Categories > Original > Fantasy > Eternal Requiem

Arrangement 4: Pains of the Past

by MangekyoChidori2089 0 reviews

Why couldn't Hunter finish off Sai? His painful past is revealed with a girl who looks a lot like Jessie.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-25 - Updated: 2008-08-26 - 3371 words

Eternal Requiem

A.N.: Hey guys! You all ready for the next Arrangement? If you’re not then too bad! I’m just kidding with you :)

Well, as I promised, I’ll answer some of the questions we got right now complements of DarthRaider666 and Turquoise-chan.

1. "How did Sai get the Demon soul? Was he a regular human or was he born with the demon?"
While I can't tell you how Sai got the Demon's soul yet, I will tell you this: no one is born a Devil-Human. So yes, Sai was a regular human at one point like every other Devil-Human.

2. "Why did people think Jessie was a Devil-Human? Is she really a Devil-Humn or was she a Devil-Human during that time, but suddenly turned back to normal?"
Hmmm... well, I'm afraid I won't reveal that yet either. But no, Jessie was never a Devil-Human.

3. "Do Sai and Jessie know about their family? Are their family still alive, yet abandoned their children? Or did they escape from their family? Or are they dead now and they had to live on their own?"
AAAUUUUGH!! So many questions I can't answer!

4. "About how long does it usually take to make one Arrangement?"
Okay. Finally, something I can answer! Well, since I don't have a whole lot of time to be on the computer, I first write it down in my notebook, which could take anywhere from a few weeks to... a month maybe? It takes that long because I'm usually preoccupied with homework, chores, martial arts classes, and... lazyness. Anyway, when I get a chapter done (and when I'm allowed on the computer) it doesn't take very long to type it. Plus, I'm still a noob with writing this and fanfictions, so I'm still learning the ropes. I'll try to get a new chapter up every month, but I can't really make any gurantees. Gomen!

5. "I really like his name: Saishu Tenryu. Could you tell me of its origin?"
Why certainly! Most anime fans should recognize it is Japanese. Frist off, it's suppose to be written Saishuu Tenryuu, but I'm just to lazy to add the extra u. In Tenryu, "ten" means "heaven" or "heavenly", and "ryu" means "dragon". So togeather, his family name is "Heavenly Dragon". For his first name, I wanted something unique; a Japanese word people wouldn't name their child (as far as I know). Saishu means "last" or "final". So his names togeather means "Last/Final Heavenly Dragon". What could this be implying? I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out.

Now that we got that out of the way, lets start the show!


‘How is that possible? She looked exactly like her.’

He opened his eyes and contorted his face as if concentrating on something. Then, the scenery around him started to change. The trees surrounding him started to disappear one by one, the grassy earth changed into rough gravel, and three figures were appearing before him.

Standing in front of him was himself, the girl, and the Devil-Human on the ground behind her. It was the scene that happened just a few hours ago, where the girl was able to stop him in his tracks. But, the scene was still. Only Hunter, the one who stopped concentrating and stood up, was moving.

He walked over to the girl and got a good look at her. Raven hair, pale skin, and gentle, emerald colored eyes.

Then once again, he concentrated and the scenery started to change. Tall buildings appeared, the gravel became cement, and three different figures appeared.

He stopped concentrating and looked at the three new people. In the middle; a seventeen-year-old Hunter. To his left; his best friend Jason. And to his right; a fourteen-year-old, raven haired, pale skinned, gentle, emerald eyed girl.


Arrangement 4: Pains of the Past

For the third time, Hunter concentrated and the area just slightly changed: there were fewer tall buildings around him and more houses and apartments. He turned around hearing a couple voices talking and saw himself and Jason again, both fifteen years old. The two images of the past walked by him like he was nothing but air and the older Hunter followed them.

“Of course you got detention,” spoke the younger Hunter to Jason, “What do you expect from not doing your homework?”

“She didn’t give me detention because of some stupid homework assignment! She did it because she hates me!” Jason kicked a can lying on the ground.

“Mrs. Nelson hates all freshmen. That’s why you can’t do stupid little things like that in her class.”

“Yea, yea… hey, I know! We should totally T.P. her house, or egg her car!”

