Categories > Original > Poetry

Life's A Bitch

by MorningStyle 0 reviews

the title says it all

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2008-06-11 - Updated: 2008-06-11 - 124 words

Someday I'll find someone
who loves me for me
treats me with dignity and respect

I don't want what she had
nor that of my past
I want what God intended for me

I am someone to talk to
laugh with and cherish
one who has so much to give
Why can't you see me
right here before you?
I'm dissappearing so fast

Love knows everyone but me it seems
I'm only good for punching or release
Why can't they see I'm barely hanging on in?
Where will I be after today?

Oh how I wish for things
out of reach
barely out of my grasp

When comes the day
when I catch my future
outweighing my past?

Little me thinks its too soon
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