Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart It Can't Contain It ...

Chapter Thirteen

by Redrox 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-05-27 - Updated: 2008-05-27 - 2156 words

Rachel lay on the bonnet of her car staring up at the sky. She had a bottle of 1990 Penfield’s Shiraz wine in her right hand and her iPod in the other. She was looking up at the stars still contemplating whether or not to tell the others about the Origin that would soon be visiting. She took the quarter full bottle of wine to her mouth and spilt some down her top.
“Fucking god fucking damn it!” she sat up, throwing the bottle across the fence in front of her and carried on swearing.
“Fuck you, you stupid bastard.” She tipped her head towards the sky and shouted some more.
“You stupid fuck! Why the hell are you doing this to me! Why! Why am I the one to suffer? To put up with all the fucking crap you feed us!” she stood up on the hood of the Land Rover and the hood indented slightly as she stamped her foot and tilted her head down to look and point at the ground.
“You’re just as fucking bad! Throwing your shit up here for us to deal with!” she jumped off of the car and landed on her feet, which was quite a feat for some one who had drunk three quarters of a bottle of wine. Rachel then picked up what was left of a shovel and preceded to beat a nearby shed. Even though she had consumed so much wine she was not as drunk as she would have liked to be. All her previous drinking sessions had started to render alcohol’s effects redundant on her. She had drunk herself silly when ever she could while she was in the camps and while The Headland was still being built. Naomi had convinced her to give it up, but she still enjoyed escaping from it all now and again.
The day had passed quite uneventfully. She had gone about her chorus and had finished when she decide to open a bottle of red from her wine stash. Rachel had convinced Kim to keep what they had learnt to themselves. She knew that having everyone in a panic was not a good idea. She finished beating the shed to the ground and moved panting slightly to the front wheel of her car, which she sat down against. The song switched on the iPod, which she had left on the hood of her car, to ‘One Step Closer’ by Linkin Park. The song sent a smile to her face. She remembered the last time she had listened to the song with alcohol in her system. Naomi had come to find her, as the sun was setting and it was during this song she had convinced Rachel to give up the drinking. She wasn’t an alcoholic, when she gave it up she had no physical side effects.
Today’s news had her ready to start drinking her self to sleep again. ‘No’ she tried to convince herself ‘I’m just having a chill out session, just this one bottle’. Rachel looked at the shed and started giggling to herself. ‘Sure this is a chill out session Rachel’. She sighed. She knew she would have to tell the girls at some point. She thought back to what Kim had told her. She still didn’t believe it. Kim was adamant though. While Kim had been sifting through the usual secret meeting conversations she had come across a few about the Headland. During most of the gossip sessions and meetings that weren’t supposed to happen in THEIR society, almost all of them had talked, how ever briefly, about the soon-to-be demise of the ‘stupid fleshling bitches down the way’. Rachel knew they would be in more trouble than they could handle if she didn’t come up with a plan soon. In one of the conversations Kim had recorded, the two females were discussing where the ‘Origin’ male had come from. Apparently he was one of the females’ ‘makers’. He had brought her into their world and was going to be staying with her while he was there. He had come from the front line, what ever that was. Kim had assumed it was a war term, meaning that THEY were at war with someone. Rachel had fantasized about it being another country’s military, although it was probably just a group of rebels who had trouble conforming to the leaders standards. Rachel pondered on this thought for a moment. The Origins had only bothered them once. It was only one and was female. Rachel shuddered as she though back to all the damage she had caused. SHE had killed two of the STAR operations policemen and two other people.
STARies were the South Australian equivalent of the American SWAT teams and Rachel’s group had managed to come across three STARies the day after they had escaped from the camps. They were highly trained in explosives, driving techniques, sniper skills, rescue techniques and working in helicopters along with all the weaponry expertise. Rachel remembered Ayresy. She had known him from a school camp she had attended in year 11. The other two, Tom and Old Bill, were members of the team he had been assigned to. He had taught her everything she knew about guns and weaponry. He was a specialist in explosives and had joked a lot about how these days he could use his specialty more often. He was the one who had managed to kill HER in the end. But now he was gone and she was the only one who knew how truly evil they could be.
An Origin was a supposed ‘pure born’. Their population these days were conversions, people who had started as humans and been changed into one of THEM. The difference between Origins and conversions were that the Origins were born. Rachel shuddered. The Origins were ten times stronger than the converted, but their main difference was that they had no problem with light. They could walk through the sun with no trouble although they still worked better in the dark. The only good thing about them is that they are quite uncommon. Only the right female and male pairing of THEM, origin or not, could give birth to an Origin, as Rachel knew all too well. Rachel’s group had only come across one during the ‘Dark Days’ but Rachel knew of one other. A male she had met in the Blood camps. Rachel started breathing heavily just thinking about HIM.
She had only heard of two Origins while she was in the camps, the female they had killed and the male she had met. Her breathing quickened. She couldn’t stand it. If he was the one that was coming to finish them off … No No No! She couldn’t think like that, if she did she would drink until she managed to poison herself. No there must be another male. Although all her time in the camps had taught her that there were only the two Origins at the moment. She had to be wrong, there MUST be more. But that was hardly comforting. If she was wrong about there only being two Origins then all of her other information could be wrong too. Without it they would be sitting ducks. Everything they had based their defenses on, their very lives on, may be a lie. Rachel didn’t know what to do. All of their defenses were based on light and now came an enemy that could take them all out in a matter of minutes. She shook her head. ‘Come on Rachel think! What basic options are available to you?’ Rachel knew the answer to that one. Fight or flight. They could stay and defend the Headland. Hide in the houses and tunnels until he gave up. That wouldn’t work; he would just disable the lights and send in all the others to search for them.
Well what about running. They could take shelter in one of their safe houses and move around until he gave up. Or they could travel as far west as they could and hope to stumble across some reminder of the Australian forces. Rachel thought about the last two possibilities. The first wasn’t an option, calling an Origin in to deal with them meant that the ‘locals’ must really want them gone. No the Origin would probably just track them down. The second option wasn’t that good either. They had no idea if anyone else had survived. They had no guaranteed shelter on the way there, and what if the population was bigger over there. Rachel let out a sob. There was one other possibility she didn’t want to consider. HE always said he would come back to her, whether she wanted him to or not. The other Origin she had met in the camps. Rachel definitely didn’t want him back here. When he had left her in the camps she had fallen into a wonderful stupor. She could repress all of her emotions, escape from the pain. God had answered her prayers the day he had left.
Rachel let out another sob. There was a much more logical theory to the Origin that was coming. It was much more logical than them sending one just to destroy a little old rebellion. HE was finally returning for her. Which fit the theory that there were only two Origins (well one now), and where he was coming from. When he had left her she remembered what he had said. . .

