Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > When the Sky is Blue

When the Sky is Blue

by gerard_is_my_savior 0 reviews

Alena Miller is a young talented photographer straight from high school. Both Brendon and Ryan find themselves falling for her. But this young girl has something to hide and she won't tell them. An...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-04-27 - Updated: 2008-04-28 - 1635 words

It is amazing how after all these years that his scent still lingers on my skin. Though sometimes I just swear it’s my imagination going at me again. But there are those moments in which I am confined to that one small smell. It belongs to me, is a part of me. I’m so sure of it. I haven’t been able to part with it… For if I did, I would surely break.
“Alena…” he whispered. No, it wasn’t him, just another one of those dreams, those far off distant dreams…

“Are you ready for your first day, Alena?”
“Yes, I think I am.” And I thought I was.
“You will be taking pictures of the band Panic at the Disco. Now, I know that some of them are kind of divas, but you have to understand, they are high profile.”
“They aren’t divas!” I said back to Greg. “They are wonderful guys!”
“Well, whatever, honey. I know this is your first big photo shoot, so I’ll let your smart tongue go, but do try to keep it in your mouth at all times when you start snapping pictures.”
“Yes, sir, sorry sir. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“It’s okay, Alena,” he said, giving me a small smile. “You’ll do just fine.”
“Greg, the band is here,” some light technician said.
“Batter up,” Greg said with a wink.

“So, umm… where do you want us to stand?” Ryan asked me. I just kind of blinked and stared at him a moment. He was so much better looking in person. And here I was, looking like some sort of mental lightweight with my head in the clouds.
“Oh, yeah, just stand over there by that pumpkin thing. Well, you can sit down, or whatever you want. It’s your album,” I replied, trying not to faint.
“Hey, Ryan! Ahh… man you got the pumpkin! Some chick is putting me by this tree and….” Brendon stopped suddenly, seeing me. “And… it’s really cool.”
“Hi,” I said, extending my hand, well, the hand that didn’t have the camera in it. “My name is Alena Lee and I will be taking photos for your new album.”
“Cool,” he said with a smile. Damn, did he have a smile.

Brendon’s P.O.V.

So here was this girl, right in front of me. She had to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. She was probably my height though, but the way she carried herself made her seem so much smaller. Not that she carried herself in a bad way, just in a different way; a better way. She was slender with long brown curly hair, deep green eyes and long eyelashes. She had full lips and small yet captivating smile. She reminded me of a former love, that I once knew. But I won’t relive the past.
“Alena,” I said, though I didn’t know what to say after it. “Umm… it’s really cool that you’re here. I saw some of your work and –“ Ryan cleared his throat. “WE saw your work and thought it was really sweet…”
“And it kind of fit the whole ‘Pretty. Odd.’ thing that we were trying to capture. We’ve reviewed photographer after photographer, and here we stumbled on some of your work. It kind of had this new, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ type of look to it.”
She only turned a kind of rosy red and pushed her librarian glasses up her face. They were black and reminded me of my old kindergarten teacher. And she was hot.

Ryan’s P.O.V.

Okay, so this girl was so captivating in everything she did. It didn’t matter what it was, she did it amazingly. She did it with some kind of a profound meaning, a deeper meaning. It made me smile. She blinked her heavy lashes at me.
“Well,” she said. “I work… really… hard?” she joked.
Brendon and I both laughed. Damn. He was probably checking her out too. Of course he was. He’s Brendon Urie, lead singer and such a woe to the ladies. Sometimes, I feel so small next to him, like I was some kind of understudy, like I was his second in command, like everything I did was nothing compared to him.
“Umm…” she said, breaking my thoughts. “Well, we need to get started. Spencer, Jon! I need you guys to come over here by this table and kind of get yourselves arranged around it…”

Alena’s P.O.V.

So this was going way better than I had originally planned. They were responding to my ideas, taking them in, breathing them out. They let me make changes, fix scarves, sweep hair. There were minor problems; Ryan’s hat kept getting caught in the wind or Brendon’s hair kept flying around. And he would call me over to fix it for him. He would widened those big brown eyes and put on a sad face. “I just can’t do it right, not like you can,” he teased. So I would adjust it. Secretly, I was loving every moment of it.
After about six straight hours of makeup, photos, wind and a little frustration, they dismissed us to go home.
“Hey, Alena,” Greg called, catching up to me. “I want you to have all the usable footage ready tomorrow to show the band. Even if you have to edit, cut, paste, whatever, as long as Panic has some good stuff to choose from. And the fact that they picked you is saying a lot, Alena. Most students fresh out of high school don’t get as lucky as you are. Just because you’ve been in some prestigious art club your whole life doesn’t mean this is where the work stops.”
I nodded my head. “Yes sir. I know. Trust me. I won’t let this opportunity go.”
He gave me a small smile and patted me on the back. “You’re a good kid. Now go get something to eat and get to work.”
I nodded my head. “Yes sir!” I watched him as he walked away from the set and toward some very expensive jaguar. He was a lucky man. No, a hard-working man. I made my way to the little trailer where my laptop was. I wanted to get started as soon as I got back to my hotel room so maybe I could get to sleep before 2 a.m. rolled around.
“Alena,” I heard a voice called my name. I turned around to see Brendon standing before me, a sweet smile on his face. “Hey, Alena.”
“Hi, Brendon… I mean, Mr. Urie, hello. Can I help you?” I sounded like such a fool.
“Please, call me Brendon. And…ummm... are you going to stay here and work or would you like to come get something to eat with the boys and I?” he asked kind of nervously. Why was he nervous?
“Well, actually, I was going to take my work back to my hotel room and order something there.”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
I stood there, frozen. YES YOU WANT TO EAT WITH HIM YOU MORON! I was screaming at myself. “You know, I think I will go with you guys.”

Brendon’s P.O.V.

“Are you sure?” I asked. God, please let her say yes. MAKE her say yes. Strike lighting on me and kill me dead if she doesn’t say yes.
“You know, I think I will go with you guys,” she finally said.
“Sweet,” I said, feeling my heart rate pick up. I smiled, mainly to myself. “Ummm, so do you want to come with us or have a limo pick you up later? Or… do you want to come with us now?”
“I have to drop my work off, and then I should probably shower. But I’ll just take a cab to go eat. I don’t want to make a scene.”
“That’s fine,” I told her. It was only about 5:30 and we didn’t have to eat until 7:30 if she wasn’t ready. If she looked this good just in her ‘work mode’, heaven knows I couldn’t wait to see her all in her dress up persona. Damn, she was fine. Focus, Brendon, I told myself.
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll meet you over there? Or where do you want to go?”
“There’s this really nice local café if you want to go it… it’s about out of town but the locals say it’s really good.”
She gave me a dazzling white smile. It made my heart melt. “That sounds wonderful,” she said.
“Cool,” was all I could manage to say. I was still trying to regain my composure from that smile.
“I’ll meet you there around 7:30, if that’s not too late?”
“It’s perfect,” I replied. I gave her a small wave before I walked back over to the limo. I opened the door and slid in.
“So, is she coming?” Jon asked me.
“Yup,” I replied. “You’re buddy has the magic.” I nudged Ryan, but he only shot me this look of contempt and returned his gaze out the window. What the hell was his problem?

Ryan’s P.O.V.

What the hell was with him? I just wished I could knock his pretty ass from that pedestal he set himself upon. What a dick…. Okay, no he wasn’t. He was my best friend who was just being himself. I never called dibs on Alena anyway. She was fair game. And maybe she wasn’t even single; maybe she was just being friendly. Whatever, I thought. Brendon, she’s all yours.
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