Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If Only He Knew

Chapter 12

by Sassy 2 reviews

At last, a breakthrough!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-06-01 - Updated: 2008-06-01 - 1193 words - Complete

Brian sat at a round table with representatives from the press and media. Those invited were the ones who had shown an element of understanding or appreciation in their reporting of any story involving the band, or who could be trusted or bribed to pull a story if it was too damaging.

“Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen,” Brian began, pouring out water into their glasses. “I want to clear up this business about Gerard’s supposed kidnapping.”
“Before you do, Brian,” Dominic Stacey, one of the television anchors invited interrupted, “you should see this. From what I gather, it’s been sent everywhere, even posted on the Internet.”
Brian looked down at the photograph of Bob taken moments after his stabbing. His blood pooled on the floor and his expression registered the fear he felt as he stared at his attacker.
“What aren’t you telling us, Brian?”
Brian slumped in the chair.
“Okay,” he sighed and looked up from his hands. He had no choice but to be straight with them. “Completely off the record. Gerard’s been kidnapped and other members of the band have been attacked. This could only have got out from the man who attacked them, who, I’m pretty sure, is just being paid to do the kidnapper’s dirty work. If they were going to announce it themselves, it wouldn’t make any sense to tell us to keep it quiet.”
“They want you to pretend it’s business as usual?”
“Yeah,” Brian replied. “No press or police, or they’ll kill him.”
“So,” a voice piped up, “you want us to sit on this story, like it never happened? Where’s the incentive?”
All eyes turned. It was a thin reedy man, possibly new to his job and hungry for a juicy story.
Brian gasped at the question. “They’ll kill him, didn’t you hear me?”
“I’m sorry, Brian, but a story’s a story,” the man laughed at the idea of keeping it quiet. “And this is a big story, too! Have you any idea how many newspapers we’d sell with this across the front page?”
Brian was aghast. The man probably hoped that Gerard would die; after all, it would be another story even bigger than the last.
Dominic Stacey, the man who had drawn Brian’s attention to the photo of Bob rose to his feet and walked slowly to the pressman. Leaning down, he whispered briefly in his ear.
“O…okay,” the man stammered, “so we keep this under wraps then?”
“Brian,” Dominic began, “I suggest we all sign something to say we won’t report on this or any related subject without your express permission.”
The others around the table nodded their agreement. Brian had generously given them all exclusive interviews and stories in the past, it was time to return the favour.
Thank you! Brian mouthed the words.


At the hospital, T.J. let out a long sigh.
“Thanks for letting me know, Sam, I’ll just check.”
He opened the door quietly and peered inside. Ray was slumped in the chair next to Bob’s bed; he looked uncomfortable, but clearly asleep.
“Nah, they’re both sleeping,” he replied closing the door. “It won’t do them any good to hear about this now. Better wait until morning. Does Brian know?”
“Yeah, I just spoke to him. He sounded terrible, I wouldn’t want to be him right now.”
“I wouldn’t want to be any of them right now!”


Mikey paced in his room until he felt dizzy. He couldn’t sleep. His brother was in the hands of a violent psychopath. He glanced at the cell phone sitting on his bed, even though the screen had gone dark, he knew the photo, that terrible photo of Gerard was still there. How could anybody do that to him? He was tied up! They had beaten a defenceless man into unconsciousness! It was too evil to contemplate. Picking up the phone again, Mikey stared at the screen.
“Where are you, Gee?” he asked helplessly.
Briefly, Mikey glanced away before looking back. He traced a line across the photo with his fingers.
“Of course!” he cried. “Why didn’t I see this before?”
Grabbing his jacket and keys from a nearby chair and pulling a woollen hat low over his forehead, Mikey flipped off the light and headed downstairs. Still unused to his presence, it didn’t even register with Mikey as odd that Sam was nowhere to be seen. The house was in darkness as he slipped through the front door relieved to see that the press and media where gone.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Startled, Mikey spun around only to be confronted by Sam.
“I… I… uh, wanted some air,” Mikey replied, taken aback by Sam’s sudden appearance.
“Yeah?” Sam replied, not really believing him, but playing along. Holding out a pack of cigarettes, Sam offered: “Smoke?”
“No,” Mikey shook his head. “No, thanks.”
“What’s on your mind, Mikey?” Sam asked cutting straight to the point.
“Nothing, I just wanted…”
“Tell me.”
“I just wanted some air!” Mikey snapped.
Sam stared at Mikey. His sudden anger and boldness seemed out of place and it wasn’t until he saw that look again that he realised what was going on.
“What do you know?”
“Mikey, you and I know each other pretty well, yeah?”
“Yeah,” the younger man agreed.
“I know when you’re lying to me. You know where he is, don’t you?”
“How could…”
“But you think you can storm in there and get him back, kill his kidnappers and save the day, don’t you?”
“Well what would you do?” Mikey snapped.
Sam nodded sympathetically.
“How many of them are there?”
“I don’t know.”
“Are they armed? What with? Is he guarded? Exactly where is he? How long will you have to release him? Will he be strong enough to walk? How will you kill them? Can you live with being a murderer, no matter who it was you killed?”
Mikey stared blankly as he tried to fathom a response to the many obvious questions he had ignored in his blind fervour to help his brother.
“I don’t know!” he screamed.
Sam reached out and pulled him close for a comforting and reassuring hug. At first, Mikey fought him, trying to pull away; his frustration at the situation not allowing him to accept the help and comfort he so desperately needed.
“Mikey,” Sam’s voice was soothing, “let it out, come on. No one can see you.”
Mikey sagged to the point that Sam had to hold him upright, his heart-wrenching sobs loud enough to wake Frank from his shallow sleep. Pulling his emotions back under control as he saw the light come on inside, Mikey took a deep breath as Frank stepped out into the chill night.
“I know where he is!” Mikey revealed.
Frank’s mouth fell open. “Where? How do you know?”
“It’s in the photo, it’s been right in front of us all night!”
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