Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The snow is falling down on me.

Locked away

by emovampire 1 review

Gerard doesn't know what the hell is going on. and neither do i!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-05-30 - Updated: 2008-05-31 - 542 words

Heya! sorry sooo much guys i havn't written for ages!!
anyway this is a real crap chapter....
but i am so freakin happy!!
yes yes i am a lesbian but i don't care what you think !
rate and review!
if you don't i won't write much!
love you all!

"Gone, with the stitching in her heart left out. A siloette that just won't heal. And dying in your arms tonight"
"You know it's all just a bad dream now"
"It fills your soul with love and hate, and all those things you need to breathe"
"I'm right there by your side"
"Tonight we've got a chance"
"Liar. Murderer. Sodomizer"
"Dreams are made winding through my head"
There are so many voices. Singing to me. All are different.
I'm in bliss.
Nothing to worry about.
All is well.
"I mean this. Forever."
He's there among the voices.
My eyes fling open.
but there is no one there.
In fact tere is NOTHING there!
Just...i don't know. an empty white thing...
I can see my hands if i hold them in front of my face...but there is nothing else in the room. or thing...
He's not here.
What if I never find him? I was too judgemental on him and now he hates me and.....
I see a dot.
It is a little green dot about the size of a grain of sand. But it is easy to see in the contrast of white.
It grows bigger.
It keeps on growing until it covers everywhere i can see.
I'm looking over a cliff. Into an ocean. I'm standing on dirt.
I look behind me and see graves. Thousands...of graves.
This is all too familiar.
He's still not here.
But it's the same place! how am i supposed to find him now?
I go up to the grave that i remember to be my fathers.
RIP Juliet Halko 2004-2008 You killed her when she bit you. She was only trying to protect herself from you. She wasn't hurting anyone. But you still pulled her off your finger and threw her into the road. Don't end lives so carelessly you fool...
Who the heck is Juliet Halko? Frank didn't kill anyone THAT recently did he?
That mouse.I killed a mouse a few weeks ago. I was walking on a pathway by a main road. I saw a mouse and bent down to look at it. I thought that it was dead. I poked it ...but it was alive. It bit me and i started bleeding. I was scared and shook the mouse off. But it landed on the main road and was killed.
This is my head.
These are my victims.
RIP Cattle No. 8562. 2008-2008 You ate his meat. Careless. That food once had a life. If it weren't for you, it might have lived. You couldn't pass up for food to save someones life...idiot.
This is my world.
These are my victims.
I am a murderer.
"You said that I was a murderer. But you and I are acctually exactly the same".
I know that voice.
"Remember those that you kill Gerard. For they will never forget you".
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