Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer

Chapter 6: Hallowed Night, Harrowing Fright

by SamStone

Halloween celebrations... Necromancer style

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008-05-24 - Updated: 2008-05-24 - 17601 words


Chapter 6: Hallowed Night, Harrowing Fright

The book had this to say on Halloween...

Halloween is in part a heavily confounded mess of a holiday. In the usual attempt to integrate the pagans the church incorporated their holidays such as Winter Solstice and Spring and Fall Equinox becoming the time to celebrate Christmas, Easter and All Hallow's Eve respectively. Halloween as it is currently modeled after Seamen the time when death grows in strength as the days shorten. As it is to celebrate also the day most in the area figured the spirits of the dead from the previous year were allowed to set their affairs in order. Regardless of if that is still true it is also the strongest time of the year for Necromancers and those practicing death magic. While one would think that the solstice would be at the peak and valley of power cyclically oddly it is the Equinox that is the points.

Now for Necromancers it is when the buildup of life energies is peaked and thus desiring balance needs to be released. Their powers are great this night enhancing the body. This is especially necessary in those physically matured as they are compelled to sate their ancestral needs.

It can be summarized in later versions by this course statement by Master Necromancer Harry Potter, "Great power always comes at great cost. So I get control of the dead, the ability to speak to the dead and a greatly enhanced mind and body all at the low cost of a night yearly of debauchery. That means Iget to shag a girl or girls until I am sated and I get cool powers? You see why I protect the Book any teenager would kill for that! No teenage angst, plenty of kinky sex and power so where is the downside to this?"

It has been noted that Harry Potter was considered one of the best in the Art eventually only rivaled by his students...

It was Halloween the time had passed quickly after their classes and they had settled into a rhythm. They went to class and accessed the library both the Hogwarts and the Ravenclaw library. Thanks to no one noticing KiKi they had managed to come up with their own version of a notice me not charm. It worked better than disillusionment as well as avoided the problems of invisibility spells and objects. As they hadn't found a way to make the ghosts in the school forget they had managed to find as much as they could in search of other archives and libraries. The constant turn over from the DADA positions since some guy named Tom Riddle applied gave access to a number of tomes they would not have found outside the restricted section. As it was that section was slowly being combed over in the time they had. For being restricted there was not much that the pair ever would consider overly dangerous merely too advanced for the unprepared?

'If only we could find a way to memory charm or ensure the complete cooperation of these Wizarding ghosts,' Harry thought with a disgruntled scooping of his breakfast. 'I know the lot of them would panic and reveal us if we did anything overt. Still there are plenty of sources to still check out. Flitwick seems to be a veritable fount of information on my mother and yet the other teachers who were there with her seem to be reluctant to release any information. Still the library had enough information on their school careers, but nothing more involved.'

"Hey Harry," Hermione said as she sat down next to him fidgeting slightly.

'Something seems to be off with her today,' Harry thought as he looked his friend over before noticing that he was feeling somewhat apprehensive.'Halloween... I should have thought of this. The book mentioned that this day is the day that necromantic abilities as well as rituals are at their peak. It seems Hermione is showing signs. I guess perhaps if we could only find something to perform tonight it would be a good thing. Sadly I don't think we will be able to find a good victim though if the situation comes up we had best take it. Worse comes to worse sneak out to the forest before midnight.'

"Morning Hermione," Harry said as he looked over the rest of their housemates before continuing quieter, "You seem a bit excited this morning..."

"Yeah," Hermione said with a bit of a flush to her face. "So any thoughts on things?"

"The evening feast," Harry said with a shrug, "not really. Although I don't think I will go. Bit too personal if you ask me..."

"Oh," Hermione said with a frown. "Just hang in the commons than?"

"Seems like a better plan," Harry said with a slight smile. "It just doesn't seem right the emphasis they are putting on today."

After the awkward conversation the pair went to their classes. Everything seemed to be going great even given the tone of celebration the rest of the school was in. Harry was split on the matter. He lost his parents and was sent to the Dursleys on this day and on the other he was feeling the rush starting stronger than in previous years. He knew that he would have to tell Hermione about this but not in front of others. He hoped that neither Alice nor Anne was getting into too much trouble. The pair was rather subtle in their messages though as they hinted at that they were still live practicing while the pair was alone. Thankfully Hermione's subscription to normal papers didn't show any suspicion on their activities. Not that anyone noticed anything in Little Whining anyways as people seemed to pass through and no one cared.

'Those two can be trouble,' Harry thought as they walked to charms, 'although with Trouble and the rest keeping an eye on them this isn't as bad as I feared. Alice and Anne are an evil voice away from Children of the Corn and Surrey is bad enough without the obliviousness of Little Whining. I am amazed the Catholics don't use that like the military used to use those Islands. Though given things I don't think that would be unlikely. Hermione is lucky that neither of them have really played with her yet. Those two could talk saints into sinning and why they love acting that sketch form Monty Python out I don't want to know. I give it less than half the summer before they convince Hermione that either they are bad so they need to be punished or that she was bad and that they need to punish her. Like I need more stimulation to my Hormones as it is! I know the moment I let them get away with more will be a step away from losing control. While I like playing it is too distracting to my ambition. Iwill find a way to talk to my parents and if I let them continue this so soon that won't happen! If they convert Hermione I won't stand a chance I am only male after all...'

Charm's was a simple affair or at least it should be. They were Ravenclaws and unlike their other schoolmates had moved a bit quicker though it was still boring for the more practically inclined students. Suffice it to say that things went downhill soon afterwards.

"Harry," Hermione said with a sigh. "Can you believe that some people can't grasp this yet?"

"Some people are just not determined enough," Harry said as he gathered his things as she gathered hers. "Still some don't learn in the same way or speed as others."

The two of them were just about to leave the room when Harry saw two people he would rather not glaring at each other on opposite sides of the door. Malfoy was to the right and Weasley was to the left. While he knew that the two despised each other, he wanted to avoid the situation that their two houses caused. Attention was not something he wanted as it would merely slow his progress along with the ramifications of it they found out would be. Sadly Hermione had been too focused on what she was writing in her notebook. While she used the quills and parchments for class work she still preferred notebooks for her own observations and brainstorming.

"Seriously," Hermione said without looking up. "Who couldn't grasp the simplicities of the Levitation Charm by now? It's a simple swish and flick for crying out loud. Can you believe that Professor Flitwick said some of his other students have not only not managed already, but that they even caused their feathers to light on fire? Really are the other houses so unwilling to read!"

While Weasley was turning read and looked about to go off, it was Malfoy that reacted first.

"Really Granger," Malfoy drawled. "I wouldn't expect a bookworm know it all to not understand things, but I guess that you can't help what your inferior mudblood brain comes up with."

"Can't you see that no one likes you?" Ronald asked so irritated at her that he didn't entirely hear Malfoy. "Who would want to be friends with you? I may hate Malfoy, but I have to agree with him that no one likes you. You should just leave!"

Hermione looked struck as she glanced around the gathered Gryffindors and Slytherins. It was at this moment that she was truly grateful not to have been sorted into either house. She had nowhere near enough experience to be able to hide all the bodies. She knew that she couldn't allow herself to appear weak or the two groups would take advantage of her. Weasley and his friends had thankfully not tried to get her to as she had once done when she had been weak and helpless to do their work for them.

"Harry," she managed to say without letting her emotions enter into her voice."I need to do something so I will catch up with you later."

With that said she managed to keep her composure as she walked away. She knew that if she hexed or hurt them that she would be the one in trouble. There was also the fact that if she staid that Harry would have responded far more harshly. She needed to think and could not do so there when her temper was so close to flaring. She had long since admitted that she was passionate about her convictions and that while she tried to be rational and logical there were limits to her willingness to reconcile and compromise.

"You know that was about the dumbest thing either of you has done yet," Harry said as he looked at them. "I advise you save yourself some problems and simply curse yourselves enough to be sent very far away. Revenge is a dish best served cold after all and even if you think she is a looser Hermione is more than willing to devote the time to a well thought out pay back. Personally I hope that neither of your mothers' finds out what you did for women are truly the more vicious of the sexes. So a word of advice, Run. Run as far and as fast as you can because neither of you are getting out of this unscathed. Still settle whatever matters you have in this world as if your time is not short you will wish it had been..."

With that Harry left the stunned crowd gaping. He had never spoken that much to anyone. Those that had been standing near either of the two had felt a cold creep up their spines at the tone of his voice. Perhaps distancing themselves from them would be good. None of them wanted to be either of them when their mothers found out. They had heard from the older years how vicious the Weasley Matriarch was with her howlers and they hoped not to be within range when she found out about this.

After he had turned the corner he followed the still discernible trail that Hermione had left. Enhanced senses had been worth it and he followed the scent trail or anger, frustration and sorrow. Twists and turns didn't slow him as the castles architecture prevented drafts strong enough to dissipate the trail. He followed it to its conclusion and was disturbed that it was a women's bathroom. There was no other discernible scent outside and it would take hours for ascent to vanish although with the shear saturation that Hermione was causing that was not likely accurate. It was a shame that he lessened the amount of magic going to his nose or he might have been prepared, but he didn't want the complications that were apparent.

Harry entered the room quietly as he looked around. Hermione would never allow herself to let her image be like this in any other circumstance. She was distraught and it showed. Instead of the aloft and self assured girl she portrayed there she was with her hair frazzled and out of place with silent tears flowing down her reddened cheeks. He knew what he needed to do. Having girls as his only close friends had taught him that much.

