Categories > TV > Star Trek: Deep Space Nine > Defiant: Season One

Episode 4: The Ties That Bind

by trekgirl 0 reviews

Category: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-03 - Updated: 2008-06-03 - 3601 words

Episode 4: The Ties That Bind

Lani rolled over, raised up on her elbow, and looked down at her sleeping lover. He hadn’t been completely horrible, but he’d still managed to disappoint. Lani hadn’t expected that, not with this one. But she couldn’t say that she’d been taken completely by surprise when it had ended up this way. He’d only been the latest in a string of underperforming lovers Lani had had the misfortune of encountering. She was hesitant to admit it, but she knew why her bedmates as of late had been sub-par. It was no mystery to her.


Reyal gazed out the viewport of the Bak ‘Tal, a small mug of red leaf tea in his hand. He heard movement behind him and looked over at the bed. The woman he’d consistently shared his bed with for the past month was sleeping peacefully. She was one of his subordinate officers, but neither of them let that small detail get in the way. It wasn’t entirely uncommon for Cardassians in the military to find their way to one another’s beds. It was almost expected – almost. As long as it didn’t interfere with duties.

Besides, this one was a beautiful woman, Reyal reminded himself. He sighed and sipped his tea. Beauty just didn’t seem to mean as much as it had before. Why, he wondered?

It was a useless question. He knew why.


“Tarkellian tea,” Bashir requested from one of the machines in the Replimat Cafe. As the beverage materialized in the replicator bay, Lani stepped up beside the doctor.

“Good afternoon, Dr. Bashir,” Lani greeted. She smiled at the doctor as he retrieved his tea.

“Lani,” Bashir said. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” she said. “I’ve been back at work for over a week now. My injuries weren’t that serious to begin with.”

“Better to err on the side of caution,” Bashir said.

“Of course, Doctor.”

Bashir smiled and left her to order. Lani ordered a salad and water and returned to the table she was sharing with Anta Corin. Corin already had her meal, a soup of some kind, in front of her. She watched Bashir glide across the room and join Garak at a table. Lani sat down across from Corin.

“He is so cute,” Corin commented.

“Who?” Lani asked.

“Dr. Bashir. Don’t you think so?”

“He is; but he isn’t really the type that I usually go for,” Lani said, turning her salad over with her fork. “I prefer men with a little more muscle beneath their uniform.”

“And neck ridges,” Corin quickly threw in.

“No … As a matter of fact, I don’t usually go for that scaly look,” Lani said. “Not usually.”

“But occasionally.”

“Only recently,” Lani clarified. She guided a forkful of salad into her mouth and chewed. It wasn’t as good as she’d hoped, but it would get the job done. She’d treat herself to a real meal after her shift at Quark’s.

After swallowing, Lani spoke again. “You know, I don’t know what it is,” she said. “I can’t put my finger on it, on why I’m so attracted to Dorien.”

“It seems pretty obvious to me,” Corin said. “This glinn of yours really seems to have hit the spot – pun intended.” Corin shook her head. “I don’t understand it. Personally, I find Cardassians revolting.”

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Lani said.

“Well, don’t look for that to happen any time soon.”

“The funny thing is that I used to think that, on the whole, they were unattractive,” Lani said.

“’Used to’?” Corin repeated. “As in, not anymore?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure anymore. I think it was because I never really got to know one before Dorien.” Lani leaned in close and lowered her voice as if she had a secret to tell. “I have to tell you something.”

“What? What is it?”

“I’ve already told you that Dorien was good. I think he was too good.”

“Uh-oh. I think someone’s smitten.”

“No … “ Lani trailed defensively.

“Then what is it?”

“I don’t know. Just that he was good. Really, really … good.”

A loud yelp from across the room pulled Lani and Corin from their conversation. They both looked across the room, in the direction of the scream and saw a Cardassian teen attempting to eat Garak’s hand for lunch. The boy let go of Garak and ran into the arms of an older Bajoran man, clinging to him, terrified.

Lani and Corin looked at each other, just as confused by the exchange as everyone else around them.

“There’s something you don’t see everyday,” Corin said, watching the Cardassian boy interact with the Bajoran. For the first time, she noticed that the boy wore Bajoran clothing, including the traditional family earring. “That’s got to be an interesting story.”

The Cardassian youth instantly grabbed Lani’s attention. He was no ordinary Cardassian, as he obviously practiced Bajoran customs. Had he been raised by Bajorans? Maybe Garak was the first Cardassian he’d ever seen in person. If he’d been raised by Bajorans, it was only natural that he’d be afraid of his own people, given Bajoran attitudes toward Cardassians.


