Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Lady of Sorrows


by Fue_Kurokawa 0 reviews

Hey peeps. ;D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-05-14 - Updated: 2008-05-15 - 314 words

Hey there peeps! ;D

It's good ol' Fye coming back to you this year with her traditionnal MCR fanfic. Some of you might STILL remember me for my major publication on Ficwad, another MCR fanfic, called Vinegar and Baking Soda. I know, I'm aware that I cut it off really fucking short. But, people, you have to understand, I was REALLY running out of ideas! After twenty SEVEN chapters...

I mean, there's fandom, and there's FANDOM, people.

But this year, I'm back and READY for more! Now that I've seen them live, that I've read a million and three fanfics, and that they've saved my life TWICE, I'm ready to pour EVERYTHING into this one. It won't be like ANYTHING you've read before. It'll be filled with angst, so much that when you'll be done reading a chapter, you'll leave an angsty comment full of curses begging me for more! Oh yeah, modesty kills me, my peeps. You should all know that by now anyways. xD

Our Lady of Sorrows will be SHORTER than VaBS, because I have NO INTENTION of spending ALL my free time writing and planning. xD And the reason why it's called Our Lady of Sorrows... Well first of all, I'm in LOVE with I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love ever since I bought it for my birthday. It just seems to fit Ren--the main character, you'll all soon know--since she's just fucked up in the head, and in life, like that.

Well, I think I've annoyed you all enough as it is... =D

I hope you enjoy this second MCR fanfic! And please review, and PLEASE.
Tell me if you want something. It'll be my PLEASURE to include a little something extra in this for you adoring MCRmy peeps out there. ;D

Much loves to you all,

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