There was no one else that they were aware of around and Harry and Hermione were standing in the girl's bath room. Harry was gently rubbing her back as she let out sobs. The two of them had learned to never let their public faces show this as school kids were like animals and would pounce on the weak. Oh there would be revenge for this and it was assured that those bastards would pay.

'To think that those two would agree on anything,' Harry thought darkly.'Malfoy and Weasley went too far with what they said. Shame they are still just a little bit too innocent or they would have made great kills.'

Her sobs were so loud that they covered up the near silent tears of a young girl in one of the stalls. Her name was Nymphadora Tonks and while two years older than her had just discovered her ability to change forms. For the thirteen almost fourteen year old things had gone to hell right quick. Despite knowing them for years the boys had practically seen her now as nothing more than a living sex toy. They would have probably treated her worse only if she was a Veela and she knew Merlin and Morgana help anyone who was both.

"Shh Hermione," Harry said as he moved to hug her. "There is no way that we will let those two get away with this. Malfoy was just being his usual ignorant self."

"I am not concerned with the inbred albino ferret," Hermione snarled between sobs. "Weasley must pay."

"Perhaps it is time to show him that his brother's are not the only pranksters to fear," Harry said as she leaned back against him. "You were only trying to help him and that ignorant Gryffindor refused to follow your advice."

"Yesss," Hermione said her eyes flashing darkly as she licked her lips. "Death is too good for him. He must suffer!"

"That's my girl," Harry said before growing stiff at what he said. "Now we just need to come up with something... suitable."

"We must find some way to involve his mother," Hermione said with a dark chuckle."Even the twins are scared of her..."

"Considering her behavior on the platform that is no surprise," Harry said with a sigh. "A smotherer that one is. I can understand why the older boys moved as far away as possible. I expect that if he gets in enough trouble he will get ahowler and I do think that what he did to you is almost excuse enough for her to yell at him to behave and apologize. Still there is so much more we can do..."

"A shame that it seems that the professors are far more likely to let things go than properly deal with it," Hermione said with a sigh. "They take points and give detentions but it just doesn't change their behavior only makes them work harder to hide their actions."

"We wouldn't know anything about secrets now would we?" Harry asked with alaugh.

Hermione actually managed to giggle before deadpanning as she said, "Oh what would us poor first year Ravenclaw's know of secrets."

Harry's retort was cut off as the door to the Bathroom burst open. The two didn't even need to glance at each other as they sprang back out of the way of the wooden splinters. They looked out of the corner of their eyes and saw the wood had managed to become lodged in the wall. This troll is very strong they realized.

Harry however despite the danger smelled an opportunity and grinned ferally at Hermione and gestured to the troll as he said, "Well it looks like necessity provides for us..."

Hermione steeled herself and flicked her wrist causing her dagger to land in her right hand. She grinned at the troll and almost madly laughed at it as it drew closer. It knew something was not right prey did not ask this way. They either ran or fought but they would always smell of fear not this strange scent. The troll was confused why this female as he could smell was practically wafting of excitement and happiness with a tinge of bloodlust. So distracted were the two they did not notice Harry cast a quick spell on the doorway to repel anyone looking for them. To be precise no one looking for anyone or anything in the room would think to look in their and if they tried they would be compelled with something else on their mind.

The troll swung its club as the girl came close. The girl seemed to float above in her jump as the club moved beneath her with enough momentum the troll could not change its direction. The club completed its arch missing the girl and narrowing missing the girl huddled next to the toilet. The troll was at adisadvantage with its club behind it. If it was fast enough it would be able to get the club back around in time.

Hermione sprung from the crouch she had landed on toward the troll. The club of the troll was slowly starting to move as the troll tried to move it fast enough to swat the girl. Before the club had moved a foot of its swing the troll stumbled back coughing. Blood was pouring out of its throat down its neck as well as down into its lungs. The club fell as the troll fell to its knees as it tried to grab the girl.

Before the troll's hands closed around the girl she disappeared in a blur. Turning to see behind itself the troll went wide eyed as the blade effortlessly sliced into its back in an x shaped flash of metal causing its arms to go limp. The troll continued to struggle before another sting of pain and it fell backwards its hamstrings cut. Before it could crush Hermione as it fell she appeared in a blur in front of it in mid air.

Hermione landed in a crouch atop the troll's chest. The blood was flowing quite nicely and it would be unable to move. She took a moment to lick the thick syrupy blood from the blade. She shuddered as her eyes became half lidded as she looked down at the troll.

'It tastes even better than when someone else draws blood,' Hermione thought as she knelt on the troll's chest. 'I can see why this is even more addictive than normal. I can feel more of the troll's strength filling me. A worthy first sacrifice indeed.'

She turned as she heard Harry clapping. She felt a slight blush cover her face even if it was hardly noticeable from how flushed she was. He was proud of her. It was a part of what drove her to succeed this feeling of pride first her parents and family than her few friends.

"Well done Hermione," Harry said with a genuine smile as he looked at the slowly dying troll. "I knew you had it in you. Do you mind?"

Hermione gestured toward the troll and grinned. Harry practically glided over to the trolls head and bent to the flowing blood. He took his finger and ran it through the running blood before bringing it to his mouth and licking it clean.

"It's thick with a bit of tang," Harry commented as if discussing a favored sauce. "Bit more potent than ordinary, but it lacks the purity of vampire or even Veela blood while also avoiding the excessive euphoria found with giants. Not bad at all and it is a shame that we can't keep too much of it to savor later. Still we have something more important than savoring the taste of your first kill."

Their attention was suddenly dragged to the demolished stall and the gasp that came from there. In the shadows of the broken pieces there was a young teenager with hair rapidly cycling through a number of colors as well as general form matters such as her eyes changing to a number of odd shades as well as skin tones in addition to seeming to grow smaller and larger in different parts. The two looked at each other and their eyes expressed their concern at this new complication. They would have had far more options if it had been Malfoy or Snape they at least were less likely to be missed.

Harry looked at her hard trying to determine what to do before he asked, "So what should we do about you then?"

"We can't have witnesses," Hermione said sadly as she looked at the girl. "So how best to make sure no one finds out about this?"

"Well do you have anything to say for yourself?" Harry asks the oddly changing girl. "Or better yet any suggestions on how to handle things?"

"Um," the girl began. "I won't tell anyone."

"Was that a question or a statement?" Hermione asked as she looked the girl over from where she was poised to carve out the troll's heart. "How do we know that you won't tell?"

Tonks blinked at that as she thought, 'Now how do I convince them? This is so not a good situation almost as bad as if those Snake boys caught me...'

"I," she said before thinking to herself, 'You can come up with something... Guess I got to...' "Nymphadora Tonks do hereby swear on my magic not to reveal anything that happened here without your permission." 'Shite I hope they go for it or I am definitely buggered.'

"Is that good enough for you?" Hermione asked her friend firmly as she didn't want to kill the girl or worse mangle her mind trying to remove the knowledge of what she saw. "We are somewhat pressed for time."

"Me trust a wizard oath," Harry scoffed. "Still we are short on time. Girl, come over here!"

"You don't need to be so mean Harry," Hermione said as she felt somewhat sorry for the girl. "So why were you crying here?"

Tonks sniffed as she came closer to them before saying, "Found out I was ametamorphmagus and now the guys want me to change for them."

"Bastards," Hermione growled. "Harry we need to help her. I know it is not the same, but..."

"Fine," Harry said as he could tell Hermione was set on this and having someone else to help. "I want a blood oath and pact though. She needs to understand what she is getting into anyways. Might as well let her get used to the way we are."

"Blood oath and pact?" Tonks asked Hermione as Harry didn't seem that forthcoming. "What do you mean by that?"

"Wizards," Harry scoffed. "I can't believe that they don't tell anyone that. Not even the so called purebloods or even half-bloods seem to know anything anymore while the while the muggle raised at least have some idea sometimes."

"Hey," Tonks said with indignation. "Mum just didn't like the whole rest of the family being want-to-be Death Eaters so really didn't talk much about the traditions. Now could you please explain what I need to do to get out of this mess?"

"Simple," Hermione said with a slight grin to the girl as she realized a sane female friend might be a nice change, "come over here a bit closer. Now a blood oath is simple and as the name implies needs blood."

Tonks looked a little queasy as blood was a more sensitive matter in the Wizarding world than the muggle before managing to ask, "Right so what exactly happens? I guess a mixing or sharing of blood to cement our agreement?"

Harry actually smiled at that as he thought, 'Perhaps there is more to her than what we have seen so far.'

"Our time is short so we need to get this finished," Hermione said as she nicked her finger and held it out to the girl. "Now go ahead and take a lick."

Tonks took a hesitant lick of the pricked finger before shuddering at the taste as she thought, 'Blood shouldn't taste better than chocolate.'

Hermione smiled as she said, "With this blood I offer my aid. Will you return this offer with your blood and promise to keep our secrets?"

"Yes," came the almost drunk sounding agreement from Tonks.

"Now hand me your hand please," Hermione asked the dazed girl. "That's a good girl this won't hurt just sting a little than it will feel much better."

Hermione took Tonks outstretched hand and gently pricked one of the fingers before gently sucking some of the blood from the cut. Tonks had not even gasped at the slight nick but had started to act strange as Hermione gently coaxed some of her blood to flow from the wound. She had become flushed and her faster beating heart sent more blood than necessary into Hermione's eager mouth. Knowing that the troll had still managed not to bleed out but that it was getting close, Hermione reluctantly released Tonks figure after giving the nick a quick flick of the tongue causing it to stop bleeding. Tonks had sighed and shuddered when Hermione had stopped.

