Categories > Original > Poetry

In My Own World

by Dragon_of_Twilight 0 reviews

A poem about daydreaming and imagination.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2008-05-24 - Updated: 2008-05-24 - 307 words - Complete

Darkness outside the window, freezing to the touch,
Rain, patter, patter, against the cold ground
Grey sky, blocking out the light of the day,
All hidden, underneath a blanket of thick clouds
Classmates, scribbling on sheets of paper, sitting in desks,
Textbooks, filled with maths questions; they’re pure boredom
I’m unfazed by this – I’m in my own little world.

It’s a place where my dreams can come true,
It’s a place where I can decide to meet my nightmares,
It’s a place where I could do anything I wanted to,
Within this realm of fantasy inside of me.
I could decide to fight a great beast,
Or just relax and enjoy myself on a beach
I could do anything, anytime, within my imagination.

I write stories, as you might know,
And you might wonder where I generate all my ideas
The answer is inside my head, in my imagination,
A place where I can manipulate what I see with the mind,
A place where I can visualise written material as a movie,
A place for me to rest when I’m feeling down.

This place in my head doesn’t only exist in me.
It exists in everyone, young and old.
This is a place where anyone can make their dream come true
And share their dreams with others, a story of fantasy
A place where writers and daydreamers come up with adventures,
They can share their adventures, within their own worlds.

Darkness outside the window, freezing to the touch,
Rain, patter, patter, against the cold ground
Grey sky, blocking out the light of the day,
All hidden, underneath a blanket of thick clouds
It’s class time, but I’m unfazed,
Because I’m not really here.
I’m daydreaming, in my imagination,
I’m within my own little world.
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