“I have to leave you little Rachel and it brakes my heart. But I have to lead my people to victory against those who would try to destroy us. I’m sure you understand. But don’t worry; I promise you, I’ll come back for you…”

Bile filled Rachel’s throat as the wind tickled her ear just as his breath had the day he whispered those words to her. She forced the bile back into her stomach and took a deep breath. She had promised herself that he would NEVER have any control over her, EVER. What would her mother say if she did give in to him?

“Never ever let a man control you like that. Especially the vile fucking bastards that don’t deserve to be on this earth. You are your own person so don’t let ANYONE, male or female, have control over you.”

Rachel’s watch beeped. It was now 4:30 and Rachel had an hour until the sun went down. She had to think of a way to keep the girls out of harms way. One way or another she wouldn’t let anyone else die.
Rachel took several deep breaths and tried to gain control over her head. After a moment she stood up. She knew what must be done. Her eyes glanced over the bonnet of the car to a shed and stables where she once had kept her horses. Her heart cried out as it throbbed unwillingly against her ribs. She started to walk towards them when she stopped. She knew unwanted memories lay just behind the stables and knew it would send her over the edge. She stood her hard eyes trying to see straight through the metal to what was behind. That little, all knowing voice in the back of head told her to tread carefully and walk around the side; there something was behind the stables she needed to see. ‘I already know what’s behind them, and I don’t really want to see it right now.’ She went to turn back towards the car when she looked down at her right hand. Her eyes widened in surprise as she realized she had taken her 9mm out of her leg holster and had switched the safety off. When had she done that? She hastily put the safety back on and holstered it. She took one last look at the stables with sad eyes and moved quickly back to the car. She got in, started it and zoomed down the degrading dirt road.

Behind the stables a red back spider was busy cocooning a beetle that had wondered to close to its web. The spider’s legs moved swiftly covering the poisoned beetle in silver treads. It stopped moving and turned all of its eyes towards the movement that had distracted it. Before the spider could move an inch towards safety a finger and thumb swooped down and crushed it. The fingers wiped the spider’s remains on the back of their owner’s trousers and returned to their previous position. The fading light glinted off of the object the hands had returned to and momentarily blinded the man lying chest down in the dirt. His adjusted his face just in time to see the black Land Rover disappear from view.
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