'That was unexpected,' Tonks thought as she struggled to regain her composure.'Though it explains the look she gave me.'

"Now than Tonks," Hermione purred. "Repeat after me 'With the blood we have shared I promise not to reveal anything I have been entrusted with on penalty of the Blood.'"

Tonks repeated what she said with a growing strength even if her breathing was coming heavier again. Hermione was not unaffected either as the oath solidified. Her blood had been saturated with necromantic and life energies from the rise of that time of the year. While she was technically a virgin, Hermione was not exactly a stranger to her body or its impulses. Then again Tonks was not used to the effects of life energy coursing through her body and stimulating her nerves in such a manner.

As it was Hermione managed to stay crouched on top of the Troll while Tonks had grown flushed and was floundering around on the floor out of it. Hermione had closed her eyes as she reveled in the sensations coursing through her body. She had a plan for when the troll was gone and Harry was going to enjoy every moment of it. Now if only she could work her way up to convincing him that they or at least she was ready for things similar to what the bad men had tried far too soon she would be more relaxed.

'At least I managed to convince him to help out when my monthlies start,'Hermione thought with a sigh. 'It is a shame that my body needs to catch up to my mind in that manner or I could already get that treatment. Still the safeguard against accidentally or unwittingly having sex is useful. Now to get to work though I don't think the poor girl will mind the side effects being so close...'

Hermione looked rather lovely to Harry as she started to slice easily into the troll. With a careful precision she removed the flesh and bone in her way. She looked happy as she looked at the still beating but slowing heart. As swiftly yet accurately as she could she carved a few runes around the gaping wound before she got down to the tricky part.

Hermione was having a hard time concentrating at this point as she was still feeling a heady sensation snaking through her body that seemed to build with intensity as the ritual progressed. Even without looking behind her she could tell that Harry was looking at her with a challenging look. Was she worth the effort he had expended was what she felt uncertain about for a moment before squishing it down. She would not hesitate now!

"Your strength becomes my strength," Hermione intoned as she reached to touch the pulsing heart. "With your hearts blood I take to bind it."

After saying that Hermione yanked the heart out letting the blood resting in it rhythmically pulse out on to her hand and onto her face. She greedily swallowed as it flowed steadily. Having her fill she sliced the ties to the body.

'Now for the last part of the macabre scene,' she thought as she looked to the side to see the effects on Tonks. 'It seems to be having a good effect on her if her shuddering and silent scream is any indication. Now if Harry could make a blood stone out of a vampire there is no reason I can't make a memento from my first true kill.'

With the no longer beating and bloody heart in her hand she pressed it to the troll's skull before she said, "By Blood and Bones be bound."

It was a rather odd transformation that occurred after she said that. The troll's body began to dissolve and flow towards the head with the extremities having dispersed to dust and the blood around the room in general turning to mist and heading towards the head which began to shrink. When it was over Hermione was crouched on an undisturbed clean floor with a small skull fitting in her hand. The only trace of blood or other evidence was that on her blade as the Heart and the blood on her had been absorbed.

"Well done," Harry said with a slight grin and a nod of his head."Unfortunately that last part is going to cause even the muddling of their senses to permit them to find where we are. We need to clean up and get out quickly."

"All right," Hermione said as she looked at Tonks and then her blade. "Hey Tonks come here a sec."

After a moment of her not responding she walked over and cradled the slightly larger girl. The girl was in no shape to move from what Hermione could tell and her muscles were showing signs of fatigue and strain. The fact that she positively reeked though not at all unpleasantly was also evident as well as the visible stains of sweat and other things. The girl needed a bit of strength to get her moving again.

"Looks like you need a little help," Hermione said with a grin as she gathered the remnant blood from the troll and mixed it with her own. "Here you go."

Tonks while out of it reacted to the blood covered finger entering her open mouth by suckling on it. Hermione blinked at the sensations her finger was experiencing before cataloging it for later interest and activities. She watched as Tonks seemed to recover somewhat and at least would be no longer catatonic. After she was a bit more recovered she helped the girl to her feet.

"Come on Tonks," Hermione said as she looked around to see Harry finishing cleaning the scene up. "We need to get out of here before the professors show up."

"K," Tonks slurred as while her strength had returned and then some she was still not completely cleaned out. "Need talk later"

"Let's just get you back to the tower," Hermione said with a comforting grin."Hey Harry a little help?"

"You just gained the additional physical strength of a troll and you need some help?" Harry asked as he removed the last traces of them being there. "I take it that the ritual is as draining as it looked. Fine I'll help as we do need to get moving."

With that the two helped the recovering girl out of there. Barely having turned the corner before the professors stopped dumbly at the bathroom having followed the trail of the troll down the Hallways. Finding no physical trace of the troll they moved on. Snape being the suspicious sort had lagged behind to cast a few detection spells and he was sadly disappointed that there was no evidence that anyone had been there recently nor of any magic use. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had just missed something important. Still he needed to help deal with the troll wherever it had gone as whoever had tried to get into the gauntlet had not shown up.


While the two friends had been having their adventure, Alice and Anne were entertaining themselves. The two were sticky and sweaty after what had happened. It was a shame that the grass was sticking everywhere, but considering that their clothes would have been ruined it wasn't so bad. Besides they get a bit naughty. Despite what they had tried to convince themselves they liked a bit of rough stuff and punishment.

They thought back to how they had gotten into this situation. It could have worked out so much better. If only their victims had played nicer. They had seemed so unlike their tormentors. Still they would have not let him do that to them. She on the other hand would have been a different matter. They might have even let him go if he had been just a little nicer.

They had started off into the woods to get away from people. They had felt asinging in their blood. They needed to kill as much as KiKi ever had and they had been far too near those that they would regret spilling the blood of. Besides the woods was there place and it was more theirs than their houses seemed sometimes. In addition to that something would be inquisitive enough to come close to sate their rising blood lust so they could sate the other one as well.

"My child why are you out here in the middle of nowhere," the priest said as he had turned as he noticed the two little girls dart into the woods."It's not safe in the woods."

"There's no reason to follow us," Alice said as she looked at the man. "We play here all the time."

"Really Father," Anne said as she moved just so. "We just wanted to play without prying eyes."

'I must control myself,' he thought as he looked at the two. 'If I do anything here I am unsure what will happen next. Despite some in charge the higher ups are more than willing to silence those that they are aware would cause a loss of belief.'

He carefully managed to stop himself from licking his lips as they two cavorted around. There was something off in the way they acted. The way that they held themselves as well as the way that they touched themselves was driving his resolve. He was well aware that this parish was a dumping ground and if the hierarchy thought that they would get revealed an accident was likely. Still given the obliviousness in the area he would have to be caught with himself in the act or in the girl for something to happen here. He heard a distant footstep, but could not tear his eyes away the two were laughing and moving.

"Father Jonathan where have you gone?" a woman said as she walked down the street. "We need to get back." 'And I need to get some,' she thought. 'It is a shame that he seems distracted when we could be having fun. Perhaps he found some willing playthings for tonight.'

"I was simply trying to aid some lost sheep, Sarah," Father Jonathan said. "It would be most inappropriate to allow such innocent ones to come to /harm/."

Looking at the girls she thinks, 'He's going to lose control again, oh well these two could be more fun than the boy from last month. Now that was fun and he seemed to like it coming back for more like that. What a naughty boy and how much he liked being punished for it!'

"I can see that Father," she said as she unlike him didn't stop himself from licking her lips at the sight of them. "So how come you haven't offered to escort them home safe and sound?"

"We simply wanted to play," Anne said as she purred and teased the all too willing Alice. "Do you know how to play?"

Alice was barely able to not grab Anne's hand and shove it up her skirt. As it was she managed to content herself with the hand stroking the front of her skirt and tracing her front from face to exposed bellybutton. Anne was well aware of the look in their eyes. The eyes were the window to the soul and it took far more effort to try to hide what one really feels there than even masking the rest of the body.

'They so want to play,' Anne thought as she teased Alice. 'A shame that they don't know the rules and yet I know that even with all the temptation facing me that Harry will be the one for me or more accurately for us. Some of these older men have so much to teach a shame that they have to die for us to learn. Why they seem to be so greedy wanting what is only for Harry I don't know.'

Oddly Anne's thoughts were soon echoed in disappointment. Alice had willingly let the man get her off with his fingers and hands while she had played with the woman, Sarah. She admitted that the woman had some skill and had been about to do more than use the indirect stimulation points when she had looked to what that old man Jonathan had tried to do. Simply reaching over Sarah she let her hands flutter causing the woman to go limp with her eye rolled back in her head as she scooted out from the insensate twitching woman.

"You just couldn't accept playing could you," Anne said as she looked at Alice."We were more than willing to play and have fun, but you just couldn't be satisfied with that."

"Besides that is what Anne likes," Alice said as she seemed to vanish from beneath the man. "Really couldn't just take a blow and wanted to bugger on the first how rude."

"You obviously didn't understand the rules," Anne said as she stalked before the man now sprawled on his back on the ground. "You come to our place and violate our rules on our night. Really shows a complete lack of manners on your part."

A flicker of darkness passed and the two vanished from sight as the clearing turned as dark as a moonless night. The sounds of the animals started to sound and a rhythm started in the swaying of the trees.

