Categories > Original > Romance

Just Friends (a nick jonas one shot)

by Aubrey100 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-19 - Updated: 2008-05-20 - 1386 words - Complete

I guess you could say that I was Nick’s best friend, his go-to gal, the person he always opens up to but it tortured me constantly that I loved him and he loved me…but in that ‘Just Friends’ way. I tried to flirt but I always been the shy girl. I could never make the first move, especially with Nick Jonas.
“Selby what’s up?” Nick asked breaking my daydream as I leaned against my locker. “Huh? Oh hi Nick.” I smiled. “Hey! So what do you wanna do after school?” he asked as a couple brown curls fell into his face. “I don’t know whatever you want to do.” I shrugged. “Well I’ll think of something, but in the mean time we need to get to Math.” he smiled that million dollar smile that always made me melt.
We got to Math just before the tardy bell rang. “Close one.” Nick whispered sitting down beside me in one of the many creaky chairs. The teacher began to ramble on and on about something to do with algebra but I found it impossible to pay attention due to the fact that Nick and I were writing notes. Nick passed the note back, I couldn’t help but start laughing when I seen the picture nick had drawn of his perspective of Joe. “Selby would you mind telling the whole class what seems to be so comical?” the teacher asked in her snooty voice. “Um sorry Mrs. Fust…” I said sinking down into my chair. “Yes, well I would hope you are. Now if you’re done with your shenanigans I would like to continue class.” she turned back to the board and continued the lesson.
The bell rang and Nick and I hurried out of the classroom. “Thanks a lot Nicholas!” I said jokingly as I shoved his arm. “I’m sorry I didn’t think it was funny enough to make you laugh that loud.” his eyes twinkled at me. “Ugh don’t give me the puppy-dog look! Implus I’m not mad at you anyway.” I rolled my eyes. “Ladies first.” he said opening the gym door for me. “Why thank-you kind sir.” I said making him laugh which of course made me laugh too.
Physical Education, my least favorite class, was the only other class I got with Nick so of course he made it better. I walked into the locker room. I seen all the girls making sure they looked good and most of them just undressed in front of everyone making sure every girl was jealous of their bodies. As for me I walked into the shower to change. I stepped out as I smoothed down the tee-shirt I was wearing and adjusted the string on my shorts. I seen Kelly, the cheer captain, look at me with disgust before we all stepped out into the gym.
We all got ready to begin our running, Nick of course standing beside me. The coaches whistle blew. “Wow Kelly looks umm….well honestly she looks slutty.” Nick said making a face as Kelly ran past us. “If her shorts were any shorter they’d be underwear.” I laughed. Nick high-fived me.
Finally there was only ten minutes left of gym, which meant we all got to talk because the coach got lazy by the end of class. Nick and I sat talking together as we always did. I seen Tyler and Austin walking over to us. “So Selby when are you gonna leave Jonas behind and come get friendly with a real man?” Tyler taunted. “Tyler if you think of yourself as a man you’re wrong.” I made my death glare face. “Mmm sassy I like that.” Tyler rubbed my leg. “Ok get the hell away from me you pervert!” I yelled at him. “And demanding…I think we could have some fun.” Tyler licked his lips as Austin laughed. “Tyler back the fuck off!” Nick said. I was shocked since I had never heard Nick say a cuss word. “And what are you gonna do about it Jonas?” Tyler got in Nick’s face. “I’ll beat the hell out of you that’s what!” Nick’s face was fierce. The bell rang, “Ok Jonas if you think you’re so tough then I’ll see you behind the school when the last bell rings.” Tyler threatened and walked away.
“Nick what are you thinking! Tyler isn’t a fair fighter and he might kill you!” I spoke with fright filling me. “He cant just go around doing that to you Selby” Nick looked at me his eyes full of concern. I bit my lip and just walked away. The day passed almost to quickly as the last bell of the day rang. Since Nick was who I walked home with and my best friend and the reason he got into this whole thing I had to go and watch…no matter how much I didn’t want to.
I walked behind the school and seen a glob of people formed into a ring around Nick and Tyler. “Nick please don’t so this.” I begged. “Selby I’m doing this because Tyler cant just keep doing this to you!” Nick spoke looking me straight into the eyes. “Ok…” I gave in, not being able to handle Nick’s eyes pleading at me.
I let out a small scream as Tyler hit Nick right as he turned away from me. I thought Nick was down but he got back up and threw a punch right back at Tyler. I bit hard into my lip, so hard I could taste the blood. Why was Nick doing this? Why did he feel like he needed to ‘protect’ my honor? The fight continued Nick was winning, thank the Lord. Nick threw one last punch putting Tyler on the ground. Nick was walking over to me as Tyler got up and threw a hard punch causing Nick to fall to ground.
“Nick…” my voice trembled as he fell to the ground. He wouldn’t get up… Tyler and his ‘clique’ all walked away. “Nick…” I said again crouching beside his unconscious body. Tears began falling from my scared eyes. I set my head on Nick’s chest as I sobbed. “Selby?” he mumbled as his eyes opened. “Nick?” I lifted my head. “Are you ok?” I said with mascara probably covering my face. “well…I will be.” he gave me a weak smile. “Why did you do this?” I said. I couldn’t stop crying. “Because…because I got sick of Tyler doing nasty things to the girl I-I-I…love…” he bit his swollen lip. “You love me…in a more than ‘just friends’ way?” I asked my heart about to burst from my chest. “ya…” he said softly. “Nick I-” he cut me off, “It’s ok I know that you don’t like me like that…” he put his head down. “No, Nick I’ve loved you since we were seven.” I smiled.
“Really?” he asked raising his head. “Yes, I just always thought you didn’t like me…” I bit my lip. “Selby I love you and always have…” Nick put his hands on my face and pulled my lips to his. My stomach did a 360 flip and my body went numb and it felt as if Nick and I were the only two people in the universe. I pulled away, “Nick promise you wont break my heart.” I said while his lips were still only centimeters from mine. “I promise.” his breath gave me goose bumps. He kissed me again and I knew that he would never let me go and I would never let him go.
The sun began to set and we walked hand and hand back to our houses knowing that our love would overpower anything Tyler and his friends could do or anything that life ever threw at us…

ok this has been written for a girl named Selby who begged me for a one shot and i have future one shots coming up but they will take me quite a while so go easy on me if you want a one shot. Well i hope that you liked my first one shot!
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