When Lani walked into her quarters, the message indicator on her computer was blinking. She walked over to the console. There was only one message waiting for her – from Reyal. Lani eagerly accessed the message, and Reyal’s ridged face appeared on the screen.

“My ship will be coming through your neighborhood soon on official business. Perhaps we could set up a private rendezvous …”

The message ended there. Lani wondered if Reyal’s ‘official business’ had anything to do with that Cardassian boy she and Corin had seen in the replimat earlier that day.


Lani looked around at the crowd surrounding her Dabo wheel, and there he was. He’d come out of nowhere, it seemed, and Lani couldn’t be happier. She hastily closed down her table. It was early, but not by that much. Quark probably wouldn’t be too happy about it, but he would get over it.

The customers dissipated, and only Glinn Dorien Reyal remained. Lani sauntered around the table to meet him. She wanted to rip his uniform off and jump his bones right there in the bar.

“Hello, Dorien,” Lani said. “I know you said you would be out this way, but I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

“That just goes to show that you never know what life can throw at you,” Reyal said. “I thought that since we didn’t exactly get around to dinner the last time I was here, maybe we could try for it this time. We could take a walk on the wild side and actually try eating.”

Lani nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me. There are a few restaurants here on the Promenade.”

Reyal chuckled. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t want to eat at Quark’s.”

“Oh, I don’t have a problem with Quark,” Lani said. “It’s just that I’m here every night. I like to get out to see other parts of the station occasionally.”

“Understood,” Reyal said, nodding. “When can we meet?”

“I have tomorrow night off,” Lani replied.

“How about this – I’ll meet you on the promenade tomorrow night,” Reyal offered. “I’m afraid that if I meet you at your quarters, we won’t make it back out again.”

“1800 hours,” Lani said, laughing. “You pick the place.”


Reyal was waiting on the Promenade near Quark’s when he spied Lani walking toward him. He greeted her cordially, grasping her hands and delivering a kiss to her cheek.

“You look lovely, as always, my dear,” he said.

“Thank you,” Lani said. “So, where will we be dining this evening?”

“I thought Chez Zimmerman would be suitable,” Reyal said.

“You didn’t have to pick the Terran place because of me.”

“I’ve wanted to try it on previous occasions, but never got the chance. Now, I have the perfect opportunity,” Reyal explained. He ushered her into the restaurant, guiding her to a waiting table. “I arrived early and was able to secure a table.”

Reyal guided Lani to a secluded corner that offered more privacy than any other in the restaurant. “Is this acceptable?” Reyal asked.

“Oh, definitely,” Lani answered. Reyal seated her, then himself. A waiter promptly approached and took their orders.

“Have you dined here before?” Reyal asked once the waiter had left.

“No,” Lani said. “I’ve wanted to, but I’m glad I waited.” A short silence followed as they gazed at each other. Then, Lani spoke again. “You must tell me what you’ve been up to this past month. I’m sure being out there on a big ship like yours, exploring the galaxy must be exciting.”

“It can be,” Reyal admitted. “But not this month.”

“Oh, come on – don’t tell me you’re one of those officers whose jaded by it all.”

“No, no, nothing of the sort,” Reyal insisted. “I appreciate a good adventure where there’s one to be had. We’ll just consider this month a slow one.”

The food arrived and was placed on the table before the diners.

Reyal continued. “What about you? Have your Dabo winnings been bountiful?”

Lani sighed. “Well, I’m sure it doesn’t compare to exploring different worlds on a starship, but as a matter of fact, I did have a decent month.”

Reyal took a sip of his drink. “I heard you ran into a little trouble on Bajor,” he said.

Lani’s surprised eyes snapped to him. “How did you find out about that?”

“I have my sources,” Reyal said. “But, it isn’t a big secret.”

Lani moved the food on her plate around with her fork. “It wasn’t anything too serious.”

Reyal dabbed the corners of his mouth with his napkin. “Forgive me if I beg to differ,” he said. “I consider terrorists to be very serious business.”

“Do we have to talk about this now?” Lani asked. “The topic is a bit heavy for dinner conversation.”

“Of course. I apologize. Speaking of these types of matters comes so naturally to me I often do it out of habit. I forget that it may be unpleasant for others.” Reyal sat back in his seat. “What do you like to do in your free time?”

“Well, from our last meeting, you already know at least one answer to that question,” Lani said, her disposition improving with the topic change. “But there’s more to me than just that.”

“Like Dabo?”

“Actually, I don’t really care for the game all that much,” Lani revealed.