"Trick or Treat?" Came the pair of voices echoing across the clearing caused him to shudder in dread. "Smell our sweats. Give us something good to eat."

"Witches," the priest said as he tried to get to his feet quickly. "Unnatural temptresses no wonder you tried to lure me here."

"We didn't lure you anywhere," Alice said all around. "We were coming here to play and you were more than willing to play."

"You should always ask the rules before the game starts," Anne said as she seemed to appear behind him. "It's quite mean to try to change them in play."

He spun around hitting nothing but mist. He was looking over where he was far from where a voice could carry.

'It had been a perfect place where no one could hear or see,' he thought. 'I guess it still is just not for us.'

"So which will it be trick or treat?" Alice asked sounding far less slight than she had before. "Life or death dear Father is in your hands."

"I wouldn't really have minded if you had asked," Anne said sounding bemused. "Still you should know to ask before you try to take something. So trick or treat?"

For some reason he thought neither answer would result in anything good still afifty-fifty chance in this case wasn't bad.

"Do be ever so good to pick," Alice said as she suddenly appeared in front of him with a very disturbing grin. "Which will it be trick or treat?"

"Treat," he answered as if it was obvious.

Alice grinned and nodded before he felt a sudden stinging sensation. He looked over to see blood pooling from his arms and legs and he felt that maybe he might be able to crawl away.

"How is this, a treat?" he asked shocked.

"It was a treat for Alice," Anne said looking at the blood almost salivating."So what say you to me, trick or treat?"

"Trick," he answered thinking that if treat was bad how could trick.

"Goody," Anne said as she grinned at him. "Now you get to see a trick."

Night, Trick and Trouble materialized around the man. That they were black as night and were capable of that kind of a sudden appearance chilled the man. He had already suspected them as witches as unholy consorts of evil leading men like him astray.

"Stay away from me!" he shouted brandishing the cross hanging from his neck."Unnatural servants of Satan, be gone!"

"Really old man," Alice said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Do you think your God cares," Anne asked with a smirk, "about a hypocrite like yourself?"

"We are no more servants of your devil than you are a servant of your God,"Alice said with a vicious grin. "If anything it is you serving the devil while we merely deal out the punishments a just God would want."

"Now try to hold still," Anne said. "Oh and remember to scream. Your God should hear your cries of remorse."

What followed was a brutal scene of carnage. The girls carved the man alive and the companions eat of his still attached flesh. Arranging various still cooling parts around the struggling man, the girls began to find a use for the man's death. They knew Harry would be upset with them for wasting. Waste not want not and all that. Why he might be so upset that he would not spank them before draining them dry as he licked them to heaven.

"You got everything ready?" Alice asked Anne. "I don't think we will get another idiot wandering in."

"He may be an idiot," Anne said with a smirk, "but he will at least be useful. It was easier than trying to catch an animal. They are getting more skittish around us."

"A small price to pay," Alice replied. "Besides think how happy he will be when we show him this far ahead of schedule."

"Only here," Anne said. "I swear it's like a dumping ground. You know that the odds of finding a fallen priest on this night of all nights are small."

"Don't look gift horses in the mouth," Alice said. "Shame we don't have anywhere to keep his skeleton."

"You just think master should have a proper army," Anne sing-songed. "Still with a source to direct us and help cover up we will be far ahead of things. The twisted bone ritual is just an unexpected bonus."

"True," Alice replied. "We had best start. We will barely have time. He dies at midnight and we have to get up early."

The two looked up at the sky seeing the moon shilling down on them as the clouds parted. It was obviously getting later and they had spent too much time playing and toying with the man.

"So true," Anne said. "The woman at least has a talented tongue to keep her."

Alice looked at the insensate woman and contemplated trying her out before returning to task. They could play afterwards. So putting their play to the side they went to work. Arranging themselves around the man they drew a circle of blood and ash from some of the broken branches around using their fire.

"Oh sleeping ones," Alice said. "Here my call on this night."

The skies started to cloud over obscuring most of the clearing as the wind started to blow again. The animals in the area went deathly silent and even the insects ceased their motions. The sudden silence was amplified by a chill spreading through as a sudden frost covered the area outside the circle.

"Lost ones we beseech thee," Anne said. "The veil thins to grant thee passage."

The entire clearing seemed to fill with specters. Young and old and in between gathered there regardless of time, age, sex or social status. They did have one common thing as they were all dead. Some were relatively normal looking except for that fact while others were twisted in spirit as they had been in body. Some still bore the marks of their death while others manifested the flaws that followed them in death.

"The sacred time for you departed ones comes," Alice said. "We offer flesh and blood to thee."

The somewhat transparent dead gained form as the Priest screamed as his flesh literally began to dissolve joined with blood misting off. Muscles began to untwine and fall like strings before breaking down. His visible nerves began to twitch as blood pooled at his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The soft tissue of those began to bulge as the blood rushed there as well as cover the man in ashine reminiscent of red sweat.

"A wretched one who preys on innocence," Anne recites. "Take this offering and gain peace."

With that intoned the Father Jonathan screamed as blood redirected again this time exploding from his groin where it had caused him to swell before exploding in a bloody shower of gore before the mess cleaned itself by evaporating to more screeches. He was left as something less than a zombie but more than askeleton in appearance. The sinew and tendons were becoming visible even as the non critical organs dissolved into liquid before they flowed down and around the bones.

"Grant us a tool forged by spirit," Alice shouts, "made of the bones of atwisted flesh!"

Now his bones began to twist and turn as they shifted amid the mangled flesh that still remained. As ribs started to collect together revealing exposed withering and decaying lungs, the bones began to melt and blend together becoming denser as they did so. Soon the ribs had solidified into two prongs glistening in white. With what should have been a soul rending scream that in no way fazed either of the girls, his spine began to twist between the two prongs forming a central blade as well as handle as from his legs a guard began to take form.

"Find in this act your rest granted!" Anne shouts. "No more to wander the mortal coil!"

As the priest was reduced to an elongated spine with arms and enough lungs and vocal cords to scream, the gathered dead were starting to shimmer. They were solid and no longer intangible as the wounds on their spirits faded in flashes of white fire. As the bones that made up his arms were drawn like a suction to the spine, they shrunk in size becoming smaller and smaller while the screaming head stayed at the end of the flowing bones.

"Go now you to seek the wonders eternal!" Alice screams. "So it is said..."

The clearing was bathed in a glowing white light as the spirits were lit by white flames caressing them. The priest's head began to shrivel and shrink as the screams became more and more high pitched. The hands flowed along the stretched spine to below the rib blades curving into a lower guard to protect the hands of the wielder.

"So mote it be!" the two girls shout together.

With that said the priests screamed as his head and spine contracted to form the pommel of the handle of the blade. The sudden flash of white disoriented anyone that would think to investigate. The clearing was clear of any signs of anything having readily occurred or at least as far as their having been anyone other than the three girls and the animals there.

The two younger girls turned their attention to the insensate woman who was twitching with her eyes still rolled back in her head and a visible puddle forming again from under her habit. They had neglected her and left her in afeedback loop when Anne had slid away from her. The effect on the woman's mind would likely be uncertain though it would be far more malleable than even atoddler's.

"So it seems you didn't disable her simply?" Alice asked as now with the man gone she could fully examine the heaving shuddering woman. "You do realize that despite her peculiarities the effect of that technique for such duration would lead to..."

"Stop trying to sound so old," Anne whined. "Why use long words when simple do?Besides I don't see the point..."

"It would be obvious if he was here," Alice said with a sigh. "The rather useful woman just had a religious experience level series of orgasms. You broke her so I hope you can take care of her."

"Hey I am not that irresponsible!" Anne huffed in indignation. "Give me one reason you think that."

"One you ask for only one," Alice said with a laugh. "You forgot to feed your companion so long that he almost went after the first bit of flesh he smelled."

"I was busy," Anne tried to rebuff, "besides, what about the fact that you keep interrupting my Harry time?"

"There is no way that he was ready for you to wake him up like that," Alice said with a sigh. "It's been an uphill battle to get him to show us any emotion or personal attention. I get the 'dults since they don't have a clue, but I am talking about us here."

"Tell me about it," Anne said with a pout. "I wake him up and get him ready and just as I line up He goes off on me and him and issues. Men!"

"You're just irritated that while we may have gotten him to loosen up some he is still too uptight," Alice said with a smirk. "While I understand your point trying to surprise him into buggering you is a bit much for him. Stupid Dursleys so hope to torture them more than just ruining their image."

"Truth!" Anne shouts in agreement bouncing about just accidentally bumping Sarah enough to start her eventual return to reality. "Still while I may not be ready for him to flip me over, lift my skirt and pound me here/." With that Anne cups her mound and proceeds to show off and get herself nearly off."There is still /there to think about."

With that Anne proceeds to shake her ass provocatively as she waggled it at Alice. So involved were they that they didn't notice that Sarah began to awaken as her shudders slowed. The first thing she saw was Anne with her skirt flipped up and rubbing her cheeks before spreading them just a bit. Suffice it to say that since Sarah was quite impressionable at the time that her actions are rather obvious.

With little fanfare, Anne soon found herself leaning against the kneeling Sarah. Alice watched amusedly as Sarah readily tried to please the girl that had broken and shaped her so pleasurably. It was a bit odd though it looked interesting to see an adult practically worshiping one of their bodies instead of their self centered views of using them for their pleasure.

