Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ++Stay+Gerard Way++

++Stay+Gerard Way++I [Don’t] Love You++#03++

by RavenxBlack 0 reviews

He's back.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-05-16 - Updated: 2008-05-17 - 392 words



No. No. No. It was him. Standing there. Staring at me. A smile swept across his face, an evil smile. The men in the suits had stood up, looking down on me.

“I want to go.” I whispered to Adrian.

He just stood there smiling. The men had started putting on rubber gloves. They grabbed me and started picking me up off the ground.

“Stop!” Adrian said to them. “Leave us.”

The men moved on his word, like they were puppets. The room was silent again, and now it was only me and him. I couldn’t look at him anymore, I stared at the ground while I heard him walk down the steps. My breathing had gotten heavier as he moved closer to me. Then he kneeled in front of me. He slowly brought his hand to my face, and lifter my head, so I was forced to look at him. That’s odd. He was wearing gloves too.

“I missed you.” He said evilly.

Another tear ran down my face as I started to think about my loss again, his name, I can’t say it, too much pain. Adrian was all I had left of the old world.

“You. You took him from me.” I choked.

“He. HE TOOK YOU FROM ME!” He yelled in my face. “I went mad the day he took you.” He hissed at me.

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me up from the floor, “Don’t you get it! He is the evil one! NOT ME!”

He threw me on the floor again. “If you want him alive. You’ll learn to love me.” He hissed in my ear. He just left me there, I was still trying to take everything in. He loves me? He threatened my loss, Adrian has him, locked away, in the horrible place. I wonder if he’s still alive.

When Adrian had completely left the room I stood up and looked around. It was a huge place, it seemed like a giant mausoleum, the floor was grey stone, and the walls seemed to be the same. There was one large stain glass window above the stairs which seemed to be the only source of light, except from a unstable hole in the ceiling. I have live here with him, for my love, to save him.
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