Categories > Books > Harry Potter


by lovefanfiction 4 reviews

“Yeah, Sirius. That really sounded like your name,” James laughed. “Harry is trying to say Padfoot. Go on Harry, try again.”

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry,James,Lupin,Sirius - Published: 2008-05-13 - Updated: 2008-05-14 - 214 words - Complete

By lovefanfiction
Rating: G
Written: April 25, 2008, 5:30 to 5:45 PM
Characters: Harry Potter, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin
Summary: “Yeah, Sirius. That really sounded like your name,” James laughed. “Harry is trying to say Padfoot. Go on Harry, try again.”


“See! There it was again!”

“Yeah, Sirius. That really sounded like your name,” James laughed.

“Harry is trying to say Padfoot. Go on Harry, try again.”

“Pffft! Pffft!” Harry clapped gleefully, eager to keep everyone laughing.

Remus shook his head in mock dismay, a grin splitting his face. “I think he’s just making noise, Sirius.”

“His first word is going to be Padfoot, just watch. Harry, after me: Paaad-fooot.”

“Mooony, Mooony.”

“Say Dada, Harry!”

Harry looked questioningly up at them, not sure what they wanted. “Har-ry?”

“His own name,” Sirius groaned, flopping on the grass. “The typical Potter conceit!”

A/N: Lily was originally set to appear in this drabble, but she just didn’t fit.
I did not expect this ending! It just kind of fell out of my fingers when I was typing. And yes, I know it’s unrealistic for his first word to have an R- or two- in it, but it struck as me better than the other endings I was working towards, so I kept it.
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