"Hmm that feels nice," Anne said as she relaxed into the machinations. "Now only if our dear master was here to take advantage of the situation."

"Only you Anne," Alice said with a laugh. "You have a horny woman who is very submissive licking and kissing your ass and you are thinking how perfect it would be that Harry was here to slide in after she licked you until you were good and wet enough to enter! Still I didn't get a go at her so we might as well play since she seems so agreeable..."

"Most definitely," Anne purred as Sarah took advantage of the leaning to lick her slit before adding some more stimulation to her. "Hmm good with fingers and tongue though she seems a bit more fervent than before..."

Anne cut off in a moan as Sarah began to work at her folds while glued to her tongue delved back and forth probing between her eager holes. With Sarah being distracting trying to please the girl she imprinted on, Alice found no resistance as she checked through the woman's possessions and found what she had there to be enlightening. She had planned a simple night of a ritual and then the night long sex until they couldn't move. With someone to share attention with they might not go as crazy as Harry had warned them about. They were annoyed at first that he wouldn't be there to go through the rush with them.

'Well we have a toy to play with so I guess this Halloween isn't so bad,' Alice thought as she positioned herself. 'Still I know that Anne isn't going to let Harry not take her hopefully by Christmas. It seems a given event given how that dream went. Now to play with Sarah here and later I can try her tongue out when she isn't buried inside Anne.'

With that the clearing devolved into gasps and grunts from Alice and Anne as they played. Sarah would barely get to rouse from her addled state before dawn rose the next morning. She would be sore and tender for a while and have a hard time holding things or talking. They had an inside source to get at a ready stream of sacrifices or if they played by the rules some toys to vary things out with.


The three had made it unnoticed to the Tower and after answering the question made their way inside. Thankfully none of their fellow housemates were in their common room having gone to their rooms to finish eating and studying instead of just sitting around like Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs. Hermione was recovered enough to walk mostly on her own, but the ritual while empowering had left her feeling somewhat lethargic as her body had adapted to the enhancements. Tonks was however a different matter.

So it was that while Hermione was still holding onto Harry as they ascended the stairs, that he was carrying the metamorphmagus as she snuggled sleepily against him. In fact she was acting a little bit drunk in her levels of lowered inhibitions and had let her hands wander while they walked and despite her conscious notions didn't mind which of her saviors she was touching or more accurately groping.

When the three made it to his room he set the remarkably limp form of Nymphadora on the bed. Hermione started to do some stretches as soon as she could to make sure everything was alright as well as prevent the excess tension from building up. The alteration to bone, ligaments, tendons and muscles required stretching to let them settle nicely or she would have cramped muscles that would move stiffly for a while. As a speed fighter that would be detrimental as while the ritual had increased her strength she was used to reacting fast and the slowdown would be bad when they went hunting.

'Something I can look forward to more now,' Hermione thought as she went through her stretches having shed most of her clothes to allow more movement.'I finally made my first kill and despite what my younger self would believe Ido not feel sadden merely content though if it will be the same with a human Idon't know yet even if I have watched people die. How nice it is that physical activities seem almost as calming as studying or meditation, because my temper has been harder to control than when I was younger. Still there is no way that I will let those two boys get away with what they did. Though their idiocy is not enough that I don't think harry or the others would simply arrange an accident for them. Still we need to talk with Tonks anyways. To think that an older girl would crumple like that after such a slight experience is offsetting as I don't think that I am that experienced though Anne seems to be able to take a Harry treatment more and for longer. Something else to work on I suppose. To think that males here are even more dysfunctional than muggles seems strange and that Tonks almost thought it was normal for wizards to demand from witches below their supposed station. How medieval can this place truly be? Although with there at first quaint appearance it might not be that startling on second thought. A culture truly held in isolation and yet still must react and act with outsiders. It would be interesting to study if they were not so dangerous.'

As Hermione went about her inner thoughts while stretching out the kinks in her movements and in part hope to work her kinks in action later, Harry was going over several diagnostic spells to see what he could ascertain from Tonks. He had been tempted to catalog Hermione's exposure and the effects of increased rituals and their energies on her state, but to get a decent baseline for first effect had not been something that he had been certain of. Ambient exposure as well as other things had precluded it. Besides there was something about Hermione which had led him not to categorize her as a potential research subject instead a fellow researcher into the Arts.

"Tonks?" Harry questioned as he tried to get her more cognizant. "Are you feeling coherent yet?"

"Mrmble," Tonks sleepily said as she slowly moved about the bed. "Wha's id?"

"We still need to talk Ms. Tonks," Harry said somewhat coldly. "As much as Iwill grudgingly admit that your oath has eased some of my concerns there are other issues to discuss. Although it is mostly explaining things enough so that you don't investigate things, get yourself killed or worse get us exposed. Wizards are far from tolerant of anything they don't understand. I find them far too much closed minded as muggles as times."

"D' we 'av to, m'trd?" Tonks slurred as she curled further into the bed.

Harry sighed as he turned to glance at Hermione before looking back at Tonks. As much as he would prefer to have simply removed all trace of their actions from the scene and her mind there was a compulsion that he felt to include the woman. There was something there and it was quite unlike his feelings and instincts as well as reactions as Alice, Anne and Hermione pried their ways into his life, there was something different there and while not feeling like the familial bond between the two it did feel somewhat similar.

'Though given the odds of the interbreeding in this community is there really achance that anyone who is not of direct muggle decent has some common ancestors?' Harry thought as he slowly lowered his guard and started to draw Tonks out of her sleepy cuddling. Far too much information is held by the families and given how tight lipped most sources seem to be outside of those wholly inaccurate books, there is a chance that most of what I need is hiding in plain sight. Now to get Tonks to be coherent enough to answer some questions and then I can hope to ride out the rest of the night. Man that experience is so making my libido harder to control.'

With that thought he began a subtle and slow series of movements that might seem like the beginnings of a rather sensual massage. Harry had learned that while a simple shower and stretches eased his mind into things there was the fact that physical sensations and as loath as he was to play with just anyone that a good quick euphoric rush helped. His own head having cleared from flying almost as much as the morning wakeup head. Still it was amazing how many areas and ways one could caress, stroke and kneed a person to make them relaxed without going for the major nervous centers let alone the pleasure centers of the body.

So as Hermione continued stretching in just panties, Harry slowly worked the tension out of Tonks who was relaxing into the experience. The slow movements teased the senses and eased the muscles while allowing the slow burn to continue to linger and again grow. Do to all of his previous situations Harry had in general not been the aggressor at least initially with any of the girls. He had drilled into himself to never be like the Dursley's and the only trait he would ever admit to sharing with them was a tendency to make the most out of a situation. The ready access to Hogsmeade instead of the hassle of owl orders would be useful as well as a different view on things.

'Why is it that despite how much he tries to act the cold hearted that he still can deep down care about people?' Hermione wondered as she started to move from simple if sensual stretches to contortions that would make most gymnasts if not contortionists green with envy. 'Despite all that he has done, he still has some compassion for the less fortunate though if it was from their own stupidity he tends to be less inclined to involve himself. Still that doesn't mean that he can't be callous and cold when the situation calls for it, and now to deal with the issues of how best to work with the situation. There is still the issue of how much to tell though given the oath we have there is little worry about that. She can't tell anyone, but there is a chance that she would work against his goals. Halloween of all nights to have another girl here will only lead to complications. Last year was hard enough not being able to do more than squirm after getting him to paddle me until I glowed before the four of us went down on each other. Tonks might be fun though and if she can make my finger feel that erect what else can she do. Still despite our needs I don't want to be like those boys and pressure her to just use her as a sex toy; although thankfully Harry at least is free with mouth and tongue so no more all night session leaving sore fingers for me.'

The series of calisthenics and contortions led to several positions that Hermione planned to utilize in the coming or cuming years as the case may be. Letting her mind drift as her body moved was something that helped her relax and she was grateful that unlike the other houses the private rooms made looking for closets only when one wanted the risk to be caught to excite. Her mind was well used to multitasking from her earlier schooling and letting her body go on auto as her eyes did likewise allowed her conscious mind more room to analyze and process. That she had been fanatic about learning things to improve memory retention and retrieval had led to a more than photographic recall. So as her mind went through scenarios, plans and ideas, Hermione's eyes observed as parts of her mind watched, critiqued and dissected both Harry's technique and how Tonks reacted. It would be useful later to compare techniques especially now that she was cognizant enough to ask for more.

"A pity that you two need to stop long enough to get this talk out of the way,"Hermione said as she walked over and sat down next to the still panting Tonks."So what do you really want to know?"

The first thought was thankfully not voiced by Nymphadora or nothing except pleasurable and pleasant activities would have occurred. The second one was at least somewhat thought out and didn't involve her getting more than teased to awareness and a rosy afterglow. There had been the realization that there would be time for that later and no matter how easily they had turned her on that she would regret giving them an inch or they would take a mile.

"Why?" Tonks said after forcing her more interesting thoughts down for a little while she hoped. "Why do that to the troll and more importantly how?"

"Well the troll was there and we took an opportunity," Hermione said snuggling next to her sweaty and disheveled form. "I guess your own issues were distracting enough not to pay too much attention to why I was there..."

"Weasley and Malfoy," Harry said simply still easing his hands to soothe Nymphadora's frazzled nerves. "How those two plan to get anywhere I do not know? Ignorant impudent and irrational to the extremes are the least of their flaws."