The younger Hunter smacked him on the back of the head. “Are you stupid? There’s no way I’d do something so idiotic. Besides, there are two things wrong with that plan. One; she lives in an apartment, and two; she takes a cab to the school.”

“Oh.” They walked for the next ten minutes talking about this and that, things that particularly didn’t interest the older Hunter. He didn’t pay attention to what they were saying until they reached a certain street.

“Jenna Wilson’s pretty hot though, don’t you think?”

Hunter shrugged. “I guess so, but don’t get your hopes up. She’s a senior.”

“Oh, I think I can get her to fall for me.” The younger Hunter laughed.

“You? Yea right! Remember last year when-” he suddenly stopped. It took Jason a couple seconds to notice Hunter had ceased walking and looked at his friend.

“Hunter? What-”

“Shhh!” Jason stopped and listened with Hunter. Then they both heard it.

“C’mon girlie, just give me your stuff and this’ll go a lot easier.” Hunter immediately ran and looked down the alley where the voice came from. He was shocked to see a man trying to rob a young girl.

“No, please don’t!” she pleaded.

“Give me your shit now!”

Jason caught up with Hunter and was as surprised as his friend with what he saw. “Dude, let’s get out of here before he sees us!” Jason pulled on the younger Hunter’s arm, but his friend wouldn’t listen. Instead, Hunter picked up a metal bar lying on the ground and ran at the robber.

Before the man could notice Hunter approaching, Hunter landed a hard swing on his head. The man staggered back and got a look at his attacker. “What the f-” before the robber could realize what was happening, Hunter swung again and hit the guy in the face, giving him a bloody nose.

“You want to try to rob me too?!” yelled Hunter. He started swinging wildly at the guy. “Come on, I’m just a kid aren’t I? This should be easy for you!” The robber tried to stand his ground, but Hunter’s wild swings made it hard for him to try and fight back. Faced with a battle he could not win, the man hightailed it out of there.

“Y-Yea! You better get out of here!” yelled Jason, whom Hunter ignored considering he didn’t lift a finger to help.

Hunter looked to the girl. She was on her knees sobbing from her frightening experience. He walked over and kneeled in front of her placing his free hand on her shoulder gently, as not to scare her. “Hey,” he spoke in a soft voice, “are you okay?” The girl looked up at her savior. Her emerald eyes shined like a gem as the tears spilled out of them. Then she quickly jumped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, sobbing on his chest.

“Oh thank you so much! I-I was so scared! Thank you! Thank you!” Hunter put a hand on her raven haired head to comfort her and let her finish crying.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe now.”

When the tears stopped, Hunter helped her up and Jason handed the girl her backpack. “So where are you headed?” asked Hunter. The girl wiped her eyes and looked at him.

“Robins Middle School.”

“Hm? Hey Hunter,” started Jason, “isn’t that along the way to our high school?”

“Yea, I think so. Hey, do you want us to walk with you?”

The girl stared at Hunter for a second surprised and nodded her head. “Yea, sure.” Hunter and Jason escorted the girl to her school, which was only a few blocks away. When they reached their destination, the girl looked at Hunter, her eyes still red from her crying.

“Uh, th-thanks again.”

Hunter smiled and placed a hand on her head. “No problem. It can get pretty dangerous around here sometimes, so try to stay out of trouble.” The girl returned the smile and the two high schoolers set off to their own school. The girl watched them until she could no longer see the two. Then, suddenly realizing something, she gasped and put a hand over her mouth.

“I forgot to tell him my name. Hmm…” She tried to think. “What did that guy call him again…”

The older Hunter watched her until she entered the building, and then changed the scene to when that same school day ended. He looked through the crowd of middle school kids, and spotted the raven haired girl. She was looking down a sidewalk, the very same sidewalk she had taken to get to school, and stood unsure of whether to go or not.

“Hey!” The girl jumped and quickly turned around to see the younger Hunter and Jason approaching. “You’re that same girl from this morning, aren’t you?” asked Jason. She nodded and looked to the path again.

“What’s the matter?” asked the younger Hunter looking concerned. He noticed where she was looking and realized why she had looked nervous. “Oh, you’re afraid you might get jumped again?” She nodded her head. He walked next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Say… I know how scary a neighborhood like this can be, especially if you’re just a little kid. So how about you walk with us from now on.” She looked up at Hunter with her big emerald eyes surprised, and returned his warm smile with a happy one.