Reyal laughed heartily. “If I haven’t heard everything, now. So, you don’t like taking people’s money.”

“No, I do, but the game itself bores me.” It had been interesting to Lani when she’d first begun, but being surrounded by it and immersed in it nearly every night, the game loses its luster and excitement.”

“What doesn’t bore you?” Reyal asked.

Lani simply looked at Reyal, trying to judge whether he would believe her when she told him. “Sky-diving,” she said. “Orbital sky-diving, to be precise.”

Reyal raised a brow. He hadn’t been expecting to hear that. “Kind of dangerous, isn’t it?”

“I’ve never done it in a real-world environment before. I do it in the holosuites. And you can’t turn the safeties off on those.”

“That’s amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually counts orbital skydiving as a hobby.”

“I think it’s exhilarating.” Lani smiled at him. “I want to show you something.”


“Are we going orbital skydiving?” Reyal asked. After finishing their dinner at Chez Zimmerman, Lani had led Reyal to the holosuites at Quark’s.

“No … “ Lani answered. After keying in some instructions, she took Reyal by the hand and led him into a waiting holosuite.

Reyal found himself in the middle of a lush, green field that led to an equally lush, equally green forest.

“Where are we?” he asked.

“My imagination,” Lani replied.

Reyal looked at her, perplexed. “What?”

Lani grinned. “It’s the setting for a holonovel I wrote.”

Reyal raised a brow. “Another hidden talent?”

“Not hidden,” Lani revised. “But not exactly public knowledge.”

“And why is that?”

“Customers. Quark wants to maintain a certain image of his Dabo girls. He thinks that if customers think we’re smart enough to write holonovels, it will scare them away from the games. I think he’s right.”

“I think he’s wrong,” Reyal countered. “I like a woman with a little sense between her ears. It means the conversation will be interesting. Conversation is very important to Cardassians. A woman who can hold her own in conversation is greatly valued among my people.”

“I didn’t know that about Cardassians,” Lani admitted. “I guess you learn something everyday.”

They walked through the forest for a few moments, hands still clasped.

“Tell me abut your novel,” Reyal requested. “What kind of story is it? What’s it about?”

“Well, it’s a romance,” Lani began. “And it takes place during Earth’s medieval period. It’s all about this knight who falls in love with a peasant girl. Whoever is using the program can choose to be the knight or the peasant girl. There are also a few other characters. There’s a bad guy, a king, a sidekick – all the common archetypes.” She ended her synopsis there. “I don’t want to say too much. I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you in case you ever want to take the program for a spin.”

They came out of the forest at the top of a bluff that overlooked a settlement. “That’s the little town where the peasant girl lives,” Lani explained. She pointed to the brick fortress that stood just beyond the town. “And the knight – he’s from that castle.” They watched the sun as it began to sink behind the town and the castle.

“How many holonovels have you written?” Reyal asked, admiring the beautiful sunset.

“This is my second try,” Lani said. “I experimented with one last year, but it turned out horribly, so I deleted it. I think this one is a much better attempt.”

“I look forward to trying it,” Reyal said.

“As the knight?”

Reyal turned away from the setting sun and looked at Lani, finally admitting to himself that he had actually missed her. “Only if you agree to play the peasant girl,” he said. He pulled a wisp of dark hair away from her eyes and kissed her.


Kira stared intently at the holosuite doors. She’d seen Toru Lani go into that holosuite with a Cardassian nearly an hour ago. Odo walked up to Kira’s table. He followed her gaze to the holosuite door.

“Are you waiting for it to do something?” he asked.

Kira looked up at Odo, noticing his presence for the first time. “What?”

“The door,” Odo clarified. “To the holosuite.”

Kira continued to stare at him blankly for a moment before comprehending his words. “Oh – that. It’s nothing. I think.”

“You think?” Odo asked, taking the seat next to hers.

“I’m not sure,” Kira said. “This Bajoran girl I know walked into a holosuite with a Cardassian.”

“A Bajoran girl?”

“A Dabo girl. And she’s not a girl, really. I mean she’s over 18.”

“Who was it that she went into the holosuite with?”

“I don’t know. He’s a Cardassian military officer. That’s all I know.”

“Maybe they’re friends?” Odo suggested.

“They are,” a third person interjected.

Kira and Odo both turned to Quark, who had chimed in after walking up to their table.

“How do you know that?” Odo asked, going into investigation mode.

“I know what happens in my bar,” Quark said. “They met about a month ago at the Dabo wheel. If you ask me, it looked like they’d become fast friends.”

