Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Cruel Intentions

Hermione: Meet Fate

by coronagirl69 2 reviews

Hermione find just the thing she may need

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Draco, Hermione - Published: 2006-02-18 - Updated: 2006-02-19 - 721 words

Hermione: Meet Fate

Hermione stumbled back after walking right into what felt like a solid wall.

"Watch where your going Granger", snarled the tall, slim and blonde wall she called Malfoy.

"Great", she thought; the very last person she would have choosen to run into when her mood was already down in the dumps. "Like I wanted touch your scummy robes Malfoy", she answered lamely, and she knew it, but at this point she just didn't care. Tears began to stream down her face flustered and very angry at Ron she turned right around and began to stalk off down the corridor.

"Oh come on it can't have hurt that much", he yelled after her sarcastically.

"Shut up", she said continueing down the hall until she rounded at corner and found a very lonely bench which she sat herself on. Just as she had nearly gotten herself together, Draco's familar sneering face was right across from hers.

"It's Weasley isn't it?" Draco said knowingly.

Hating so much that he was right Hermione hardly put any effort into her lie of "No".

"That's what I thought", Draco said watching her. "So did you finally find out about that Lavender girl or did he finally retaliate to you denying him the finer things in life?"

"Lavender? They dated last year, so I really don't know who your getting your sorted facts from", she said sniffingly though feeling ever more uncomfortable.

"I know that Granger, it really wasn't hard to notice any living girl actually snogging Weasley, and thats not what I meant." he said motioning her to the castle window. She peered out at the Quidditch pitch where all her fellow Gryffindors in her year were laughing, and tossing around a Quaffle. She immediately noticed Rons vibrant red hair sitting next to Seamus and watching Lavender do a flirty little dance in her bikini. When she finished she sat down between Ron and Seamus putting her arms around their shoulders and whispering flirtatiously in Ron's ear.

"He hasn't been-" Hermione said stopping mid sentence.

"Doubt it, but he definetely looks interested in her" Draco answered. "You have been denying him sex, haven't you?"

"Yes I suppose so but-", she shook her head and looked at Draco as if she just realized he was there and said "Why am I talking to you? We hate eachother" she said.

"Truer words never spoken, but I have something you need" Draco said watching her.

"Oh yeah, whats that?" Hermione said agitated as opposed to upset.

"Experience", he said simply.

She gave him a confused look.

"Sexually" he said rolling his eyes.

Hermione uttered a very forced laugh, watching him as though hoping for a sign that he was joking. When the sign didn't come she made an exasperated noise and said "This is ridiculous" before turning away from him yet again.

"Is it though?" Draco asked her, she could feel his eyes burning into the back of her head. "You get the chance to possibly save you and you're pathetic boyfriends relationship while gaining the sexual confidence I can tell that you want to have. Especially after seeing how all the boys stared at Lavington during her little dance."

"Lavender", she corrected him as if he cared. What killed her the most wasn't that her enemy of six years was offering her help with her personal like, or that he had just reminded her that the love of her life is right outside the window flirting with a girl of much more sex appeal than her. No it was that he was right, 100 percent right of what she needed. Its not as if she ever opposed the idea of sex with Ron, she was just clueless as how to go about it.

Draco, as if reading her mind, said "Snapes classroom in the dungeons 10 o'clock Monday.", he told her "He gave the Slytherin prefects a key." Then turned around and walked away in the opposite direction.

"What are you getting out of this?" Hermione asked him in a voice very unlike her own.

Turning briefly to smirk at her Draco replied, "What do you think?"

Alright thats it for now, if the feedback is good (or any) I'll continue on, I think the story could be lots of fun, and I hope you do too!

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