Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The snow is falling down on me.

The laughter of madness

by emovampire 1 review

there is a statue..i don't know if this chapter will make much sense :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-05-12 - Updated: 2008-05-13 - 705 words

I'm running.

I have to get away from him.

I'm running through the field of graves.

I can see a speck in the distance. It looks like a large statue. I want to reach it. I nknow that when i reach it all my problems will be gone. I don't know why ...but i just know.

“It's impossible to reach it Gerard”.

No he's right behind me. I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

“I've been trying to reach that grave for years Gee. Never even got close.

I look behind me. I haven't moved at all.

But i was running....what?
“If you want to visit a grave you can visit that grave and reach that grave. But not that one. I've always wanted to know.

Who did i kill?”
I look at the statue again. I can't make out what it is.

“Frank get out of here. I don't want to see you. Please. Frank i'm scared of you”.

I look at his face. He is gone.

I am still here staring at an empty space.

I look at the statue again.

I start walking to wards it.

It gets closer. I keep on walking towards the statue. Passing so many graves. I occasionally look at some of the graves.

They all say thoughts
“RIP Mrs Jane Howard. 1763-1796. You killed her. Frank she was only a murderer. She wanted to kill people that had hurt her. It was none of your business. Sure she killed Jay but you still didn't need to extract revenge.

What would Jay say now?”
“RIP The nameless . Unknown life. You wanted to put them out of their misery but it might not have been the right thing. They were on the street begging for death. They had no legs and no hearts. They had spent their life on drugs and had no chance in living a life worth living. But you didn't have to kill them. They could have .....they could have had a chance.


I stop reading the graves. It's too hard. They all blame Frank.

I look back up at the statue.

Its about a 5 minute walk away.

TIME PASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its a statue of a lady. The lady is made out of a black stone. She is holding a sword and...that's as much as i can see......

The lady is beautiful. She is like another vampire but i can't tell because she is made out of stone and i can't see the colour of her eyes and skin. But she had the beauty of one.

As i get closer to the statue i lose the feeling of hope. It turns into despair. I want to get there...but i don't...What? what am i thinking?I'm going to get there no matter what.

The lady's expression shows nothing. Like the Mona Lisa. But she is not even smiling. Just no expression. Full stop.

I'm standing next to her now. I feel terrible. Pain is raking through my body.

"RIP Elizabeth Carter 1896-1997.
Well never gain and never again. they gave us two shots to the back of the head. And we're all dead now".

the sword she is holding has anengraving.
"Squad Seven"

bang.There is that noise again and i'm in aroom.
It acctually looks a lot like my room.
oh is my room.
Frank is standing in the middle. Looking at me with a guilty look on his face.
" I'm sorry i kept this from you Gerard ...i just didn't want it to end too quickl-"
"RIP Elizabeth Carter!" I shout at him. I know it will make sense to him. I just don't want a reminder of what he has done....He looks at me with his mouth shut. He turns even paler (if that is even possible) he starts sweating.
"1896-1997 well never again..."
He falls to his knees
" and never again..."
He burys his head in his hands
"They gave us two shots to the back of the head..."
He starts shaking.
"And we're all.Dead. Now".
I emphasized on the last two words.I wanted to hurt him as much as possible. All the people he has killed....
He laughs.
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