"You forget that they are both bigots and misogynists," Hermione said with afrown. "We need to find out if the vast majority of the so called Pure Blood males in society are so... foolish in their motions."

"Kipling?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Hermione said with a nod as she lay on her side next to them with Harry sitting on Tonks with his hands moving. "Where wizards get the notions they have I have to wonder. Considering that Wizarding society goes before the Victorian it seems odd that they would fixate on such a period."

"From what I have heard it follows to a simple thing," Harry said as Tonks let out a moan as she writhed under his attention. "A longer life and slower need to adapt allowed those in charge to pass on their notions for longer. Add that it is normally those who would be old if not retired are the ones shaping things it makes sense. Someone slowly worked in a strange set of values and from the looks of things it was in the Dark Ages and so a feudal system continues to this day."

"Yes," Tonks said in agreement. "That is exactly right. What mum taught me about it?"

"Tonks isn't an old name," Harry replied. "So I take it pure blood mother and half blood, muggleborn or even muggle father as they reckon things?"

"Yes," Tonks said with a pout as his hands stopped for a moment. "Mum was aBlack though so there are certain advantages even if it will be a pain to get apromotion or advancement in the Ministry due to not being a Pureblood or having a suitably available Head of House. How mum succeeded with being kicked out of the family I don't know. Still there is more promotion for skill as an Auror than in the other areas. So why did you do what you did and I don't mean because it was an opportunity and like a Slytherin you took it?"

The two shared a look before saying in unison, "Our Art."

"Hmm... it looked like a ritual of some sort," Tonks said with a frown. "You do realize that any ritual dealing with blood is considered Dark by the Ministry and carries a hefty fine and time in Azkaban?"

"Wow they make an entire branch of Art illegal for unfounded reasons," Harry said rather sarcastically. "Can you believe that Hermione? The Ministry calls one of the most useful and socially necessary branches of magic illegal. What next legislating anyone who uses enhancement rituals as non humans?"

"Well," Tonks shuddered. "Some of the more ardent Pureblood want that though they want to be grandfathered in."

"So Blood Magic and most rituals unless sanctioned by the Ministry are illegal," Hermione said with a frown. "That means most of the more complex and useful magics leaving more and more charms and simple spells. No wonder there are so few experts in the higher arts. Potions less studied than it should be and alchemy practically relegated to old timers."

"Dumbledore worked with Flamel though," Harry said after a moment. "Why the twelve uses for dragon's blood are considered new when it was a mere rediscovery is disconcerting now isn't it?"

"Ministry and other idiocies destroying information," Hermione said with a fire in her eyes. "All it does is leave the people less prepared for things and it will lead to a magical Dark Age as wizards and witches become more sedate and slow witted! That the muggles are noticing real ghosts again and the like is an indicator to how things are going..."

"You don't think..." Harry begins to say trailing off as the implications sink in. "Considering their prejudices it is likely anything that is a rare ability will be vilified and declared dark. Our art is most likely one of those covered..."

"What is your art anyways?" Tonks asked through the renewed haze of pleasure.

"Do you really want to know Tonks?" Hermione said as she let her hands wander to join Harry's in their actions.

"Yes," Nymphadora said with a shudder.

"Well since you really want to know," Harry said with a shudder causing whisper. "I might as well tell you as long as you don't panic..."

"Promise us that you won't panic," Hermione said as she caressed Tonk's face."You can do that for us can't you?"

"Yes," Nymphadora practically purred. "I won't panic just keep doing that..."

"Well since you promised," Hermione purred as she trailed her caresses down her sides. "We might as well tell you..."

"Our Art is quite powerful though it can seem callous at times," Harry said as he worked at the small of her back. "It grants us a rather significant physical and magical enhancement and that is just a side effect."

"There is the ways to gain knowledge and our allies to consider," Hermione said having slid her hands under to knead at Nymphadora's taunt mounds. "To think all of that for such a low price..."

"Of Sacrifice," Harry said causing a shudder to flow through her rubbing her against him. "A bit of blood is all it really requires. Life is a balance after all. So it goes without saying that sometimes things need to die for others to live and sometimes death happens without reason."

"It isn't really about death but life," Hermione said with her hands worked under Nymphadora's shirt. "It is such a misnomer really."

"Still the more memorable aspects do deal with death," Harry added as his hands finally reached to massage her perky butt. "To bring rest to the restless and motion to the motionless is at times a burden, but it is so worth it. Think about it call on ghosts for information or call the very forces of the dead to fight for you. Though I feel there is just something about the name... Necromancy. It just gives a happy feeling."

"You are saying that the two of you are Necromancers," Tonks said through the teasing and touching the two were doing. "There hasn't been one in a while at least in Britain. Oddly enough my mother's family, the Blacks, used to have quite a few necromancers in the family. There was even a preference for anecromancer to become Head of the Family regardless of line of succession."

"Black did you say?" Harry asked as something came to him. "Now where did Ihear that before...?"

"Not from most of the teachers," Hermione said with a frown. "It was in the books about you though. Your godfather was Sirius Black, scion of the Noble and Ancient House of Black, who despite and in spite of the family was sorted to Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. He was disowned at least in some ways. According to that book he was your parents Secret Keeper and revealed them to the self stylized as a Dark Lord. It seems odd though..."

"Yes if my parents trusted him enough for that responsibility it makes little sense," Harry said with a frown. "The name is familiar for another reason though what was it?"

"I remember!" Nymphadora shouted in glee and pleasure. "Your grandmother was aBlack..."

"So since Sirius Black is either dead or in prison and as scion was next Head there are more complications," Harry said with a feral grin. "If I recall if agodparent dies without issue, their assets pass to their godchild. As for another family member contesting there is a blood connection and the trump..."

"So our dear future Lord Black what do you plan to do with this information?"Hermione asked. "More resources will make things even easier."

"You forget that it might make staying completely out from either the Ministries or the Headmasters control more likely," Harry said with a smirk as Tonk's began to shudder again. "I trust neither of them given the evidence that I have gathered. Someone interfered in placing me there and made sure that any attempts by the muggle authorities ended without change. Later information extraction revealed memory charms and a piss poor attempt to sterilize the records as only the paper copies were dealt with, but as the witnesses had no memories of what they witnessed the cases were buried."

"Who would do that?" Nymphadora questioned while falling further and further under their caresses. "It doesn't make any sense..."

"I suspect that whoever it was wouldn't believe that those people could act like that," Harry said as he finally finished working down and then back up her legs to massage her ass. "My main suspect is our beloved Headmaster as he likely did so thinking that family wouldn't do that as it is anathema to do such in Wizarding culture. He did likely wish to keep me from the threat of whichever Death Eaters managed to worm their way out of Azkaban. Sadly things could have been worse however since getting those things settled requires going to Gringott's that merely means that we will have to go during the Hols."

"Your thinking of taking her with you?" Hermione asked as she worked Tonks front as Harry kept working on her behind. "So what little plan do you have in place now? I can tell that you are thinking of something and it has to do with the practically mewling witch between us..."

"A new Head could reinstate her mother and acknowledge the marriage thus freeing the more restrictions from Tonks future," Harry said with a smirk. "Now while Nymphadora here would be quite happy and it would give us a favorable connection that doesn't mean that we would use it or her with so little regard."

"You are definitely becoming less of a callous and cold man," Hermione said as her fingers moved to check on a suspicion. "We have a randy witch almost begging for some fun and you actually are likely to not go cold shoulder on her."

"Well it is that time of the year," Harry said in explanation. "Although you have helped me realize that all work and no play makes me cranky and unable to focus."

"True," Hermione said with a smirk as she caused Tonks to gasp before leaning close and whispering in a purr, "So how far are you willing to go? We wouldn't want to be like those prats now would we?"

'How could these two be anything like them,' Tonks thought in confusion as she felt Harry ease up enough to form coherent thoughts. 'The prats would be more concerned with how they can use me to feel better than how I feel. Considering that I have gotten off more times so far than I have in a week, I feel a little more likely to indulge in well... practically anything they want. Besides what upset me wasn't that they wanted me to shift, but that they didn't care if Igot anything out of it. I'm a teenager I want to experiment! Just means that those boys are never getting a date let alone anything more. I want to try things with both of them and despite kissing practice never had the same... umph as this. The thing is would they think badly or would they accept me?'

As Nymphadora was struggling to answer as questions on how they would react to her sudden decrease in inhibitions due to the heightened levels of trust and lust, Harry and Hermione were trying to find a way not to simply tear all of their clothes off and rut like wild animals. Harry himself had started to slowly grind against Dora's perky rear while Hermione was trying to not shove her fingers to far into her as she rubbed her soaked panties against Tonk's leg.

"Well it feels like your rear is rather relaxed," Harry said with a shudder as his arousal slid between her covered cheeks. "Still it wouldn't do not to be thorough and only massage one side completely. Hermione do you mind helping me turn our new friend over?"

"Not at all Harry," Hermione purred as her hands found a good purchase to coax her over. "It is hard to reach anything with her lying on her stomach so. It might have been easier if she was partially inclined..."

"Next time," Harry chided as he ran his hands around her hips and waist while sliding along her thrusting ass. "You do want us to continue don't you?"

"Yes!" Tonks shouted as Hermione's hands tweaked in rhythm.

"Well that sounds like agreement to me," Hermione said as she reluctantly withdrew her hands. "Come on Harry let's give her a spin."

