Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Broken Hearts And Broken Smiles

Dance Like It's Going Out Of Fashion, Drink Like It's Going Out Of Style Pt1

by deniiwilliams 6 reviews

It's Brendon, it's four years down the road, it's the day of an inevitable return.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-05-13 - Updated: 2008-05-13 - 2442 words

Brendon's POV

I can't believe I'm doing this. After four long years without seeing her smile. I loved her smile. She didn't just smile with her lips, but rather her whole face. Her lips would grin, her eyes would go small and her nose would wrinkle slightly, not in a hideous Bull dog way either, but it looked cute.

The sound of her laugh could melt the iciest of hearts. She never laughed heartily, but rather giggled, sometimes rather loudly. She'd giggle as if she was a little school girl, behind her hand, as if she wasn't supposed to find whatever she was laughing at funny. She always giggled whenever she was kissed too. She was full of laughter, full of love, until I took it all away.

I sometimes wonder how she is now. Did I really hurt her as much as she hurt me? Her words may have been small, may have been said out of anger but they still hurt, they still cut me deeper than I knew was possible. I was trying to make things bad between us, but it was ultimately for her own good.

Does she still think of me? Does she compare every other person she has been with since to me? Because I sure do think of her, everyday. And I sure do compare everyone I'm with to her, and they are never as good. No matter how much I think I care about them, they'll never be her.

I wonder what she looks like now. If she's changed. Is her hair longer? Shorter? Completely gone? Does she still laugh the same, smile the same, smell the same. Like strawberrys and chocolate. She always smelt of strawberrys and chocolate. My favourite smell.

Is her favourite colour still yellow? Does she still carry around a picture of me and her from her 13th birthday party? Does she still remember my favourite colour?

But most of all, the question that still ran through my mind...

Does she still hate me?

She doesn't exactly occupy my mind. I'm not Ryan, obsessed with every girl I've ever been hurt by. And I can be happy with her gone, but I still feel like there is something missing, a part of my life is empty and only she can fill it.

"Remind me why we are doing this again?" Ryan asked, for the third time in the past five minutes, forcing me out of the world of thoughts in my mind. "She's the one that turned Brendon emo and then left."

I shoved him towards the wall and then resumed sticking up the banner. WELCOME HOME LIZZY it read, in big yellow letters. Her favourite colour. In all honesty, this wasn't my idea, it was Spencers. And I knew exactly where he got the idea from.

"It was Hayley's idea, not mine." Spencer said, carrying in a few heavy boxes packed with decorations. I shook my head, it was a welcome home party not christmas. They were over doing it just a tad.

"It was either that, or he forfeits getting laid for like...ever." I said, trying to draw attention away from Elizabeth and onto something else. Everyone around me laughed.

"Just because your pants are getting cobwebs doesn't mean -"

"Spencer. Just stop talking." Ryan said, his face twisted in disgust.

"So...?" Jon said, thinking aloud, everyone turned to him, wondering what stupidness was going to come out of his mouth. "whose party is this again?"

We all looked down on him lounging on the sofa in all his stupid glory.

"Can you not read the banner, stupid!! Eliza- Liz is coming back." I said. I usually was the only one to call her Elizabeth. She hated it, however, didn't stop me calling her it though. Now we weren't together anymore I had no excuse to do it anymore. The only reason I did it originally was because I thought she looked adorable when she was wound up. Of course, I don't think that anymore.

Damn, I can't even convince myself, how am I meant to convince anyone else? How am I meant to convince her?

"And why are we throwing it again?" He asked, looking directly at me.

"So that Spencer doesn't become a born again virgin." I felt a shoe collide with my head, looking in the direction that it came from I saw Spencer, whistling innocently, only one shoe on his foot.

Elizabeth's POV

I dragged my luggage with me, I didn't have any idea how long I was going to be staying for so I had packed everything. I had 2 wheeled suitcases, a vanity case, a shoulder bag and two duffell bags. I knew most of the clothes I had weren't going to be worn, and I also had presents, CD's, books, bridal magazines, some things for the bachelorette party, and many other treats for the soon to be newlyweds.

I came out of where everyone was standing waiting for their loved ones. I looked around for any sign of Hayley. I started to get a little worried when I couldn't find her. She was usually so bubbly and lively that she would just come running up to greet me, pick me up (she had amazing upper body strength) and swing me around like I was her long lost puppy.

I took of my sunglasses so I could get a better look around the airport but she was still no where to be seen. Just as soon as my vision had become clearer a pair of hands suddenly covered my eyes making me unable to see anymore. These hands were suprisingly rough, they were a mans hands.

"Guess who?" The voice whispered in my ear, stopping me instantly. I spun around in the persons arms, grinning up at them. It had been so long since I had properly heard his voice.

"Daddy!" I screamed, throwing my legs around his waist and hugging him as if I was never going to see him again. "I missed you so much daddy."

"I missed you too, princess. How long are you here for?" He asked. As I jumped down he reached out for the trolley which all of my bags were on, pushing them in front of me.

"Just until after the wedding. Where's Hayley? Not that I'm not happy you're here, believe me, I'm estatic. It's just she said she was going to be here."

"She's at the house dear. Waiting for you." Something about the way he said what he did told me that he wasn't telling the whole truth. I knew they were planning something, I was certain in fact. Hayley was planning something, and my dad was in on it. This thought occupied my mind entirely for the whole short drive home.

