"Wow, I've never meet someone that recognize me before" Amy grinned, touching my arm

"I'm surprised. You’re beautiful" I blushed looking down at my hands

"Thank you, Seb" She smiled, kissing my cheek and disappearing back onto the bus

"Thank you" I smiled, rubbing my cheek

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