Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Childish Games Affect Us Later In Life

Girls Night Out

by Spazanator 1 review

Reunited with the girls

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-05-07 - Updated: 2008-05-07 - 308 words

Trixie ran to the door after hearing it ring. She opened it squealing in unison to Brenda and Maggie as they hugged each other.

"We missed you girly!" Brenda said smiling.

"Oh me too, come on I want you to meet Jake," Trixie said smiling as she took both their hands and drug them to where Jake was sitting.

"Jake, these are my friends Brenda and Maggie," Trixie said. Jake just smiled and waved. "So why did you want to visit me?"

"Well we were thinking if you want to have a girl's night out," Maggie said.

"Of course!" Trixie yelled smiling. "Jake is that alright?"

"Sure babe," He said smiling.

Trixie smiled brightly "Well I'll see you all tonight," she said.

"OK see you later," Maggie smiled.
"So tell me, what's going on in the home front?" Trixie asked as they ordered drinks at a club.

"Oh same ol' thing," Brenda said. "Ray is still like the leader, Mikey has been more confident, Frank is still a little hyper and Bob is still grumpy. As for Gee well you probley know from the phone call."

Trixie nodded and rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, he still thinks we're married."

"Well not so much of that but more as in you and him are still together," Maggie said making Trixie to sigh in frustration.

"The other reason why we're here is because we want you to come back to Jersey and spend time with us and...To get Gee's blessing," Brenda said.

"His blessing? Since when did I have to ask for permission?" Trixie asked.

"Since you married him at ten," Maggie said.

Trixie sat then stirring her drink thinking, finally she sighed and said "Alright, but if he tries to like hold me hostage or something I'm gone."

"Agreed," Maggie and Brenda said together smiling at her.
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