Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If Only He Knew

Chapter 7

by Sassy 1 review

Gerard is recaptured

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-29 - Updated: 2008-05-29 - 834 words - Complete

The corridor was long and there was nowhere to run from gun pointed directly at him. Gerard had no choice but to give up, but allowing himself to be recaptured didn’t come easy to him. He glared with an expression that held a mixture of bitter anger and frustration. Worse still, Marty was laughing at him.

“You can give me the evil eye as much as you like, but you’ll still end up back in your cell.”
And there it was. Somehow hearing it out loud made it all the worse.
“So what was all that crap about rehab?” Gerard fumed.
“Put these on,” Marty ignored his question and threw a pair of handcuffs, which landed, sliding to a halt, at his feet.
“Answer me!”
“Shut up, do as you’re told and you won’t get hurt,” Marty threatened, cocking the gun as he spoke.
With a resigned sigh, Gerard picked up the cuffs and closed a cold circle of steel around his left wrist. Just as he angled the cuffs towards his right hand, he was interrupted.
“No,” Marty snapped, “behind your back.”
Gerard narrowed his eyes. “That won’t be easy.”
“Stop whining and do it!” Marty sneered. “If I have to do it for you, believe me, you won’t like it.”
Staring down the gun barrel, Gerard had no option but to submit. Reluctantly he fastened the cuff around his right hand, his arms now held securely behind him. Only now did Marty approach.
“Why did you want me to think I was in rehab?” Gerard asked again.
“You were much easier to handle when you were wallowing in self-pity.”
“So you let me think Mikey had been beaten up?” Gerard spat with disgust.
Marty smiled cruelly.
“Mikey was beaten up, it just wasn’t you that did it.”
“You bastard!” Gerard yelled, turning a pair of enraged eyes to his kidnapper; he was livid, not just at the words, but by the amusement clear in Marty’s tone. In response, Marty’s expression twisted into an angry glower as he grabbed a handful of Gerard’s hair and slammed the side of his face into the wall. Gerard closed his eyes tightly and grimaced as the pain exploded through his head making him feel dizzy and nauseous. He could already feel his cheek dampened by a trickle of blood. Pushing the gun sharply into Gerard’s neck, just below his jaw, Marty growled a warning.
“Don’t play tough with me, Way! I'm not planning on killing you but don’t, by any means, assume that I won’t, and whatever happens, if you mess with me I’ll damn sure make you suffer.”
He paused while Gerard took in the words.
“Yeah,” Gerard muttered through gritted teeth.
The sound of mocking female laughter filled the corridor. Gerard clenched his fists in frustration.
“Aww, look at poor Gerard,” Kay laughed as Marty pulled him by his arm away from the wall. “All trussed up and nowhere to go!”
Gerard fixed her with a defiant look, his determination to escape undiminished by his current situation.
“Oh dear!” she laughed again. “If only looks could kill, eh?”
“No,” Gerard replied, “that’d be too quick for you!”
Kay frowned. “Smart mouth, eh? Let’s see how long that lasts, shall we?”
“Go to Hell!”
Kay placed a finger under Gerard’s chin and tilted his head back slightly.
“You may be there first. Your friends have seen fit to opt for publicity over your safety.”
“What?” Marty growled.
“It’s all over the news, even though we ordered them to tell no one, or we’d kill you. Popularity slipping is it?” She pulled her hand back, momentarily pushing Gerard’s head back further as she did. “Nothing like a dead singer to boost sales.”
Gerard struggled unsuccessfully to pull out of Marty’s grip.
“They wouldn’t do that! You’ve done nothing but lie to me, do you think I’m stupid?”
Kay shook her head as Marty gave her a questioning look.
“This is no lie,” she replied removing a wrapped syringe from her bag.
Gerard’s eyes widened at the sight of it and, unable to look away, he continued to struggle.
“It looks as though we’re going to have to show them why going to the press was a mistake. I warned you you’d suffer didn’t I?” Marty threatened. “But don’t worry, we’ll make sure you have an unhealthy supply of painkillers afterwards. They’ll make you feel good, eh?”
Gerard froze and turned terrified eyes toward Marty who merely grinned back at him and continued to silently mock him with a cruel smile, Gerard gasped in surprise as the almost forgotten needle was pressed into his arm and a small amount of liquid injected into his vein. Moments later the corridor slid out of focus and Gerard slipped to the floor, unconscious even before he landed.
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