Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist

Is it wrong to want?

by rabidyaoifangirl 0 reviews

Is it wrong to want? Too long for another? Onesided Ed/Roy. yaoi don't like don't read.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Edward Elric,Roy Mustang - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-12 - Updated: 2008-05-13 - 449 words

Is it wrong to want? To long for another body to lie next to me in the cold of the night? To feel a warm embrace every once and awhile? Yes I long for that, but all I get when I look at you is a smirk, a snide remark about my height. I answer with as much enthusiasm and false anger as possible, but as time passes, my loudness lessens leaving you wondering what has happened. I remember your face the first time I didn’t yell or scream at the mere mention of the word short.

“Fullmetal, please stop destroying everything you happen to come across. The pile of paperwork I have to sign is higher than you” you say, smirk ever present on your face as you wait for the inevitable yell that was to come. But all I did was smirk slightly. Having grown 3 inches since restoring my brother did somewhat help me ignore this and I sat there smirking

“I saved this country from Envy so you should be thanking me bastard” I said in a smooth voice, making you look at me with a surprised look on your face. I considered my other life goal fulfilled as I leaned back onto the leather couch that was in you office. There was silence between us, the only noise being the buzz of activity of the others outside.

“Since when did you grow up Fullmetal?” you said arching one of perfect black eyebrows, making my stomach flutter slightly. But I didn’t let this show; I just widened my smirk and made a big show of leaning back further, looking relaxed.

“Since when did I have to be a little kid all my life Mustang? People change. So do I.” I said in a perfectly condescending tone that I had learned off him. Tch, I really need to stop doing that. But it made his composure slip for a second and that made it all worth it.

Was it then I started to fall for you? When I saw a person beneath all that bullshit, that damned mask that you wear? Or was it when you smiled at me in the dying sunlight, just before I went to the Underground city, when I restored my brother? In the hospital you came to visit me every day when I lay in the hospital afterwards, recovering. You smiled just for me, bandages around your head where your eye once was.

But in the end it doesn’t matter when it started or why it started. The fact still remains that I love you Roy Mustang and I always will, even if you don’t love me back.
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