"Tired sweetie?" My dad asked, looking at me in the rear view mirror. Truth was, I wasn't tired at all. I was content. I was so happy to be home. Over the years Las Vegas had become my home, and I had up and left it. I didn't feel at home in England anymore, America was where my heart was.

"Nope. Just thinking." I said, as we pulled up outside my home. It was a nice house, it wasn't abnormally large but it was hardly cramped either.

The sun was in the sky, fooling the naive into thinking it was hot out. Of course, at this time of year it wasn't, it was suprisingly cool.
Through the car window I could see the front door being pushed open and Hayley running out, arms out stretched in the direction of the car, I opened the door, ducked under her arms and grabbed them from behind, holding her against the car like she had been arrested.

"So much for keeping my arrival a secret, I hope my dad is all you told." I whispered into her ear, and then I let her go, putting on my puppy dog eyes so she wouldn't kill me when she turned back around.

Suprisingly she turned back around with a grin on her face, straightening out her clothes before cutting off all my oxygen and breaking all my bones with a massive hug,

"Hello to you too, honey. I missed you so much. No phone call, no IM, no email, no nothing. I was worried sick. I didn't even know you moved back to London until Cassie told me." She released me from her vice grip and I breathed heavily, returning sweet oxygen back into my lungs.

She was talking a mile a minute and I could barely understand her tyrade. Since I had made arrangements to come to the wedding I hadn't eaten more than a sandwich and it was beginning to take it's toll. My head hurt and I was a little bit dizzy, her speedy talking wasn't helping matters.

"You look so different. Well actually you look the same, but different, if that makes sense. Did you cut your hair? I love it! Curls look absolutely gorgeous on you. Have you gained weight? You used to be like a bloody rake, I always wanted to bake you cookies poor thing. Oh my Gosh you have to -"

"BED!" I interupped suddenly, walking in the general direction of my home, which my dad had already escaped to. Lucky man.

"No. No. Now dear there will be plenty of time for that, first thing first you just have to pop over to mine for the'll love what I've done with the place."

I noticed her slip of the tongue but was too exhausted to decipher what it meant. Jet lag had already started to take its toll and I felt as if my head was going to explode.I wordlessly followed her to her car and sat, wonder what was so amazing at her house that it couldn't just wait. She must have spoke the whole way there, or some of it, or maybe she remained silent. I don't know, I was asleep the whole way, right up until I felt the whole car slow down.

She opened her car door at the exact same time as I opened mine. I once again took off my sunglasses.

I realised that me and Hayley were wearing quite similar outfits. I had on black jeans with a matching french berret and a purple V neck long sleeve top. Her top was the same as mine only white and instead of jeans she had a black jean mini on, which went wonderfully with the black wolly hat she was wearing.

Once I thought about it I realised our outfits weren't similar in the slightest.

I followed her up to the front door. She took her time with putting the key into the lock, turning it slowly and yet rather loudly.

"Ready to come in Lizzy!" She shouted loudly, causing me to wince.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "Open up."

She pushed open the house which was odly silent. My footsteps echoed silently in the darkness, mixed with the sound of Hayley's heeled boots beside me.

"The place looks exactly the same? Where's the suprise?" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" She whispered back, making me giggle. "In the living room. I decorated it."

She pushed open the door, leading me inside. She fumbled around for the light, and I smiled, wondering how she could know so little about her own home.

The light was switched on and there was music playing quietly. The house was decorated with a welcome home banner in my favourite colour and there were numerous other things around. Finger foods (including my favourite chocolates), pictures of me with all my best friends from Summerlin (including a few of me and twat face Brendon) and some of my favourite toys from when I was a child.

"You did this for me?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. A smile on my face. I refused to cry however, I never ever cried.

"No." She said. "We did."

I was about to ask her what she meant when suddenly a whole lot of people jumped out from hiding places.

"Suprise!" They shouted.

My smile was frozen on my face.

Even as they came over and started hugging me.

Even as the music got louder and the (rather bad) dancing had begun.

Even from opposite sides of the room.

My eyes found him.

They immediatly found him.

My eyes fell on to the face of Brendon Urie.

The boy who broke my heart.

So much for avoiding him.

Brendon's POV

Hayley felt around for the light switch. I stifled a small laugh at the fact that she hadn't found it yet, even though she lived here for what seems like a lifetime.

When the lights came on, I could see the look on Elizabeths from my place behind the sofa. She was smiling, she looked happy.

Her eyes were brimming with tears, she wouldn't cry though, I knew it. That just wasn't her style. I loved it and hated it at the same time. Even when she used to sneak into my room and lay with me she would never cry. I longed for her to cry, I knew it wasn't good for her to bottle up her feelings. I knew it would be a whole lot more painful when they all came out.

I wondered if they had already. If she had finally broken down, and I hadn't been around to see it, to comfort her, to tell her it would all be okay. Like I used to, the way I used to.

"You did this for me?" She said, breaking me out of my thoughts once again. Her voice sounded so small, so awed and so soft that I just wanted to jump up and hug her right then.

"Nope." Hayley said. "We did."

I looked to my left and saw Spencer, counting down from three with his hands, when he got to one we all jumped up screaming:


I was frozen to the spot.

Her eyes locked with mine for the first time in four years.

I didn't see hate.

I didn't see love.

I didn't see lust.

I saw pain.

Immense pain.

Looking at what she had become, I saw clearly that I had not only broken her heart.

Oh no, I'd done far more than break her heart.

I had broken her.


A/N: I don't like this chapter a lot. This story might seem a bit dramatic at the moment, but it does get more humourous. Honest. Just have to set the scene first.

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