“Yea, that sounds great.”

The three of them started walking when Hunter remembered something. “Oh! We never introduced ourselves did we? I’m Hunter, and this is my friend Jason.”

Jason grinned at the girl. “Pleased to meet you!”

“Hunter… and Jason. My name is Samantha. Uh, d-do you mind if I call you Hunter-sama?”

“Some of what,” asked Jason confused.

Samantha shook her head. “No, not ‘some of’. It’s ‘sama’. An honorific title to show respect.

“Oh. I guess I get it.”

Samantha smiled at Jason. “You’re so silly Jason-kun.”

“Coon? What, so now I’m a raccoon?” Samantha giggled and Hunter laughed.

The older Hunter watched them as they walked their way home. It’s been a while since he’s used his powers to revisit these memories. A time when all they had to worry about was their schoolwork.

Then he focused his thoughts on Samantha. Ever since that day, she would walk to and from school with them everyday. She was such a kind and gentle girl, and had a peace loving nature. On the rare occasion that Hunter and Jason would argue with each other, it would upset Samantha and they would stop when she started crying. She also disliked any type of fighting; even when it was play fighting.

After a few moments of reveling in the good memories, he pulled himself back to reality (so to speak) and put a stern look on his face. The area changed slightly so now he was standing in the place he and Jason would meet Samantha to walk to school.

Samantha was waiting at the corner and she and the older Hunter watched as his younger self and Jason walked down the sidewalk. Samantha waved at them and greeted the boys in her usual cheerful manner.

“So how was your summer Samantha?” asked Hunter.

“Oh, the usual. Mom, Dad, and I went to Joraika for a couple weeks and then stayed at our summer home for a while.”

“Man, that’s your usual?” asked Jason. “I didn’t get to do jack.”

“Didn’t the Insurgents keep you busy?” questioned Hunter.

“They don’t let me do anything! They still think I’m useless.” Jason sighed and decided to change the subject. “Another school year, eh?”

“Hey,” started Samantha, “you guys are juniors, right?”

“Yea,” answered Hunter.

“Well, guess what?” They watched her as she skipped a few steps ahead of them and looked back at the two. “I’m going to be a freshman this year.”

“What?” They both said in unison.

Hunter stared blankly at Samantha. “But, aren’t you three years younger than us? You should be in eighth grade.”

“Yea, but since my grades have been so good throughout middle school, they had me take a special test. I guess I did pretty well on it, because they said I could skip eighth grade and go right into high school.”

Hunter looked at her dumbfounded. Then Jason spoke up. “Well, what did you get on the test?”

Samantha tilted her head up thinking. “Hmm… I think it said I got a 99.”

“H-How many questions?”

“About… eight hundred.”

There was a long silence, due to Hunter and Jason’s amazement.

“99? Eight hundred questions? That’s…” Hunter calculated the math in his head, “… 792 out of 800! You only got eight wrong!”

“Yea. I guess I’m pretty smart, huh?”

“Pretty smart?” said Jason, still trying to comprehend eight wrong out of eight hundred. “You’re a freakin’ genius!” Samantha smiled and blushed. “Who would have ever guessed that our little Sammy was a genius?”

Samantha turned and walked backwards facing Hunter. “Hey, now that we’re in the same school, can I call you Sempai?”

“Some pie? Sorry, we don’t have any,” said Jason jokingly. Both guys started laughing.

“No! Sempai! Not… oh Jason, why do you always do this?” They laughed even harder listening to Samantha fretting over Jason’s joke. She watched them laugh at her; a little annoyed, but soon started to giggle herself.

Hunter’s laughing started to die down and he opened his eyes.

A large man stood behind Samantha with a maniacal grin across his face.

“Samantha!” But as he yelled her name, the man grabbed her and threw her to a wall. She hit it hard and before she could fall to the ground, the man grabbed her shirt and lifted her five feet off the ground.

“Samantha!!” Both Hunter and Jason yelled as they charged at the tall brute of a man.