With that a quick spin had Tonks on her back with Harry seated with her legs to either side of him while her head was resting against Hermione's panties. Harry reached over her and gently worked his way down while this time Hermione went for the sensual massaging while his went towards the more sexual. Hermione caressed her rapidly cycling hair and flushed face as Harry worked down her body. His hands teased towards the exposed flesh of her breasts as Hermione's actions had left her unbuttoned and bared.

Tonks for that matter was too out of it to notice that her head was wet from where it was rubbing against the moist and quickly becoming transparent panties. All she was aware of was Harry's hands and the sensations rushing and cascading through her body. She felt a throbbing as he passed around her tits teasing the sensitized skin near them but easing away as her panting increased. In her attempt to get more attention to them, Nymphadora started to buck against him. This had the added effect of grinding her head into Hermione's sopping sex.

Shuddering in a definitive climax, Dora was able to sigh at the contentment she was awash in before a moan of loss as his hands moved away. As he started to add lips to where fingers were before her sight was obscured as Hermione leaned over to add her own lips and tongue to the teasing. With her distracted with Hermione's added attention, Harry began to caress his way down trailing kisses from between her swelling succulent shining and flushed feminine arousal forecasters.

Harry was having fun and putting all the experimental experience he had gained from the girls in his life to work on exploring each and every area to find her new sweet spots. It was nice to indulge in some heavy make out sessions without the worry of being interrupted or as he still dreaded Anne waking him with his dick chaffed from being impaled inside as unprepared hole. He may heal fast but having the skin almost sanded off was a major off put to her incessant desire for him to bugger her if he wasn't ready to shag them like the randy ladies they were.

'The odds of me making it through Christmas without either finding myself being given a virgin pussy or ass is getting lower,' Harry thought as he approached the only part of her unexposed body. 'I know that by next Halloween that Iwould be unable to keep even this low of a level of control. Sex is rather enjoyable. No to be blunt with myself it would be as the Red Headed Simpleton would say, 'Bloody Brilliant!' Still as much as I enjoy it I know if I let myself get carried away that while I would damn well love my life, I would not love myself as I would have put my ambition, drive and goal on hiatus. If only they would wait a bit and just be satisfied with some head!'

Stopping with his hands teasing the edges of her soaked and clinging panties, Harry turned to look at Tonk's flush face partially obscured by Hermione's hair cascading to tease Tonk's chest. It was a sight that the other boys that had bothered her would almost give a hand to see. Part of him wanted to just pull her panties off and see if he could drive her completely out of conscious thought.

"Tonks," Harry called her name to get her attention. "Do or die moment here. So mind if I get a taste since you seem so excited?"

Tonks merely blinked in confusion. Someone was saying something to her, but it was hard to focus around the growing throbbing in her chest and belly. Seeing that she wasn't able to focus, Hermione smirked around the nipple she was teasing and went to work. With a sudden cry Tonk's came as she felt a sudden sting and twist to her nipples.

Letting go of the shuddering woman's throbbing nipple Hermione asked, "Lovely Dora, mind if Harry tastes you? He makes a point of it in the morning though normally I get to him first and he has to wait for his breakfast while I savor mine."

It took a few moments for her mind to process what had just happened and then what had been asked. Despite the fact that Wizards allowed women into societal positions before the mundane that didn't mean that the society was as progressive and was oddly Victorian in its mores which was at odds with its past. Now while Dora was raised mixed there had been the fact that her mother was a pure blood and thus unfortunately passed some of the conventions she had been raised under. It as normal for a girl to go down on a guy, but sadly the reverse was as rare as an open in their world. The patriarchy was still there though wither it was worse than the matriarchy had been and still was in other parts of the world was yet to be seen.

In the end it was one thought that would influence things. One moment of tossing the general notions to the side would allow a radical shift. She had snogged before and even let hands wander in a broom cupboard, but that was after a somewhat lengthy period of time and it had never gotten to beyond being felt up as it were.

'If this so far feels this good,' she thought with a shudder of anticipation,'what will it be like if there is more?'

"Please," Dora moaned as she felt his breath through her sodden panties."More."

With that finally settled, Harry went to work and slid her panties out of his way. Skillful fingers and tongue worked at and around her sex. There was ateasing and testing as her pulse raced and she shuddered again and again as Harry went about his task with the same intensity as he would anywhere else. As he did so Hermione was not idle and was working her lips, neck and tits over in a duet with Harry as each tried to find a new trick and point to get her off harder and faster.

Finally after being left panting completely divested of clothing and flushed with afterglow, Tonks was trying to catch her breath as the two had calmed abit to let her recuperate. With much mutual kissing Harry worked his way back to sitting next to Hermione at her head. They both worked to ease Tonks over her first romp with them or at least the mostly foreplay part.

"Well Dora," Hermione said with a smirk as she ran her hands through the tussled and cycling hair. "You don't mind if we call you that our Adorable Dora... now do you?"

Nymphadora Tonks was content and wouldn't mind what they called her even if it was degrading at this point. She had at first had a minor trepidation of what would happen even though she had orgasmed under stress before being carried to his bed. So completely feeling mellow, the now christened Dora merely nodded which rubbed her head against Hermione ever so tantalizingly.

"Great," Hermione said with a grin. "Now Harry has done a very good job in making you feel very good. So you really don't think it's fair that while you got off several times as a matter of fact that he just sits there with his balls aching now do you?"

Explained like that it did seem she had been rather selfish though given Harry's enthusiasm he had enjoyed making her cum. Some of the things she had promised to do while his tongue was in play suddenly hit her. Causing her eyes to widen and she licked her lips.

"Now while neither of us plan on prying to see how experienced you are," Harry said looking at the girl he had just spent what had been a rather enjoyable time tasting. "It would be nice to know if you plan on anything more or if you are going to just lay there like a limp noodle while Hermione gets to enjoy all the attention you worked up..."

"Either way works," Hermione said with a shrug. "Even if you said you would blow him as well as see how far you could swallow him before letting him fuck those alterable titties before spurting on them, that does not mean that Iwould be left out and instead will get to get a repast from the source instead licking and sucking your cum covered tits."

"My my my," Harry chided with a husky voice. "It seems our newest playmate likes it when you talk dirty to her. She started dripping again when you described what should happen. So Dora, are you a big girl or are you going to let an ickle firstie beat you? Although I have to admit that Hermione is one kinky witch and if you couldn't tell is as focused on pleasurable research as she is on schoolwork...."

A long moment passed as her eyes drifted to his readiness and then to Hermione's licking lips. Decisions, decisions, it was just so hard to decide. Considering the fact that she had barely managed to make it through the day without one of the males that now lobbed her into the even if she denies it she is a slut and can't say no mindset from having grabbed her and disarmed her before forcing her to have them not just demand a blow but fuck her face without a concern, is it any wonder that the notion that she had a choice to wither she would lick his dick before some more sexual things happened was daunting.

In the end she merely nodded and turned her head towards his lap. With practiced ease Hermione fished him out and Tonks just stared at him. He was while not overly developed a good deal more physically defined than most of the male population short of the older Quidditch players. In fact she stared so long that Hermione had started to slowly stroke him in front of her.

"Well time waits for no one," Hermione said before winking at her and twisting so that she could reach his cock. "It would be a shame to waste a perfectly good hard on like that."

So Tonks watched as Hermione contorted to kiss Harry's cock while her hand stroked it. She saw as Hermione trailed kisses and demonstrated a variety of ways to use her mouth and tongue to Harry's obvious enjoyment given his verbal moans and his bodies shuddering. Wide eyed accessing as Hermione went from just teasing his head before slowly swallowing him.

Backing off to observe the aroused Witch, Hermione smiled before asking, "Now didn't that look like fun want a try? After that we can mix and match..."

With Dora nodding her head, Hermione moved so that Harry was within range of Dora's mouth while working around so that both would be able to reach him. It had been something she had planned to try instead of tag teaming and it would be interesting to see what three could do though she would settle for two now. For a moment Hermione pondered what she wanted to do later after Harry got some relief and for her turn.

'Hmm,' Hermione thought as she watched Dora take her first attempts to suck Harry's dick. "I don't want to overexert Harry's tongue so maybe have Dora see if she can eat my pussy after she has sucked and tit fucked him. A shame that Iknow that if Harry slides his dick into one of us that the rest will be upset until he does the same. Though with her being two years older than me she is less likely to have the issues of being torn up. Anne still doesn't get why he doesn't just do more than slide his meat between lips or cheeks. If he can't get three fingers in then we would be reamed too much and would need potions or worse medical help. If it happened in the muggle world we would be in trouble unless we wait off for another few years. A good thing that the Wizarding laws were never updated so Harry is at the bare edge of legal and if we keep things undercover no one will know.'

In the mean time she whispered to them whenever she didn't have her mouth full and was enjoying the shuddering her words caused both of them. So cataloging which words and phrases made them hotter, Hermione worked through several notions and found it odd that what Dora had feared also turned her on something fierce. Still she had her voyeuristic fantasies as well though the threat of being found especially when he eventually started shagging and given Anne's enthusiasm buggering them until they were raw and sore.

'The side effects of the enhanced body would allow for more extremes in sensations without being overwhelmed,' Hermione thought as she smirked as Dora was slowly working her way down. 'Wonder why she doesn't alter her throat to accommodate? Ah well given Harry's balls are tightening in my mouth it is best to ease off as I want to see him rut between her breasts... considering I want to try that after a good session of spanking and grinding before spraying my reddened ass, I might as well see how it looks.'