“He’s a Cardassian,” Kira spat. “And he’s probably preying on her. I have half a mind to barge in there myself and shoot him.”

“Major … “ Odo droned in a tone of warning. That kind of talk was never wise in public, especially if the subject happened to turn up missing or dead somewhere down the road.

“Who knows what he’s doing to her in there?” Kira continued.

“I have a pretty good idea,” Quark said. “And you underestimate Lani. She knows exactly what she’s doing. If I had to wager, I’d say she was preying on him.” He moved around the table, lowering himself into one of the remaining empty chairs. “Major, how well do you know Lani?”

“We met at the monastery on Bajor,” Kira said. “We started talking right before we were abducted. Before that, we’ve only seen each other in passing, here and at the temple.”

“Major, she’s a big girl,” Quark said. “Trust me – she can take care of herself.”

As soon as the words left Quark’s mouth, the holosuite doors opened, and Lani and Reyal exited. As the unlikely couple neared Kira’s table on their way to one of Quark’s exits, the major saw an opportunity to get to the botto m of this situation.

“Lani!” she called out.

Lani looked over to see Kira beckoning her over.

“Lani,” Kira greeted, as the girl arrived with the Cardassian in tow. “It’s good to see you. How have you been?”

“Good,” Lani said. “I know we haven’t had much opportunity to talk. Quark keeps me pretty busy.” She looked at Quark, hoping that he wouldn’t take the comment as a complaint.

Kira’s eyes were on Reyal. “Who’s your friend?” she asked.

“I am so sorry,” Lani said. “My mother taught me better than that. Major, this is Glinn Reyal, of the Bak’ Tal. Reyal, this is Major Kira, the station’s second-in-command and the stations Bajoran liaison officer.

Reyal bowed slightly. “A pleasure,” he said. Kira did not return his greeting, and an awkward silence followed.

Finally, she asked, “Glinn Reyal, could you give me and Lani a little privacy?”

“Of course, Major. I do have some business that must be attended to,” Reyal obliged, turning to Lani. “We’ll talk tomorrow, my dear.”

“Goodnight,” Lani said.

Reyal left, and Kira offered Lani the last empty chair at the table. Kira turned her eyes on Quark and Odo, still at the table.

“Gentlemen,” Kira began, “privacy? Please?”

The request took Odo by surprise, but he obliged. “Of course,” he said, rising to his feet. When Quark didn’t do the same, Odo glared at the him. But the Ferengi remained planted in his seat.

“Quark,” Kira said firmly.

“What?” Quark asked innocently. “You’re talking to one of my employees.”

“Quark!” Odo’s voice boomed.

“Alright, alright,” Quark conceded, reluctantly rising and walking away from the table, Odo on his heels.

“Is there something I can do for you, Major,” Lani asked once she and Kira were alone.

“Sure, there is,” Kira said. “Maybe you could help me understand why a Bajoran would spend time alone in a holosuite with a Cardassian, a glinn, no less.”

Lani let out a relieved breath and small laugh. “You scared me for a minute, there, Major. I thought this was about something serious.”

“It is serious,” Kira said, her tone leaving no room for misinterpretation of her feelings.

“We’re friends, Major.”

“Friends,” Kira repeated. She sat back in her seat. “Now, why do I find that so hard to believe?”

“Because most Bajorans can’t stand the sight of Cardassians,” Lani answered. “But I’m not like most Bajorans. I didn’t grow up with the Occupation.”

“But you do know about it, and that ought to be enough,” Kira said. “Knowing what the Cardassians did to our people should give you more than enough reason not to go into a holosuite with one of them. Especially not alone.”

“Reyal isn’t dangerous,” Lani said. “He’s never hurt me, and I find it hard to believe that he ever would.”

“You do have to admit that you don’t know him well,” Kira said.

“True, but I know him well enough.”

Kira studied Lani, trying to figure her out. “He’s paying you,” she surmised.

“What?! That’s ridiculous!” Lani couldn’t believe she was hearing this from Kira. She understood the motivation behind the words, but to have that accusation leveled at her was unwarranted. “I’m a Dabo girl, not a prostitute. I mean, some girls do that kind of stuff, but I’m not one of them.”

“Well, you sure wouldn’t know it just by watching,” Kira said snidely.

Lani stood. “You don’t even know us. You don’t know me,” she said. Her words were said calmly, but her anger was in full flame. Lani had had enough of this conversation. She turned and left.

Kira watched the younger woman go. Why couldn’t Lani see that she was only trying to save her from future heartache? Kira knew that Lani was headed only in that direction with a Cardassian in the picture.
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