“Stay away from me, pipsqueaks.” The man planted a solid kick on Hunter’s chest so powerful that it knocked the wind out of him and sent him flying ten feet backwards. Then Jason ran in, furiously throwing a left punch. But the man simply caught the punch on one large hand and clamped down on the smaller fist. With a single twist, the man had broken Jason’s arm with a loud snap and threw him to the ground next to Hunter.

While Jason shrieked in pain, Hunter had started to catch his breath again. He panted loudly as he started lifting his head to look at the large man. He looked into his eyes, his crimson eyes, and instantly knew what this man was.

A Devil-Human.

The man grinned at Hunter. “I’m not in the mood for boys now. Today, I want a girl as my prey.”

Samantha’s terrified eyes looked to Hunter as tears started spilling down her cheeks. “Hunter… p-please help…”

The Devil-Human brought his free arm back with his fingertips pointing directly at Samantha. When Hunter noticed his sharpened nails, he knew exactly what the man intended to do.

“NO! SAMANTHA!!” He got up and ran putting all his effort into his legs.

Samantha’s blood splattered all over the brick wall behind her.

Hunter had only taken two steps, but now his legs grew numb as he halted to a slow stop and fell to his knees. His eyes widened horrorstruck at the gruesome image he was looking at.

The Devil-Human’s arm had pierced completely through Samantha’s body, all the way up to his elbow.

Time seemed to stand still, though the older Hunter wasn’t using his powers to do so. Even Jason’s yells of pain stopped as he watched the horrifying scene before him.

The man grinned and pulled his blood-soaked arm out of Samantha’s abdomen, splashing some of it on Hunter’s face. The red liquid stained Samantha’s clothes and spilled all over the sidewalk beneath her. The Devil-Human threw Samantha, her body falling to the ground right in front of Hunter.

With shaking hands, Hunter reached out for the girl. He cradled her head in his hand and pulled her close, tears starting to form in his shocked eyes.

The Devil-Human started licking his fingers soaked in Samantha’s blood. “Mmm… the blood of young girls always tastes the sweetest.” He started laughing like a madman and walked away.

Her blood poured onto Hunter’s shirt and jeans, but he didn’t care in the least. He wanted the blood to stop. He wanted her spilt blood to return from where it came from. The blood on their clothes, on the sidewalk, on the wall, and on the Devil-Human’s arm: he wanted it all to go back. He wanted the hole in her stomach to close up. He wanted her to get up and assure him that she was okay.

But no matter how much he wanted it, none of it would happen.

Samantha’s eyes slowly opened and looked at Hunter. Her emerald eyes shining, tears falling down her cheeks and mixing with the blood on her face. A weak hand reached for him, cupping his face in her small palm. She coughed up blood a few times and tried to form words. “S… S-Sem… p-pai…”

Hunter’s heart sank as he watched her hand fall. Then her whole body grew limp.

At that moment, there was no movement or sound, except for the rain starting to pour down.

“Damn it!” yelled Jason pounding his fist into the cement. “I-I really am useless. Damn! Damn! Damn!! DAMN!! DAMN!!” He continued to pound his fist into the ground and wouldn’t stop, even when his knuckle started bleeding all over the sidewalk.

Hunter couldn’t move a single muscle. All he could do was stare at the lifeless body in his arms. His vision became blurred as tears started to fill his eyes and spill down his cheeks. This was unreal. Something like this isn’t supposed to happen to normal people like him. They should be at the school right now; Hunter should be showing Samantha where all her classrooms are, giving her advice on which teachers were nice and which ones to be careful of, telling her that if anyone gave her trouble to try to find him or some of his other good friends.

He shouldn’t be holding her cold, bloodied body.

Hunter drew in a large, staggered breath and yelled at the top of his lungs. Not even the crashing of the thunder could drown out his cry of pain.

Then, like a picture thrown into the fire, the scenery dissolved back into the forest Hunter was in before he conjured the painful memories of the ghosts from the past.

Hunter was leaning on a nearby tree with his head tilted to the ground, teas escaping from his tightly closed eyes. He took a minute to silently sob to himself.

When he stopped, Hunter wiped his eyes with his sleeve and stood straight. Now with a serious look on his face, he decided what he would do next.

He was going north, back to New Gamdon.

A.N.: How was it? Pretty sad huh? Well, see ya next time!
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