Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Story of Raphael

Chapter two

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

Don't be afraid of Raphael, he's not bad, just different.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-06-05 - Updated: 2008-06-05 - 774 words

Raphael watched silently as the two men talked to a beautiful young woman. He could tell she was pregnant and knew by the picture he had been given that this was Taye. The wife of the wizard Slawek, the woman he was supposed to return.
He saw how she lovingly hugged the bigger of the two men, who he knew was Demitri Mahurin, smiling at him fondly, before turning and leaving.
He frowned, she didn’t look like she had been kidnaped, and Raphael wondered if he had been lied to.
He watched silently as Demitri said something to the younger man, who he knew was Gabriel, Taye’s brother, then turned and began walking his way.
Raphael watched and waited until Demitri had passed him, then he moved silently behind him.
He unsheathed his knife and held it to his throat.“I have some questions for you Mahurin," he hissed low, "answer them or I'll skin you alive."
Demitri stiffened, then said “I may answer your questions, but you’ll never skin me alive, you’ll never get the chance.”
“That’s what the last man said,” Raphael whispered, “right before I killed him.”
Suddenly he smelled the last thing he expected there, a werewolf.
He turned just as Gabriel came running down the path, he pushed Demitri down.
“This will have to wait Mahurin,” he said, his eyes changing.
He sheathed his knife and faced Gabriel, whose eyes had darkened in color.
“This is my lucky day,” Raphael said, “I get to kill a werewolf.”
Gabriel snarled, and suddenly Raphael changed.
He turned into a large brown wolf, but his eyes were different,
they were a blood red color. The same color a vampire gets when angry. He charged the Gabriel who quickly changed and lunged at him. He dimly heard Demitri yell the word “shite!” But he paid no attention to him. Instead he lunged at Gabriel and took him down, snarling and snapping at his throat. Gabriel tried to get lose, but Raphael snarled again, going for his throat. Suddenly he heard the word “Stupify!” Dimly through his anger, then blackness.

When Raphael awoke he knew that Demitri had gave him Veriterserium and he smiled.
“You used Veriterserium on me,” he said softly. “Sorry to tell you, but it doesn’t work on my kind.
He looked at Gabriel, then Demitri.
“I’ll tell you what,” he said, “you answer my questions, and I’ll answer yours. Do we have a deal?”
“Perhaps,” Demitri said, “who are you and what do you want?”
Raphael stared at Demitri a moment longer, “my name is Raphael,” he finally said. “I’m a bounty hunter and I was hired by the wizard Slawek. Now you answer me, is that woman you were in the gardens with Slawek’s wife, or did he lie to me?”
Demitri began to laugh, “no,” he said, “that is my bride to be.”
He lowered his wand, “what else did he lie to you about?” He asked.
Raphael nonchalantly got up and walked over to the table, pouringhimself a glass of brandy.
"He told me you kidnaped his pregnant wife," he said turning around and taking a sip. "That you killed his grandson when he went to rescue her. I suppose that was all a lie too."
Demitri looked at him, “well his grandson is dead,” he said. “But it wasn’t me who killed him, that honor goes to my sister. And Taye’s carrying my children, not his.”
Raphael stared into Demitri's eyes as if reading his thoughts, then nodded. He drank the rest of the brandy in his glass, then set it down.
"I have no loyalty to Slawek," he said, "I just liked the color of his money. So I'm giving you this warning, I'm not the only bounty hunter out to bring your fiancee to Slawek."
“Let them come,” Demitri said, “I have friends here that will help me. And if needed I can hide her so completely, that not even a human revealing spell can find her.”
He looked at Raphael, “what will you do now?” He asked.
Raphael shrugged, "I'll survive," he said, "when I thought Taye was Slawek's wife, it was different, but now that I know she's not. Slawek couldn't pay me enough to work for him, I'm not a kidnapper."
He walked toward the window, then looked at Demitri.
"Those other bounty hunters that Slawek have hired. He said, "they don't have my sense of honor, keep that in mind."
He turned and stepped up onto the window ledge, then gracefully leapt through the window, disappearing from view.
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