Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Jealousy


by MCR_over 0 reviews

Jealousy can be nasty once it takes a hold of you. If you have n obsession you jealousy will get worse and drastic things happen. when Frank falls for Gerard he falls hard. Only to have a jealous r...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-12 - Updated: 2008-05-12 - 1076 words

I saw them walking on the beach talking and laughing. They have no clue I’m watching them from behind the changing shack. I see the sparkle in his eyes as he laughs with her. I despise her.
I have despised her ever since they started dating. When he takes her home I’m going to show her that he’s all man and she can’t have my Gerard.

Gerard Way. It started as a cute crush. That was 2 years ago when he first moved here. Now no one can have him but me. Right now we are only friends but soon we will be more. He just doesn’t know it yet.

I was snapped out of my thought when I didn’t hear laughing any more. I say them sitting in the soft sand kissing. I could feel my jealous rage burning my throat. I wanted to go over and rip them apart. But I knew that would only make Gerard mad. I didn’t want to see his face flawed with anger. Oh His perfect face. His perfect complexion. He had perfectly pale skin that made his raven hair pop. His eyes, oh his eyes. They were a gorgeous hazel color. If I made him mad those soft eyes would become hard with anger. I didn’t want that. I also didn’t want to make him sad by hurting Shayla, his girl friend. But he was mine, all mine. She couldn’t have him.
I saw them stand to walk back to his car so he could take her home. She would be home alone so it would be easy to sneak in. I went back to the parking lot in a hurry so that I could follow them to her house. I saw him walk her to the door and kiss her good bye. Another pang of jealous rage coursed through my body. I couldn’t wait to get to her.

He left. I got out of my car after he was gone for about 5 minutes. I made my way around back making sure I was quiet. I was going to make she understood that he was mine not her. I look for lights as I walk round the house. I see one on. It’s the one in her bedroom. I get out my pocket knife and pick the lock on her back door. I slowly and carefully walk in. I started heading toward the living room where I knew the stairs were located. I head up the stairs and toward the light trying not to make any sound. The light goes out in her bedroom. I hesitate as I go to push the door open. I walk in seeing her on her bed her eyes wide open and blood running down her chest. She’s dead.

I couldn’t believe she was dead. I had just seen her alive about 20 minutes ago. I didn’t think that anyone was in the house. I only wanted to talk to her. I didn’t want to kill her.
I hear something coming from behind me. I feel a hand on the small of my back, but before I can turn around I feel a sharp pain and I black out.

I saw them walking on the beach talking and laughing. They have no clue I'm watching them from behind the changing shack. I see the sparkle in his eyes as he laughs with her. I despise her.

I have despised her ever since they started dating. When he takes her home I'm going to show her that he's all man and she can't have my Gerard.

Gerard Way. It started as a cute crush. That was 2 years ago when he first moved here. Now no one can have him but me. Right now we are only friends but soon we will be more. He just doesn't know it yet.

I was snapped out of my thought when I didn't hear laughing any more. I say them sitting in the soft sand kissing. I could feel my jealous rage burning my throat. I wanted to go over and rip them apart. But I knew that would only make Gerard mad. I didn't want to see his face flawed with anger. Oh His perfect face. His perfect complexion. He had perfectly pale skin that made his raven hair pop. His eyes, oh his eyes. They were a gorgeous hazel color. If I made him mad those soft eyes would become hard with anger. I didn't want that. I also didn't want to make him sad by hurting Shayla, his girl friend. But he was mine, all mine. She couldn't have him.

I saw them stand to walk back to his car so he could take her home. She would be home alone so it would be easy to sneak in. I went back to the parking lot in a hurry so that I could follow them to her house. I saw him walk her to the door and kiss her good bye. Another pang of jealous rage coursed through my body. I couldn't wait to get to her.

He left. I got out of my car after he was gone for about 5 minutes. I made my way around back making sure I was quiet. I was going to make she understood that he was mine not her. I look for lights as I walk round the house. I see one on. It's the one in her bedroom. I get out my pocket knife and pick the lock on her back door. I slowly and carefully walk in. I started heading toward the living room where I knew the stairs were located. I head up the stairs and toward the light trying not to make any sound. The light goes out in her bedroom. I hesitate as I

go to push the door open. I walk in seeing her on her bed her eyes wide open and blood running down her chest. She's dead.

I couldn't believe she was dead. I had just seen her alive about 20 minutes ago. I didn't think that anyone was in the house. I only wanted to talk to her. I didn't want to kill her.

I hear something coming from behind me. I feel a hand on the small of my back, but before I can turn around I feel a sharp pain and I black out.
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