To distract Dora, Hermione quickly darts her hand to her sopping slit and stimulates her to cause her to let him pop out of her mouth to shriek at the sudden orgasm. Hermione simply smiled at Harry as he had slowly started to thrust upward as they had been trying to get him down her throat. It was nice to see him throbbing like that and the break would let him ease into a rhythm.

With an almost drunken stumble, Dora had crawled over Harry's now sprawled body and proceeded to continue where she left off. With a wet pop she let him slide out of her mouth before focusing for a moment. While she was new to people knowing she could change that did not mean that she hadn't tried to change the parts she had been apprehensive about. So while at fourteen she had enough curves to be eye catching, Dora decided to add a bit more as Hermione was an early bloomer.

So Dora wrapped her tits around his wet cock and proceeded to bring him again to the edge. Hermione looked on at the look of concentration and pleasure mixed on his face as Dora slowly shifted into what could be described as a walking wet dream. There had been minor shifts to draw attention to areas where she had been aroused by being fondled to get more attention there, but this was more exaggerated as her curves became more defined while her waist thinned as her hair lengthened for a second use.

Fitting her head to reach his dick as it slid so the head protruded from her breasts, she took the head into her mouth and swirled her tongue around tasting it while trying to inhale him from the obvious outline her cheeks made from the suction. She continued oblivious to Hermione watching them with her hands distending her soaked panties. She had when first seeing them wondered why they said Cute Cat on the waistband. If she had been able to think about it as busy as she was then she would have noticed the other phrase on the back, Kinky Kitten.

Hermione shuddered watching them as Dora leaned back and let him pop loose. Her eyes were on the bobbing and twitching form of her favorite sucker as it spurted onto the almost impossibly expanded mounds. She licked her lips as she waited for Harry to lie back so she could join in. As soon as that happened, Hermione crawled between them to quickly give Harry a lick clean before turning to the panting and glazed Dora.

With herself seated in Dora's lap, Hermione proceeded to kiss and lick her clean much to Harry's enjoyment. So Harry simply reclined watching the entertainment of Dora shuddering and shivering from the attention paid to her cum sprayed tits as soaked panties rubbed against her own wetness.

'And I wondered why it was so difficult to not agree with girls,' Harry thought as he licked his lips at the sight before him. 'This will make mornings and evenings more spontaneous. Still with more of them there is a greater chance that I will end up exhausted and dehydrated more often and sore in new ways. Iget a feeling I know what will be the girls' Christmas present.'

Scooting away from her with a come hither look, Hermione reclined with her hand tracing her almost completely as good as painted on panties. With a pout Dora followed after as she wondered why the warmth moved away.

"Now delicious Dora," Hermione purred as she watched the personification of sex crawl to between her legs. "We have been very good hosts, yes? So why haven't you been a good guest and helped both of your hosts out..."

It took peeling her panties off and tugging them out of her twitching lips, but Hermione got the point across and Dora got her face close enough to get a good sniff. Warring with herself as she had already gone down on Harry and him on her while Hermione had practically dry humped her while bring her off several times while cleaning her cum splattered chest off, it started with a tentative lick before being urged on.

Harry eyed the elevated ass that practically wagged side to side as she started to eat Hermione out. Seeing Hermione of all people using a girl's hair as aharness to maneuver her while whispering what she liked in more and more explicit and foul language was wearing on his resolve. Watching someone who played at being the perfect school girl and role model swearing and saying degrading things while commenting on how Dora likes to be treated since she was moaning so much into her sopping slit as she tried to stretch her poor tight little twat with her eager tongue.

Harry would admit that at times he tried to over control his emotions and actions. Now while it is possible for a man to turn down sex even if there is not the sense of impending doom there was a limit. With shaking hands Harry crawled behind Dora's upturned rear and decided to shock her a bit. So there he was kneeling behind her swaying ass moving like a cat that was lapping some cream with his dick dangling beneath and almost touching her slick slit. He barely managed to stifle a groan as drips of her juices fell on his over eager arousal.

Slowly Harry raised his hand up and with a sudden movement spanked Dora hard. The sudden shift lowered her slit to rub along his length while forcing her head deeper into Hermione's sex. The muffled scream caused the tongue and mouth to almost vibrate.

"Fuck!" Hermione shouted as she almost crushed Dora's head between her hand and sex. "Do it again Harry! Her scream made me squirt!"

"Whatever you say Hermione," Harry said as he started sliding along her slit causing her to moan into 'Mione's muff before kneading her round ass before beginning to spank it in earnest. "She really seems to like that though you know that turnabout will be fair play..."

"Of... course," Hermione moaned out as she practically fucked Dora's tongue. "You can spank my ass while I get to eat her and we can alternate with whoever isn't blowing you as well..."

"So you really like a good spanking?" Harry asked while giving her a thoughtful look. "Wonder what other like games we can play..."

"Considering I seem to be almost hot enough to try everything and anything,"Hermione trailed off with a shriek.

"Need to get someone to get us some toys than," Harry murmured as the visuals almost made him shoot against Dora's silky smooth and taunt stomach.

"Now I think a bit more attention for our guest is in order," Hermione said with a grin. "She has been a very good guest now and it would be rude not to ease things..."

"So think you might like trying this position?" Harry asked as he felt his cock rub Dora's slit and run over her exposed clit.

"If you remember to not be as soft with me," Hermione said before a slap was heard. "Hmm seems Dora doesn't mind spanking at all."

With a grin the group moved about and Hermione got clit fucked while getting her first direct taste at Dora. She knew that she would be stiff in the chairs in the morning but it would be worth it. they slowly began to settle down into a mix of oral, heavy petting and non penetrative fucking with a ready application of smacks to the girls' reddened asses. Dora passed out as Hermione went for one last ball draining blow of Harry who was dozing with Dora's still expanded tits as a pillow.

As all that had happened, none of them noticed the slight hum in Harry's magic or the inaudible sounds of a different girl, no woman with the voice being too mature and husky for that, shrieking as if experiencing a mix of their encounters. In an empty limbo a redhead sex goddess shuddered as the blinding white light pulsed stronger around her. The lights reflected off the sheen of sweat and the copious amounts of arousal dribbling down her legs. Her existence had been so much better after the black light faded. She was glad that she was forgetting how much pain those eternities had been. It reminded her of when she had almost crushed that dark haired man's hand when she had been in so much pain. When that pain had ended though there had been such a feeling of elation at the small form before her. A name for the feeling came to her... Harry. Though she wasn't sure who that was exactly though the name resounded with the white light.

'Whoever you are Harry,' she thought shuddering again as her voice screamed in pleasure. "I will thank you when I see you...'

Things were not going as anyone had planned. Harry was not the golden boy of Gryffindor and it left several major players confused in how to react. In his room, Quentin Quirrell was placating his master on how dismal his troll had done in distracting the rest of the staff from the stone. If there were as few students here over the Holidays it would be an even better time to act as the Ministry was going to be once more taking Dumbledore's time for social occasions. Yes Christmas would be a good opportunity and with the likelihood that the Boy-Who-Lived would not be here than there would be less attention paid to his movements.

As for the well meaning if hopelessly naive Headmaster well he was trying to see how things would work out. The stone was safer here than Gringott's since no one could enter without his invitation something the goblins could not provide. It was at times like this he had wished things had gone so different so long ago. Why couldn't his friend have understood that force never really fixed things it merely made one new enemies. It was strange though that the portraits as well as the ghosts seemed rather reluctant to inform him of small groups' activities. How could one boy no matter how interesting affect them when it took almost a serious threat to cow them so?

Meanwhile two troublesome nemesis slept on unknowing the hell they had unleashed upon themselves. One Gryffindor the epitome of pureblooded Light prejudice while the other was a Slytherin the epitome of a dark Pureblood aristocrat with all of those flaws. While the redhead was accustomed to the Twins pranks they were never truly mortally emotionally mortifying. By the time the lovers were done venting their rage at them, Ronald Weasley would wish his mother was the one punishing him as it would have been at least less unpleasant. As for Draco Malfoy he unknowingly in his arrogance would cost himself and his father everything.



Harry, why is a unicorn following you?" Hannah asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Harry said with irritation as the unicorn nuzzled him affectionately. 'Maybe I should have let Riddle eat it,' he thought. 'Nah even something this affectionate and cute doesn't deserve that.'

"But they only like virgin girls?" Susan asked in confusion.

"I know," Harry said with a sigh. "Still follows me though."

"I don't get it either," Hermione said as she wondered why it was following him as well. "Still she is willing to donate some rare ingredients and this way there are no problems."

"She," Harry said with a look of dread on his face. "I should have known..."

"It's not like your collecting strays or anything," Susan said before he gave her a look.

"They just seem to follow me home," Harry said while blinking confusedly. "Then when they feel better they act like I need all the help I can get. How... strange."


"Mr. Potter," McGonagall began before trailing off, "Is that a Unicorn?"

"Yes," Harry admitted with his head hung down. "Don't ask why it is following me as I don't understand it either."

"Creatures from the Forbidden Forest are not allowed in the school," Snape drawled as he appeared. "Fifty points from Ravenclaw."

The unicorn took one look at the man and aimed its horn at him.

"That probably wasn't the best of ideas," Harry said sagely as he looked at the man. "Most definitely."

With that the unicorn willingly left Harry's side and tried to impale the evil man that threatened him.

"Severus," McGonagall said as she watched in shock. "Stop antagonizing the Unicorn."
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